JHE Outdoor Halloween Parade

JHE Outdoor Halloween Parade
Posted on 10/25/2022

Joseph Henry Elementary School is excited to hold an outdoor Halloween Parade that is open to spectators on Monday, October 31, 2022 at 1:45 p.m.

In order to make this a positive, memorable event for all children PreK-5, please note the following guidelines. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.  

•  Spectators must remain on the sidewalk or grass as marked on the map below

•  Spectators must not be in costumes

•  No animals allowed at this event

•  Pictures/videos may only be taken of your child/children

•  Students will stay with their class until dismissal

•  Dismissal will be as normal 

•  Children will be dismissed to their buses or parent pickup

•  Parents picking up will need to be in their vehicles in the parent-pick-up line 

•  If you plan to drive your child home (as opposed to taking the bus), please put this change in SchoolDismissal Manager by 1 p.m.

Halloween Parade Route

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