Mathematics is recognized as the key to technology and the bases of many other
fields; therefore, it is imperative to prepare students to be competent
mathematicians. With the knowledge of mathematics the students will be
prepared to incorporate these skills into their personal life and their career
choice. This course is a major building block in the field of mathematics; it
is designed to expose the students to the concepts of symbols, analyzing,
representing and solving a variety of problems. It serves as a
preparation course for the Algebra III course that shall be taken after the
completion of Algebra II.
OBJECTIVES: upon completion of this course, each student will have
worked with; algebraic vocabulary, analyzing and graphing linear functions
and systems, quadratic functions and equations, complex numbers and the
quadratic formula, polynomial functions, rational exponents and radical
functions, exponential and logarithmic functions, rational functions,
arithmetic and geometric sequences and series, and data analysis and
statistics. If time allows, other topics will be discussed.
COURSE EXPECTATIONS: students will be expected to;
1. Participate in class discussion and other class activities.
2. Make-up work allowed under the following conditions;
a. Per school policy, students are allowed 1 day per day missed to make up
b. Excused absences/school absences for full credit,
c. Unexcused absence for 50% credit.
D. Late work because of missed due date will be docked ten points daily,
and will be
taken only until that chapter test.
3. If you know you are going to miss class, check with me or check on
google classroom
about the assignment(s) that will be missed;
LEARNING ACTIVITIES: learning activities will be in the following
forms, but not limited to;
1. Notes that are given in class or they can be downloaded from google
2. Assignments that will be given either by,
a. Online software,
b. Handout,
c. Paper pencil,
3. Tests.
GRADE POLICIES: grades will be figured as follows.
Handouts, homework, and pop quizzes will be 35% of your grade,
tests will make up the remaining 65% of your grade.
Your semester grade will be figured by taking 90% of your nine weeks grade
and 10% of the accumulative semester test.
a 90 to 100, b 80 to 89, c 70 to 79, d 60 to 69 and f 59 and below.
SUPPLY LIST: students will need the following supplies daily to
1. Student workbook,
2. Graphing calculator ti-84 plus,
2. Pencils,
3. Spiral/composition notebook
a ti-84 plus calculator is recommended for this class. Students may check
out a ti-84 plus for use. A contract will be signed to cover the cost of a
lost or broken calculator. Students may use any type of graphing
calculator, but if not a ti-84 plus, students will be responsible for
learning how to run it, class time will not be used for this task.
RULES: students will be expected to:
1. Leave their cell phones and smart watches turned on silent.
2. Leave their cell phones face down on the table or put away.
3. Leave their backpacks in their lockers or at the back of the room.
4. No earbuds allowed during class.
5. Be seated and ready to work when the bell rings.
6. Bring all supplies to class; leaving the room once class starts is
considered a tardy.
7. Remain seated, clean up the table area and push in their chair before
leaving class.
8. Keep their hands off of other people's things.
CONSEQUENCES FOR BREAKING RULES: students will be given:
1. A warning.
2. Lunch detention.
3. Wednesday school.
4. A discipline referral to mr. Trammell.
*the consequence will depend on the severity or the repetitiveness of the
rule broken. *
1. A discipline referral sent to principals office.
*the only way a student will leave the room during instruction time is
with office personnel. *
**by signing this sheet both the student and parents are stating that they
understand the expectations of this class. Please, sign and return this
sheet to mrs. Sims on or before august 18, 2023. Upon the return of this,
the student will be given a grade of 100 for their first homework grade.
Student Signature ______________________ Parent Signature
Date: _____________