Education Leaders Outline Legislative Priorities

Education Leaders Outline Legislative Priorities
Posted on 01/29/2021

2020 has presented the state as well as school districts a set of operational and financial challenges unlike any other faced in the collective memory. While changing operations to shift to remote, and then reopening, districts incurred significant unexpected expenses. Area school districts are aware of the state’s significant budget deficit and how that will strain the 2021-22 budget process.

The WSWHE Chief School Officers Legislative Committee urges legislators to make every effort to preserve support for public school districts in the coming school year. During the meeting, the committee presented three key priorities 

  1. Fund 2021-22 School Aid to the Greatest Extent Possible
  2. Support a Long Term Solution to Small Group Health Insurance Protections
  3. Address Dramatic Cost Increases Related to Unemployment Insurance

For more information and detailed descriptions of the 2021 WSWHE Chief School Officers Legislative Priorities, click here.

Ahead of the meeting, Career and Technical Education (CTE) Culinary Arts students from both centers prepared boxes of baked goods which were sent to guests. The occasion gave the CTE students a chance to practice catering skills and follow Serve Safe COVID-19 protocols.

The meeting featured a panel of elementary, middle and high school students who spoke about the challenges they have faced during the time of COVID. They said there have been pros and cons. Remote learning has made them be very conscious of time management and the need for motivation to do school work. They miss their friends at school, sports, and team projects. The seniors in the group are hopeful for normal graduations.

Assemblyman Rober Smullen said he is concerned about access to broadband. Assemblyman John McDonald complimented the students on their perseverance and said he embraced the legislative agenda.

The meeting highlighted that schools are critically important and students need to be supported on many levels.


State Senator James Tedisco conveyed he is “proud of the districts, students, BOCES and anyone who is contributing to effect improvements.”

Click here for a video recording of the meeting


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