• Athletic Director: Rick Romero
    Phone: 480-474-6240

    Welcome to Sabercat Athletics. The athletic department is an integral part of the total educational process of San Tan Foothills High School. Students learn the fundamentals of sports, teamwork and the spirit of sportsmanship. The life lessons learned through sports will give our student-athletes positive character traits that will last throughout their lives.
    Being part of a team teaches lifelong lessons that will help mold athletes into positive contributors to society. The hope is that these experiences will help our student athletes become better fathers/mothers/ husbands/wives, and positive role models.


Pay To Participate - High School

  • Pay To Participate (PTP) fees are $100 a sport with a cap of $400 per family. No checks are accepted as payment for PTP fees. Credit card payments can always be made online through the in-touch portal by CLICKING HERE. When making these payments online, be sure to select the pay to participate fees and then the sport the student will be playing. Payments made to the general athletic fund will not be accepted as pay to participate payments or refunded. You may also take advantage of the tax credit with PTP fees. The AZ Tax Credit can be claimed up to $200 for single tax filer or $400 for married tax filers. When making a tax credit payment in the office, be sure to complete the tax credit paperwork before making payment. 

    All PTP fees will be non-refundable.

2024 Baseball Senior Night

Admission Fees

  • Adults: $7.00
    Students: $5.00

    {Admission fees are charged at all Athletic Events.} 
    We look forward to seeing you out there supporting our SABERCATS!


Athletic Schedule

  • There are no upcoming events to display.

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