Updated Mask Protocol for Summer School

Updated Mask Protocol for Summer School
Posted on 07/12/2021

Updated Face Mask Protocol 

The information below applies to the 2021 summer school/summer programs only. 

Additional information will be shared regarding the 2021-2022 school year as soon as it is released from the NYSDOH.

Face Masks: 
• Summer school: Mask wearing for summer school in-person instruction is no longer a requirement, however, NYSDOH strongly recommends wearing masks while indoors where vaccination status is unknown.
• Students: Children who are not fully vaccinated are encouraged, but not required, to wear masks indoors.  Masks are not required for any outdoor instruction or activities.
Staff: Unvaccinated staff must wear a face covering while indoors when in the presence of others. 
School buses: All staff and students utilizing transportation must continue to wear masks at all times. 

No one should be discouraged, ridiculed, or bullied for wearing a mask. 

Social Distancing: (When Possible) 

Students and staff should maintain 3 feet of social distancing. High transmission activities such as eating, singing, exercising inside, etc., should maintain 6 feet of social distancing. It is still recommended to maintain 3 feet of social distancing on school buses. 

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