• Crucible Drill Part 1 (Marching Portion)

    a.  "Left, Face"          "About, Face"

    b.  (from halted position) "Column Right, March" - immediately begin marching toward platoon's pivot point or you will fall behind

    c.  (on right foot) "Right Oblique, March"

    d.  (on left foot) "Platoon, Halt"

    Crucible Drill Part 1 - Column Right Halted to Right Oblique_Halt


    Crucible Drill Part 2 (Marching Portion)  

    a.  (from halted position) "Column Left, March" - you will need to mark time (march in place) while platoon makes column movement

    b.  (on right foot) "Change Step, March" - say "Left, Right, Left" while executing the change step

    c.  (on left foot) "Column Left, March" - you will need to mark time (march in place) while platoon makes column movement

    c.  (on left foot) "Column Left, March" - you will need to mark time (march in place) while platoon makes column movement  

    Crucible Drill Part 2 - Column Left Halted_Change Step_Column Left x2


    Crucible Drill Part 3 (Marching Portion)    

    a.  "Platoon, Halt" - continue marching forward and step into a position in front of the 1st Squad Leader

    b.  (turn head to right) "Forward", (turn head to front) "March" - do not call cadence

    c.  (on right foot and 6 steps before getting to inspecting officer) "Eyes, Right" - salute and turn head to right

    d.  (on left foot and once 6 steps past inspecting officer) - "Ready, Front" - cut salute, look forward, backstep out of formation, resume calling cadence

    e.  (on left foot) - "Column Left, March" - you will need to mark time (march in place) while platoon makes column movement

    Crucible Drill Part 3 - Out of Column Left_Halt_Eyes Right_Column Left


    Crucible Drill Part 4 (Marching Portion)      

    a.  (on left foot) - "Column Left, March" - you will need to mark time (march in place) while platoon makes column movement  

    b.  "Platoon, Halt" - continue marching to arrive 6 paces and centered on the formation, then face the platoon

    c.  "Left, Face"                     "Present, Arms"

    d.  (do an About Face and Salute) - "Good [morning/afternoon] Gunnery Sergeant.  Cadet [name] requests permission to leave your drill deck."

        -- Gunny responds - "Aye Aye, Gunnery Sergeant." - cut your salute and do an About Face

    e.  "Order, Arms"

    f.  "Dismissed"

    Crucible Drill Part 4 - Column Left_Halt thru Dismissed