What is Fusion?
Fusion is a freshmen transition program that introduces the freshmen class to Joplin High School. It also establishes leadership roles for the juniors and seniors.
How does Fusion work?
There are 110 juniors and seniors partnered with 650 freshmen. The Fusion Leaders conduct weekly check-ins with their select group of freshmen. Fusion also hosts monthly events that create lasting memories and initiate life changing experiences.
Has Fusion been successful?
Yes, Fusion has been successful. There have been fewer disciplinary referrals and greater course completion percentages since Fusion was instated than any other class in the past 10 years at Joplin High School.
How do I become a member of Fusion?
To become a member of Fusion you can submit an application the spring of your sophomore or junior year. After completion of your application, interviews are held, followed by a background check.
How do I support Fusion?
Fusion is constantly in search of community and business volunteers to provide specialized training, motivational speaking, and financial support. If you are interested in being a part of our Fusion program please see our Contact Us page.
How often does Fusion have events?
Fusion has an event for the freshmen class every month: the purpose and theme of each event depends on the activities and month.
What is a Fusion check-in?
A Fusion check-in can happen in a variety of different ways. Fusion leaders as well as Fusion administrators and the Freshmen principal monitor academic and social progress along with each check-in. Check-ins are conducted in individual and group settings.
What can students gain from Fusion?
Becoming a member of Fusion can teach students leadership skills, event planning, and real world experiences. It gives students the opportunity to serve in the school, community, and peers while improving their interpersonal skills.