Seeking Parent Input

Seeking Parent Input
Posted on 07/16/2020
While the district reviews and analyzes the direction and guidelines from the state about what it will be required to do to safely and productively reopen, the district would like to gather thoughts from district families about the future delivery of education in Galway.

While the district will ultimately be required to implement the specific health and safety protocols issued by the state, it will have some local control about the delivery of education to students.

Please click here to let us know what you think about the delivery of education in Galway CSD.  If you have multiple children in the district, please take this survey once per child to allow the district to gather information specific to grade levels. 

The results of this survey will provide valuable insight for district administrators, teachers, and staff about how to best move forward in the fall. Thank you in advance for your participation. This survey will be open through Friday, July 31, 2020. 

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