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School Council

What is a School Council and why do we have one at HES?

The Hildreth Elementary School Council functions at the mandate of the state Department of Education. It is comprised of teachers, parents, and community members and is co-chaired by the school principal and a parent representative. The council meets monthly and its purpose is to assist the principal in carrying out specific responsibilities.

The School Council meets once a month.  Meetings are typically held the third Tuesday of every month during the school year, and are posted on the Town website calendar.

Agendas and Minutes 

School Council FAQ

School Council By-Laws

HES School Imrovement Plan

HES School Council Members

Rebecca Katsh-Singer, Principal       (Co-Chair)
Atalay Kesli, Parent                 (2021-2024)
Rachel Kopay, Parent          (2021-2024)
Amy Cabelus, Parent          (2022-2025)
TBA, Parent                  (2022-2023)
Shaye Van Dyne          (2022-2025)
Michelle Keane          (2022-2025)
Marisa Khurana, Teacher                  (2022-2025)
Barbara Kemp, Community Rep   (2020-2023)
Pat Jennings, Community Rep           (2019-2022)
Abby Besse, School Committee Rep