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Parking at JHS/FTC
Where do I park?
Students park in lots A, B, D, & E. The areas are marked as red on the map. All students must have a parking sticker to park on the school parking lots.
How does my student get a parking pass?
Mr. Hounschell distributes parking passes. You will need to have an application filled out and signed.
Parking Pass Application
What is the cost of a parking pass?
$20.00 per year
Where do I drop my student off?
You will need to enter off of Indiana Ave. and follow the blue arrows on the map in parking lot C. We ask that you line up single file, as close to the curb as possible, to allow faculty that park in parking lot C accessibility to the parking lot.
Will there be additional student parking?
Yes, as construction finishes, there will be additional student parking off Grand Street.
Where do I park if I am a visitor?
In parking lot C and D there are signs designating parking for visitors. The area is marked as green on the map.
Where do I enter the building during the school day if I am a visitor?
You will need to enter at either the JHS or the FTC main entrances and check in with the receptionist. You must have your drivers license or state ID to be admitted into either building.
Why do we charge for parking?
In the past (pre-tornado), we charged a fee to students for parking in the parking lots. It is very common for high schools, especially big schools, to charge for parking. We fully intended to reinstate our parking fees when the new building opened. The fact that students are required to have a parking pass displayed on their windshield allows to us include the parking plan in our safety and security plan. It is important to us to know who is coming and going through our facility.
What is parking fee money used for?
Money obtained through our student parking fees will be used for safety and security expenditures at the new campus. There will be over 280 security cameras in the new facility, software updates, and other features around the building that will have ongoing costs. Our plan is to use the fees collected to offset yearly expenditures and maintenance fees for the parking lots, as well as costs associated with safety and security inside the building.