



  • Winter Sports Parent Meeting will be the Evening of November 6th, 2023

  • First day of Practice will be November 13th, 2023

  • Schedule coming!


22-23 Wrestling Season







 22/23 Bulldog Wrestling team accomplishments:

2nd @ Davis Invite
2nd @ Leonard Shutte Invite
3rd @ Best of the West Duel Tournament 
2nd @ Best of the West Individual Tournament
1st @ Cat Classic
4th @ Westberg Tournament
5th @ Rumble in the Valley
2nd @ CWAC District Tournament
2nd @ Region 4 Regionals
5th @ WIAA Mat Classic XXIV State Tournament 

22/23 Bulldog Wrestling accomplishments:

EHS Bulldog 22/23 State Placers:

Jack Eylar 4th @ 126 lbs
Francisco Ayala 2A STATE CHAMPION @ 152 lbs
Breck Hammond  6th @ 170 lbs
Logan Stolen 4th @ 170 lbs
Sean Davis  6th@ 182 lbs
Sailor Walker 6th @ 170 Girls

EHS Bulldog Regional Placers:

Jack Eylar 3rd @ 126 lbs
Konner Carlson 5th @ 138 lbs
Francisco Ayala 2A Region 4 CHAMPION @ 152 lbs
Luke Bayne 6th @ 152 lbs
Finley Lorenz 6th @ 160 lbs
Breck Hammond  3rd @ 170 lbs
Logan Stolen 2A Region 4 CHAMPION @ 170 lbs
Sean Davis 2nd @ 182 lbs
Kase Montgomery 6th @ 182 lbs
Jaxon Utter 4th @ 220 lb

EHS Bulldog District Placers:

Tyler Bacon 4th @ 120 lbs
Leif Holmgren 5th @ 120 lbs
Jack Eylar 2nd @ 126 lbs
Teegen Stolen 6th @ 132 lbs
Ryder Suemori 4th @ 132 lbs
Konner Carlson 5th @ 138 lbs
Skyler Summers 5th @ 145
Francisco Ayala CWAC DISTRICT CHAMPION @ 152 lbs
Luke Bayne 6th @ 152 lbs
Finley Lorenz 5th @ 160 lbs
Breck Hammond  3rd @ 170 lbs
Logan Stolen CWAC DISTRICT CHAMPION @ 170 lbs
Sean Davis 2nd @ 182 lbs
Kase Montgomery 3rd @ 182 lbs
Cade Femrite 4th @ 195 lbs
Jaxon Utter 2nd @ 220 lbs
Deklin Graham 5th @ 285 lbs

2023-2024 EHS Wrestling Boys Schedule Here (Not released) 


*This will be updated throughout the session as/when things change. The weekly schedule on the EHS Wrestling Home Page will ALWAYS be the most current schedule. 

2023-2024 EHS Wrestling Girls Schedule Here (Not released) 


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Text "@ehsgrapple" to 81010

Wrestling Gear

You can order EHS Wrestling gear all year long.  The store is located here

Final Forms

Athletic Registration Final Forms Here


Ellensburg High School Wrestling Philosophy 

It is the goal and aspiration of the coaching staff of Ellensburg High School Bulldog Wrestling, that our students realize that their fullest potential in the sport of wrestling; to realize this potential, each individual athlete must continually set “high attainable” goals in which to strive toward. It is our belief, that if our athletes do not set high standards for themselves, then the best they can hope for is mediocrity. The Ellensburg Wrestling Program has a philosophy of ..Hard Work...Dedication...Determination. All members of our program (Coaches, Athletes, and Managers) must give 100% of themselves physically, socially, mentally and emotionally. Hard work is expected both in academics as well as in their athletic performances. Self-discipline carries over from one aspect of our lives to another. It is essential to develop and grow as a “Whole Person”. It is sincerely hoped that this line of thought will carry over throughout the lives of our student-athletes in whatever they might pursue. 
Success can be measured by the effort one puts toward his or her goals. 
“The Harder you work, the harder it is to quit.” 
“Winners never quit...Quitters never win. 


The 1st period goes to the person with the most natural ability. Which is quickness, strength, and balance. The qualities that it takes to be a good athlete. 
The 2nd period goes to the individual who has done the work that is learned. The skills and technique, drilled them, who got into shape and worked hard. 
Finally, the 3rd period goes to the wrestler with the most heart, guts. When the strength, ability, and knowledge have all equalized from fatigue, that person can reach down and still go, pick himself up. And strive again.
HEART and GUTS, is the greatest quality an athlete can posses.

Bulldog Wrestling History