A New COVID Update • December 14, 2020

A New COVID Update • December 14, 2020
Posted on 12/14/2020

December 14, 2020


Dear Parents and Guardians,


On Monday, December 14, 2020 at 2:40 p.m., the district learned that another individual in the Galway Central School District tested positive for COVID-19. This individual was last in the school building on December 10, 2020. This individual, and the one we wrote about earlier today, are now in quarantine and will be cleared by the Department of Health before returning to school. 

In coordination with the Saratoga County Department of Health we have identified the individual’s close contacts in the school community. Anyone who has been in close contact with the individual will be directly contacted by a school administrator to discuss quarantine procedures and other health-related instructions. A call from the New York State Department of Health contact tracers will follow. 


Due to the rise in cases in our building over the last several days and the amount of staff members impacted due to quarantines, beginning tomorrow ~ Tuesday, December 15, 2020 ~ all students in Pre-K-12 will pivot to remote instruction through Christmas break. This includes BOCES and out-of-district placements and programs until further notice. We anticipate students will return to on-campus learning on January 4, 2021. If for any reason this should change, we will contact all families. Please know this decision was not made lightly. We consulted with Saratoga County Public Health Services and decided that pivoting to a remote learning model would ensure that all students will continue to receive instruction. 


Please know there is not a COVID outbreak in the district, and this is not considered a school closure; it is just a shift in the instructional model. We continue to feel strongly that our students learn best on campus, however the safety of our staff and students is paramount. 


Please note that The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) and other privacy laws restrict us from disclosing or confirming any personally identifiable information. We cannot identify anyone who has tested positive.

Thank you for your support and commitment to keeping everyone healthy. 



Dr. Brita Donovan


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