College, Career & Technology Focus

JHSFTC Next Gen image

JHS/FTC: Your Next Generation High School

Welcome to Joplin High School / Franklin Technology Center - your next generation comprehensive college, career, and technology focused high school!
We are excited about the future of Joplin High School and Franklin Technology Center. For the last two years, we have been working behind the scenes to prepare for the opening of our new school. Joplin Schools’ educators and local business partners have worked together to create the next generation of JHS/FTC – a comprehensive college, career, and technology focused high school designed to prepare our students for a successful life.

The new school combines a comprehensive high school and career education center into one building where the focus is on each individual student's education and career interests.

At the new JHS/FTC:

  • JHS New Exterior imageStudents will have an opportunity to explore a variety of potential careers while completing their core studies through Career Paths.
  • Regardless of their post-secondary plans, students will be challenged to meet both district and state standards through an engaging curriculum and an atmosphere designed for learning.
  • Students will have more class options, more Advanced Placement and dual credit courses, a more flexible schedule, and a variety of internships and unique personalized learning experiences, all designed to help them graduate as productive, responsible, innovative citizens. 
Five key areas of focus at the new JHS/FTC:
 RRARelaltionshipsPersonalized Education HECPTechnology

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