Thank You from the JHE Odyssey Team

Thank You from the JHE Odyssey Team
Posted on 05/31/2022
Hello Galway Central School community!
We wanted to let you know how very proud we are of the Galway Odyssey of the Mind team for their amazing results at the World Finals.

The experience has been the adventure of a lifetime with an absolutely incredible group of kids. Some of them traveled further than they have in their lives. They competed against 59 other teams from around the globe in their problem/division. They had the best run of their performance that they have ever had - and they did it in a large auditorium with a big audience. The judges had great comments about their creativity and teamwork.

We head home from Iowa feeling so very proud of this group and so very thankful that they got to compete at this level. It could not have happened without a huge level of support from our community, our friends, and our families.

The team won 13th place for their problem/division and 2nd place in spontaneous for their problem/division. This is an incredible achievement for a young team who is full of promise. We can’t wait to see where they go from here!

Thank you for the support that you have provided on this journey. We are so very grateful.

Avery Menge, Avery Pasieka, Edmund Perkins, Emma DiPasquale, Henry Pasieka, Matthew DiPasquale and Theo Friedman - Team Members

Julie Pasieka, Sarah DiPasquale - Team Coaches

JHE OOTM Team at Worlds

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