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Drop off and Pick up Info

Please Keep Our Kids Safe!

Please note the following important drop off and pick up information:

  • Allow plenty of driving time, or do as many parents do and walk to and from Eader with your child. Carpooling is also recommended. The first day of school will have more than usual traffic- plan for your parking options.
  • The WHITE loading zone on Banning is a NO PARKING area; drivers must be in their vehicle and stop for as short a time as possible to facilitate the traffic flow. Traffic officers ticket drivers for parking in a white loading zone.
  • The RED painted zone is NO PARKING. Observe this law for the safety of our Eader children.
  • Children must load and unload on the sidewalk side of the vehicle only.
  • Parking, drop off, and pick up are available at Starfire and Kaneohe entrances. Utilizing these options helps to lessen the traffic on Banning.

Eader School Parking Lot

Here are some guidelines that families will need to follow if you will be dropping off and picking up in the parking lot:

  • cars must pull all the way around the loop and forward to the sidewalk by Gate 2.
  • students must enter and exit cars on the passenger side.
  • parents may not get out of the car when dropping off or picking up.
  • please let your child know which car you will be picking them up in and have them be able to recognize it.
  • cars will only be able to turn right into the parking lot and turn right to exit the parking lot. (no left turns will be allowed)
  • Kindergarten students will not participate in the parking lot drop off or pick up. They need to be picked up at the door of their classroom.

If you plan to leave your vehicle, parking on neighborhood side streets is strongly advised. The other side of Banning is also available; however, read street signs carefully for limitations.

If you choose to drop off your student or park on the far side of Banning Avenue - USE THE CROSS WALK WITH THE CROSSING GUARD to cross the street. DO NOT RUN ACROSS BANNING.


Students may ride a bike to school if they are in 3rd , 4th or 5th grade. A helmet, bike lock, and signed bike permit are required. Bikes must be walked while on campus at all times. Bike permits are available in the office.

The playgrounds, fields, and blacktop are not open for play at drop off or pick up time. Students sit down in their lines at their classroom number upon arrival to school and need to exit campus as soon as they are dismissed.

Students may not enter the parking lot without a parent or adult supervision. Use sidewalks when entering and exiting campus for your safety.

Thank you for keeping our students, staff, and families safe!


Student Arrival/Dismissal  STAR Expectations 


Safety First

*Have a safe after-school plan

*Follow a safe route

*Walk bikes on/off campus


*Walk directly to your afterschool destination

*Go directly to classroom number before school and to the loading zone afterschool

Act Responsibly

*Arrive no earlier than 8:25 a.m.

*Use the suggested traffic flow pattern

*Be prepared. Have a plan for afterschool pick up

Respect Self & Others

*Be on time

*Use a talking voice when in hallways 

Campus Hours

The park, playgrounds, fields, blacktop, handball courts, etc. are not open for play before or after school.  Supervision begins at 8:25 a.m.  For students' safety, all students must leave the school grounds at their dismissal time.  Students should not wait unsupervised for their parents int he park after school.  It is the parent's responsibility to arrange student pick up.  For your child's safety, children who are picked up 10 minutes after dismissal will require a parent sign out from the office.  Consistent late pick-up will result in a written notice from administration.

Banning Library parking lot is not a school entrance.

In order to ensure the safety of our children, a section of the parking lot will be closed off for staff members only to limit traffic flow on the Eader portion of the parking lot and decrease congestion.