Preparing for Potential Changes

Preparing Our School Community for Potential Changes to the State Mask Mandate
Posted on 02/16/2022

February 16, 2022

Dear Galway Families, 

As you are most likely aware, we are awaiting a decision on the mask mandate. While we do not know when it will be made, we are using this time to prepare for the eventuality that the NYSDOH mandate will end in the coming weeks. 

Please be advised that when permitted by law, face masks will be optional in the Galway Central School District. Face masks will still be required on school buses in accordance with federal mandates and when returning from a shortened quarantine.
We believe it is important to share this information with you now so that you can prepare accordingly. We respect each family’s decision regarding whether or not their child wears a mask. We ask for your assistance in speaking with your child about your family’s decision and making sure they understand that not every family will make the same decision. 

As we approach February vacation, we are sending COVID test kits home with every student on Thursday, February 17th. Please keep an eye out for them and use them at your discretion to help identify positive COVID cases as soon as possible. We very much want all of our students to return to school on February 28th healthy and ready to learn.  If you would like additional COVID test kits after winter break please contact Christine Delaney at [email protected]

We would like to thank all of you for your on-going patience and support. If there are any new developments, we will be sure to communicate them with you as soon as possible.

Have a wonderful and well-deserved February break,

Dr. Brita Donovan

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