Degrees and Certifications:

Ed.D in Curriculum & Instruction
University of Central Florida

Published First Author in Educational Psychology

Former National Speaker in the field of Disciplinary Alternative Educational Programs

Business Owner & Graphic Designer

Dr. J. Stephan Herndon

I am Dr. Herndon.
The best way to reach me is through Remind. No Texting.
Simply contact my email -
You can contact me during the school day by email.

For Canvas: Dr. 2024-25
For Remind: @a88c72

Course Requirements
This course is totally online and paper free. There will be a certain number of assignments required for each quarter based on the Certification that you are seeking. The assignments will have a due date in which grades will be expected. At that time, a failing grade will be entered until the work is turned in. Penalties can be expected for any late work. All assignments may be turned in early. A percentage of the student's grade will be based on in-class behavior and attendance.

To be a member of this class and this school is a privilege that comes with high expectations for behavior and effort! You are expected to behave in a professional manner and follow all County, State, & School Policies and Procedures according to the Student Code of Conduct!

Supplies: You should have a flashdrive or SD card. The more storage, the better.

Grading: The Charlotte County Grading Scale will be followed:

A 90-100
B 80-89
C 70-79
D 60-69
F 59-

Let's have a great school year.
Dr. Herndon