Personalized learning will be more apparent in the delivery of courses at JHS/FTC. Online courses and blended / hybrid course options will be offered by the school’s teachers. In addition,
Personalized learning experiences (PLEs) that can be co-designed by teachers and students to meet a student’s career interest with academic rigor will be available. As the school tries to meet the needs of students, more options for learning will be emphasized so that course competencies drive teaching methods and time requirements spent in some classes.
The school’s
bell schedule will also aide in creating personalized learning for students, as teachers will have as many as four face-to-face meetings with students per week with one of the meetings as long as 90 minutes. By combining a traditional schedule with one block period per week, the delivery of courses with varying contact time requirements can be accomplished.
Personalized education at a glance:
- Online courses taught by JHS teachers
- Blended/hybrid course options
- Personalized learning experiences that allow students and teachers to design their own instruction
- Revised schedule to allow more instructional time with teachers and more flexibility for students