How Was the ESSA Plan Created?
NYSED and the Board of Regents solicited public input and feedback regarding the development of the state’s ESSA plan beginning in May 2016. Throughout the process, the Board of Regents was committed to hearing all stakeholder voices and encouraging discussions between groups with diverse viewpoints. NYSED and Board of Regents created a framework for engaging stakeholders that included the following activities:
• Creation of the ESSA Think Tank
• Regular consultation with the Title I Committee of Practitioners (COP)
• Fall and Winter Regional Stakeholder Meetings on ESSA
• Public Online Surveys
• Spring Public Hearings on the ESSA Draft Plan and Public Comment Period on the ESSA Draft Plan
• Educator Conference on ESSA
• Consultation with National Educational Experts
Updates to the Board of Regents on ESSA, with items, presentations, and webcasts also available to the public on the Board of Regents webpage
Over 5,000 students, parents, teachers, school and district leaders, school board members, and other stakeholders participated in the NYSED’s stakeholder engagement initiatives.
Educators will be at the forefront of the implementation of the state’s ESSA plan, and therefore the state prioritized their involvement in the creation of the plan. In addition to serving on the ESSA Think Tank and COP and attending the ESSA regional meetings, educators also participated in ESSA Conference for Educators held in June 2017. Educators provided the NYSED with valuable feedback on how to effectively support implementation of the plan across the state.