Contact Tracing Complete

Contact Tracing Complete
Posted on 11/19/2020

November 19, 2020

Dear Parents and Guardians,

Thank you for your flexibility as we pivoted to remote learning today. The Saratoga County Department of Health has completed their contact tracing efforts, and at this point, everyone who needs to quarantine was contacted by a school administrator last night. The Saratoga County Department of Health contact tracers will be following up with these families in the next several days. If you didn’t receive a personal phone call from a school administrator letting you know your child was under quarantine last evening, your child may return to in-person learning tomorrow. As a reminder, per our reopening plan, siblings of children in quarantine are not permitted back on campus until the quarantine is complete.

Once again, In-person learning will resume tomorrow ~ Friday, November 20, 2020. If you have any questions about schedules, please contact your child’s principal(s). 

Thank you again for your efforts to keep our students and staff safe.  


Dr. Brita Donovan


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