• The following award criteria are meant to supplement the basic criteria defined within the CADET FIELD MANUAL, so not all NJROTC ribbons will be listed on this page.

    #1 - Meritorious Achievement (Area Manager awards)

    • Single meritorious act such as saving a life
    • Sustained performance in the unit or community

    #3 - Distinguished Cadet

    • Highest overall GPA (career)
    • Highest military aptitude (team participation, fitness, community service, etc.)
    • Must also earn #7 ribbon this AY
    • One awardee for 9th - 12th Grade cadets

    #4 - Honor Cadet  

    • Highest overall GPA this AY (Q1-Q3)
    • If earned an "A" in JROTC, also awarded a lamp device to mount on ribbon
    • One awardee for 9th - 12th Grade cadets

    #5 - Cadet Achievement (Area Manager awards)

    • Outstanding achievement or sustained superior performance
    • Outstanding military aptitude (team participation, fitness, community service, etc.)
    • Outstanding program dedication
    • Excellence in all NJROTC areas
    • Must also earn #7 ribbon this AY

    #7 - Military Aptitude

    1st Requirement:  outstanding military aptitude

    1. Must earn #15 (participation)
    2. Must earn one of #18-22 (team participation)
              ** extra consideration for State / Nat'l competitions
              ** extra consideration for Team Commander
    3. Must earn #14 (PT/fitness)
             ** extra consideration for earning Lamp
    4. Must have participated in AMI or Offsite Inspection
              ** extra consideration for CO, XO, CMC, PLT Cmdr, or Guide
              ** extra consideration for command briefer (CO, XO, OpsO, CMC)       
              ** extra consideration for inspection area briefer (S-1 or S-4)
    5. Must earn #12 and #13 (Conduct and Appearance)
              ** extra consideration for rank promotions (E-1 to E-4+, E-2 to E-5+, E-3/4 to E-6+, E-5 to CPO+, enlisted to officer)

     ** Note:  1x "extra consideration" factor can substitute for 1 of 5 criteria

    2nd Requirement:  outstanding dedication

    1. Must earn #16 (Unit Service)
    2. Must earn #17 (Community Service)
          ** extra consideration for earning #24 (Recruiting)
          ** extra consideration for tutoring cadets
          ** extra consideration for NS-4 cadets
          ** extra consideration for rank promotions (E-1 to E-4+, E-2 to E-5+, E-3/4 to E-6+, E-5 to CPO+)

    ** Note:  1x "extra consideration" factor can substitute for 1 of 2 criteria

    #8-11 (NS-4, NS-3, NS-2, NS-1 Outstanding Cadet)

    • Overall 2.0 GPA
    • 'B' in JROTC
    • Team or Participation Ribbon this AY (one of #15, 18-22)
    • Exemplary Conduct and Personal Appearance this AY (#12 & #13)
    • Unit Service or Community Service ribbon this AY (#16 or #17)

    #12 - Exemplary Conduct

    1st Requirement

    No serious disciplinary infractions this AY

    • ISS/OSS/ALT School
    • 2 or more office referrals
    • Police involvement other than minor traffic violation

    2nd Requirement

    No pattern of behavioral problems this AY (in or out of unit/school)

    • Insubordination twd instructor or senior cadet
    • Actions that decrease unit morale (e.g., hazing, spreading rumors, harassment)
    • Pattern of missed / late assignments
    • Rank reduction / Prohibited from promotion
    • Repeated classroom / unit rule violations

    #13 - Exemplary Personal Appearance

    • wore uniform all inspection days and required events or timely make-ups
    • present for 75% of above
    • Navy grooming standards (neat appearance)
    • > 90% inspection grade

    #15 - Participation

    -- 3 non-routine unit events

    • Parades
    • Unit Ball
    • Team competitions, including those factored into #18-22
    • Field Trips (educational)
    • Honor Guard
    • AMI / Off-site inspection
    • 10 names / 10 letters

    ** Can use same events for #7 eligibility but not #16 or #17

    #16 - Unit Service (awarded for events that generate donations)

    -- Minimum of:

    a) Band Parking + 2 Peanut Festival Parking (>20hrs total)
    b) all 3 Peanut Festival Parking (>20hrs total)
    c) 2x band/Peanut Festival Parking + 2x Football Parking (>20hrs)
    d) 1x band/Peanut Festival Parking + $100 donation + 2x Football Parking (>20hrs)

    ** Can substitute Letter Writing donations for above (each $25 = 1hr)

    ** Can use same events for #7 eligibility but not #15 or #17

    #17 - Community Service

    Unit (8 total hours); for example

    • Veteran Assistance
    • Food/Toy Sorting
    • VFW Clean-Up
    • Alzheimer's (ARC) March
    • Rehobeth Town Clean-Up (RTC)
    • Taylor Made Festival

    Personal (20 total hours)

    • proof from organization is required

    ** Combo:  2.5hrs personal = 1.0hrs unit

    ** Can use same events for #7 eligibility but not #15 or #16

    #21 - Marksmanship (Rifle Team)

    • Competed in > 1 Shoulder-to-Shoulder (in-person) match


    • Competed in > 3 postal (mail-in) matches

    #23 - Recruiting

    • New cadet must stay in unit for at least one semester
    • New cadet must tell instructor who recruited them