6th annual Gore Elementary Ag Day October 12th
The 6th annual Ag Day was on October 12th at Gore Elementary. Our mission for Ag Day is to teach our students the importance of agriculture. We do this by having students rotate through different stations that teach about agriculture. This year we had three stations that had a Gore FFA member teach about their animal. The members included Cherokee Wilson-sheep, Lizzie Stretch-steer, Brad Stewart and Taydem Perryman-pig. Another station included Blakelee Pugh, Sierra Spencer, and Lance Homm from Connors State College talking about their Agriculture Department. Emily Ague from OK Ag in the Classroom taught about crops with the spinning wheel. Mrs. Lufkin and Coach Simeroth taught about where some charcuterie board items come from in agriculture. Mrs. Hubler helped students create art by painting with vegetables. The students also ate some Braum's ice cream.
Gore Elementary has some great supporters of Ag Day and we would like to thank them. Jace Goodwin from Sequoyah County OSU Extension helped us with rotations. TSET Healthy Living Program helped us with a donation of the healthy food we needed for two of our stations. Gore PTA helped us out with serving ice cream and in the painting station. We received several monetary donations to help with the cost needed to make this day happen. We are so blessed to live in the community we do and want to thank the following Agriculture supporters for their donation: Mary Sloan, S & J Farms, Harps, and RSM Farm Supply. Gore Elementary wants to thank everyone for helping us make Ag Day happen and teaching our students the importance of Agriculture. It takes a village!