Welcome To Mrs. Martin's Class!!!

EMAIL: martinj@hobart.k12.ok.us

About Me

My name is Jillian Martin. I attended college at SWOSU and have a degree in early childhood education. This is my Tenth year teaching & seventh year in kindergarten, and I am so excited about it. I love teaching kindergarten! My husband Chris is finishing up school to be a teacher and coach. We also have two boys, Trapper, and Clayton. I enjoy going to the lake with my family, reading books, and being outdoors.


8:00-8:05 Flag Salute/ Absentees/ Announcements

8:10-8:50 Carpet/ Calendar Time/ Journal
8:50-9:00 Bathroom/ -Drink Breaks
9:00-9:30 P.E./Music/ Recess
9:30-9:45 Stem/Library/ Counseling
9:45-10:45 Saxon Phonics/Writing/Reading
10:45-11:00 Lunch
11:00-11:15 Recess
11:15-11:20 Breaks

11:25-12:15 Math

12:15-12:45 Computer Lab
12:45-1:00 Art
1:00-1:45 Centers
1:45-2:00 Snacks
2:00-2:30 Story Time
2:30-2:40 Smartboard
2:40- Dismiss Bus Riders/ go home


List of Events:
April 14th  

 Easter Party

April 15th - 18th  

 Easter Break

April 20th  

 Zoo Trip

May 10th  

 Little Olympics

May 12th  

 Last day of school




Updated By: Chris B 02.14.22