Hobart High School English II Syllabus Mrs. Sandra Quintero quinteros@hobart.k12.ok.us I. Course Description The Sophomore English course is to reinforce, at a deeper level, the genres and elements of literature, grammar, poetic and literary terms. Students will read a variety of non-fiction and fiction texts. In addition to reading, the course will include personal writing, analytical writing, thematic and topic essays, persuasive writing, and research. The ultimate goal of this course is to help students’ develop reading, writing, speaking and listening skills in order to achieve college and career readiness. II. Instructional Philosophy To meet the needs and abilities of all students, classroom activities will include teacher-lead, student- led, small group, individual instruction. Current events, student interests, real-world experiences, music and technology will be used regularly in order to enhance student’s engagement and support instruction and learning. Full participation, high quality work, and assignment completion are required. III. Central Objectives The students will be able to: - read and comprehend a variety of literary and informational texts in print and non-print formats. - use word analysis and vocabulary strategies to read fluently. - create written work that has a clear focus, sufficient detail, coherent organization, effective use of voice, and the correct use of the conventions. - write for a variety of purposes and audiences. IV. General Expectations Attendance: Attendance is mandatory and critical in the student’s ability to achieve the course’s central objectives. Students are expected to be on time every day for class. If absent, use Google Classroom to get missing assignments. Textbook and Materials: Students are expected to have a composition book and paper, pens, and pencils, a report cover, and notecards. Students will be provided readings from a variety of resources, but the main resource is the Savvas My Perspectives English Language Arts Textbook. In Class: Cell phone use is NOT ALLOWED in class. If a student is caught using a cell phone, the phone will be taken away from the student. The student may pick up the phone from me at the end of the class. Headphone use is not allowed either. Participation/Behavior: Students are expected to participate every day during class. This includes but is not limited to casual and formal discussions, individual, and group work. V. Writing Expectations Students will write a variety of essays throughout the year. Students will write a career based research paper during the second semester February 21, 2024. This paper will count for three test grades. VI. Grading Students will be graded on a weighted score basis as follows: - Daily Work 20% - Quizzes 30% - Tests 50% VII. Plagiarism/Cheating Academic dishonesty in any form is not tolerated. Any student involved in cheating or plagiarism will receive a 0 for the assignment and serve lunch detention. Updated By Braylee Scott 9/26/23 |