The event location is accessible to persons with disabilities. A request for an interpreter for the hearing impaired or for other accommodations for persons with disabilities should be made at least 48 hours before the event to the Building Lead Secretary at 503.762.3206
Centennial Middle School (Front Entrance)
Our latest bond project spotlight at CMS
Our latest bond project spotlight at CMS
Our latest bond project spotlight at CMS
Our latest bond project spotlight at CMS
CSD Summer Learning Program ALL DAY
CSD Summer Learning Program ALL DAY
CSD Summer Learning Program ALL DAY
CSD Summer Learning Program ALL DAY
CSD Summer Learning Program ALL DAY
CSD Summer Learning Program ALL DAY
CSD Summer Learning Program ALL DAY
CSD Summer Learning Program ALL DAY
CSD Summer Learning Program ALL DAY
CSD Summer Learning Program ALL DAY
CSD Summer Learning Program ALL DAY
CSD Summer Learning Program ALL DAY
CSD Summer Learning Program ALL DAY
CSD Summer Learning Program ALL DAY
CSD Summer Learning Program ALL DAY
CSD Summer Learning Program ALL DAY
CSD Summer Learning Program ALL DAY
CSD Summer Learning Program ALL DAY
CSD Summer Learning Program ALL DAY
CSD Summer Learning Program ALL DAY
CSD Summer Learning Program ALL DAY
CSD Summer Learning Program ALL DAY
CSD Summer Learning Program ALL DAY
CSD Summer Learning Program ALL DAY
CSD Summer Learning Program ALL DAY
CSD Summer Learning Program ALL DAY
CSD Summer Learning Program ALL DAY
CSD Summer Learning Program ALL DAY
CSD Summer Learning Program ALL DAY
CSD Summer Learning Program ALL DAY
CSD Summer Learning Program ALL DAY
CSD Summer Learning Program ALL DAY
CSD Summer Learning Program ALL DAY
CSD Summer Learning Program ALL DAY
CSD Summer Learning Program ALL DAY
CSD Summer Learning Program ALL DAY
CSD Summer Learning Program ALL DAY
CSD Summer Learning Program ALL DAY
CMS Attendance: 503-762-7351CMS Main Office: 503-762-3206
CMS Upcoming Dates:
- 6th and 7th Grade Field Day: Thursday, June 15 (last day for 6th and 7th grade) Early Release.
Multnomah County Student Health Care Center
CMS and CHS Summer Program 2023
CMS Track Schedule Spring 2023
CMS Visitor/Volunteer COVID-19 Vaccination Verification Form
Centennial School District’s new mobile app keeps students and parents connected with district and school news and information. To learn more and download today, visit: http://csd28j.org/districtapp
As part of the bond 2020 work, renovations are taking place at Centennial Middle School. Take a peek at the renderings of what's to come! For more information about these renovations and other bond projects, visit http://csd28j.org/2020bondupdates.
For Building Based Events
Find us on Facebook
CMS Student Pick up and Drop Off Traffic Flow
NEW!!! CMS Student Drop Off And Pick Up Traffic Flow Map
State Testing Opt-Out Form
State Testing Opt-Out Form 2022-2023
CMS Lunch Menu
CMS Lunch Menu 2022 - 2023
CMS Bell Schedule 22-23
CMS Bell Schedule 2022-2023
CMS Information links
CMS Information Links
Student Accident Insurance (Spanish)
New Dress Code Policies for CMS in English
New Dress Code Policies for CMS in Spanish
New Dress Code Policies for CMS in Russian
Online Family Resources:
Disaster Distress Links
The fear of approaching danger, compounded by the experiences of the pandemic has created trauma for everyone over the last six months, and we know you are doing your best to support your families. Below is a list of resources for families and students from ASCA and local agencies that you may find helpful.
Natural Disasters: Helping Kids During Crisis
ASCA Webinar Effective Crisis/Trauma Response
CDC: Stay Safe During a Wildfire
Oregon Voluntary Organizations Active in Disaster
State of Oregon Wildfire Resources
Fires and Hotspots on this Dashboard
CMS Calendar 2022- 2023
CMS Student Registration
Student Registration for 2022-2023
If your child is new to the Centennial School District, please visit our District's Registration Website to enroll your child.
CMS School Supply list
CMS School Supply List 2022-2023
CMS Library Corner
CMS Library Corner
We've got new ebooks and audiobooks you can check out right now, no library card needed!
Go to soraapp.com, choose Centennial School District 28 as your school, and get reading today!
Need more information to get started? Check out our short getting started video.
Getting Started with Sora
CMS Newsletter
CMS Newsletter
CSD Resources: food, child care, mental health and technology
If you would like to request assistance with purchasing essential items and groceries please contact our counseling team.
NEW!! If you would like to request assistance with purchasing essential items and groceries please contact our counseling team.
7th grade: Chris O'Connor
- chris_oconnor@csd28j.org
Google Voice phone: (760) 797-2144
Call or text
CMS phone: (503) 762-7244
8th Grade Counselor: Tiffany Shaffer
- tiffany_shaffer@csd28j.org
Google Voice phone: (971) 236-2434
Call or text
CMS phone: (503) 762-3461
CSD Resources: Food resources, child care resources, mental health resources, technology and internet support.