September 16, 2020
Dear Parents and Guardians,
Before I begin with updates, I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your support during our reopening. Your kindness and patience has been noticed by our staff. Everyday we strive to get better as our goal is to provide our students with the best educational experience possible.
Our district is now performing a secondary student temperature check upon entering the building. Please continue to complete the health screening before your child leaves your household. The most important thing for families to remember is to not send a child to school if they have a fever, feel ill or have had contact with someone with COVID-19.
If there is a positive COVID-19 case in our school district, I will notify you. Next steps will be determined by the Saratoga County Department of Health. The district is also required to report positive cases daily to the New York State Online Dashboard COVID Report Card. You can access this data at:
The Saratoga County Department of Health does not recommend neck gaiters, bandanas, or scarves as acceptable face coverings.
According to the New York State Department of Health, in order for a student to return to school after experiencing COVID like symptoms, the individual will need a note from their health care provider, a negative COVID test result and be symptom free for 24 hours without a fever reducing medication. This ruling may be subject to change in the future.
If your child is sent home from our district, Pre-K through grade 12, and is required to quarantine, parents and guardians should contact the child's on-campus teacher for school work.
Also, if a member/s of a household travels to a state that is on the New York State Travel Ban, the student/s must be quarantined for 14 days upon the household member/s re-entering the state. Also, please be mindful when traveling to a state not on the Travel Ban, but the activities include individuals from states who are on the Travel Ban, when re-entering the state. Those activities increase the risk of COVID-19 exposure. As always, partnering with our families is key to keep our students and staff safe.
Thank you again for your support of our reopening plan. I will continue to keep you updated as guidance changes on a regular basis.
Soaring above the storm,
Brita Donovan
Superintendent of Schools