COVID Update • March 31, 2021

COVID Update • March 31, 2021
Posted on 03/31/2021

March 31, 2021

Dear Galway Families,

On March 23, 2021, I sent you an email indicating that our goal was to bring students back to in-person learning on April 12th, dependent upon the NYS Department of Health and the NYS Education Department acceptance of the recommendations by the CDC.  

Three factors are currently affecting our decision to bring back our students.

1.  The NYS Department of Health and the NYS Education Department have been silent on the CDC physical distancing recommendation for schools.  The CDC recommendations of reducing the physical distancing requirement is essential to open our schools, as our district is at capacity under current guidelines.  As I mentioned in the previous email, all superintendents in the 31 WSWHE BOCES districts are advocating for a reduction in the physical distance requirement, please see the letter we sent here.

2.  The level of community transmission is Saratoga County is High.  

3.  Currently, we have more students and staff in quarantine than we have had since we opened in September.  This week has been particularly difficult for our district and the families who have been impacted by the quarantines.

For these reasons, our return to learn for all students is on hold until the NYS Department of Health and/or the NYS Education Department issues guidance that aligns with the CDC.  In addition, our district will monitor the Saratoga County community transmission rate and our school community COVID numbers.  Our revised plans are ready, and will be submitted to the NYS Department of Health  and NYS Education Department upon receipt of the guidance.  As always, opening school safely is our top priority.  

As our district receives additional guidance I will send you information on our return to learn plans.  If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me.

 Thank you,

Dr. Brita Donovan


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