Drop-Off and Pick-Up Patterns

Drop-Off and Pick-Up Patterns
Posted on 09/04/2020
Grades 6-12 morning drop-off will begin at 7:40 a.m. Afternoon pick-up will begin at 2:10 p.m. Please use the car lane according to your youngest child's grade.
6-12 arrival dismissal patterns

Morning Drop Off Pre K-5/Afternoon Pick-Up Pre K-5

Cars may enter the school parking lot after the buses have left the bus drop off zone ( approximately 9:15 a.m). This allows the teachers the time needed to escort their students off the bus and back to the classroom. Please be sure to complete your child’s daily health check on the School Dismissal Manager app prior to your child exiting the car.

Please pull into the circle and pull up as far as possible to allow for approximately 7 cars in the circle at a time. Once a staff member gives you a thumbs up, children may exit the car. Please have them exit on the right side next to the sidewalk. All children must have an acceptable mask on when they exit the car.

• Students in grades Pre K, 2, and 3 will enter through the door by the cafeteria.

• Students in grades 4-5 will enter through the door by the 6th-grade wing.
• Students in grades K-1 will enter through the main lobby.


School Dismissal Manager Daily Health Check

Many parents are printing this and hanging it on the refrigerator for quick and easy access each morning. 

Directions for Afternoon Fast Lane Pick-Up

Fast Lane pick-up will begin after all buses have exited the bus parking lot (approximately 3:40 p.m).

Pre K-5 Please pull into the entrance and take the first left into the staff parking lot. Two lines will form. 

When we are ready for pick-up to begin, a staff member will direct cars to pull into the circle. Parents need to stop at the checkpoint and share your PIN number with the staff member.

The staff member will enter the PIN into the keypad  After providing your PIN to the staff member, please pull into the circle as far as possible. 7 cars can pull into the pink circle at a time. 

• Fast Lane PIN is provided in SDM. Every parent has their own PIN. The PIN provided to the staff member must match the person you selected, in SDM, to pick up your child. Please call the office prior to pick up if you do not know your PIN number. The PIN can be written and displayed in your windshield for easier viewing or you can verbally give this number to the staff member.
Once the staff member enters your PIN into the keypad, your child or children’s name will be displayed inside for staff. A staff member will dismiss your child(ren) and walk your child(ren) to your car. 

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