Practice Drill Scheduled for Wed., May 11, 2022

Practice Drill Scheduled for Wed., May 11, 2022
Posted on 05/09/2022

Dear Students, Parents, Teachers, and Staff, 

On Wednesday, May 11, 2022, all students and teachers PreK-12, along with all district staff members, will practice an evacuation drill during regular school hours. This drill will help us practice the systems we have in place should a real emergency ever occur. 

The evacuation drill will follow a simulation that the district-wide safety team practiced during a tabletop exercise. Everyone will have a role in the drill, and that is to listen to and follow directions in a calm manner. With your cooperation and participation, we anticipate the drill will take a small portion of the day. 

As part of the evacuation drill, we will also be testing the communication systems we have in place so we are ready in the event of a real emergency. Please know that any communications related to the drill that you may hear or receive via phone, email, or text on May 11 are for practice purposes only. 

Please know that all students and staff will be safe and accounted for throughout the whole process. This drill will help us all build muscle memory and improve our processes. 

Thank you in advance for your cooperation, 

Brita Donovan, Ed.D. 


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