Dogwood 2:20
Hurricane Deck 2:05
Osage Beach 2:05
Hawthorn 2:21
Oak Ridge 2:10
Middle School 2:23
High School 2:06
LCTC 2:13
Horizons 2:06\nRead more URL: DTSTAMP:20240405T225042Z END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SEQUENCE:0 LAST-MODIFIED:20200908T134049Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20200918 DURATION:P1D RRULE:FREQ=WEEKLY;WKST=SU;COUNT=1;BYDAY=FR;WKST=SU SUMMARY:Early Release/Collaboration - click to view building release times (Lake Career & Technical Center) DESCRIPTION:Building Release Time
Dogwood 2:20
Hurricane Deck 2:05
Osage Beach 2:05
Hawthorn 2:21
Oak Ridge 2:10
Middle School 2:23
High School 2:06
LCTC 2:13
Horizons 2:06\nRead more URL: DTSTAMP:20240405T225042Z END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SEQUENCE:0 LAST-MODIFIED:20200908T133935Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20200925 DURATION:P1D EXDATE;VALUE=DATE:20200925 RRULE:FREQ=WEEKLY;WKST=SU;COUNT=1;BYDAY=FR;WKST=SU SUMMARY:Early Release/Collaboration - click to view building release times (Lake Career & Technical Center) DESCRIPTION:Building Release Time
Dogwood 2:20
Hurricane Deck 2:05
Osage Beach 2:05
Hawthorn 2:21
Oak Ridge 2:10
Middle School 2:23
High School 2:06
LCTC 2:13
Horizons 2:06\nRead more URL: DTSTAMP:20240405T225042Z END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SEQUENCE:0 LAST-MODIFIED:20200901T154107Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20201002 DURATION:P1D RRULE:FREQ=WEEKLY;WKST=SU;COUNT=1;BYDAY=FR;WKST=SU SUMMARY:Early Release/Collaboration - click to view building release times (Lake Career & Technical Center) DESCRIPTION:Building Release Time
Dogwood 2:20
Hurricane Deck 2:05
Osage Beach 2:05
Hawthorn 2:21
Oak Ridge 2:10
Middle School 2:23
High School 2:06
LCTC 2:13
Horizons 2:06\nRead more URL: DTSTAMP:20240405T225042Z END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SEQUENCE:0 LAST-MODIFIED:20200901T154133Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20201009 DURATION:P1D RRULE:FREQ=WEEKLY;WKST=SU;COUNT=1;BYDAY=FR;WKST=SU SUMMARY:Early Release/Collaboration - click to view building release times (Lake Career & Technical Center) DESCRIPTION:Building Release Time
Dogwood 2:20
Hurricane Deck 2:05
Osage Beach 2:05
Hawthorn 2:21
Oak Ridge 2:10
Middle School 2:23
High School 2:06
LCTC 2:13
Horizons 2:06\nRead more URL: DTSTAMP:20240405T225042Z END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SEQUENCE:0 LAST-MODIFIED:20200901T154145Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20201016 DURATION:P1D RRULE:FREQ=WEEKLY;WKST=SU;COUNT=1;BYDAY=FR;WKST=SU SUMMARY:Early Release/Collaboration - click to view building release times (Lake Career & Technical Center) DESCRIPTION:Building Release Time
Dogwood 2:20
Hurricane Deck 2:05
Osage Beach 2:05
Hawthorn 2:21
Oak Ridge 2:10
Middle School 2:23
High School 2:06
LCTC 2:13
Horizons 2:06\nRead more URL: DTSTAMP:20240405T225042Z END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SEQUENCE:0 LAST-MODIFIED:20180608T195400Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20180625 DURATION:P1D EXDATE;VALUE=DATE:20180625 RRULE:FREQ=DAILY;COUNT=7;WKST=SU SUMMARY:Lake of the Ozarks Can-Am Police-Fire Games (Lake Career & Technica l Center) LOCATION:Lake of the Ozarks Can-Am Police-Fire Games DESCRIPTION:Click \;here< /a> \;for event details. Be sure to check out the events hosted at Cam denton High School\, the Sports Complex\, as well as the Bob Shore Footbal l Stadium.\nRead more URL: DTSTAMP:20240405T225042Z END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SEQUENCE:0 LAST-MODIFIED:20230214T170513Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20240521 DURATION:P1D SUMMARY:Last Day of School - Early Release (Lake Career & Technical Center) URL: DTSTAMP:20240405T225042Z END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SEQUENCE:0 LAST-MODIFIED:20180115T160510Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20180217 DURATION:P1D RRULE:FREQ=DAILY;COUNT=8;WKST=SU SUMMARY:National Future Farmers of America (FFA) Week (Lake Career & Techni cal Center) DESCRIPTION:See the FFA page for details on this week's events.\nRead more URL: DTSTAMP:20240405T225042Z END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SEQUENCE:0 LAST-MODIFIED:20180412T143745Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20181224 DURATION:P1D EXDATE;VALUE=DATE:20181229 EXDATE;VALUE=DATE:20181230 EXDATE;VALUE=DATE:20190104 RRULE:FREQ=DAILY;COUNT=12;WKST=SU SUMMARY:No School - Christmas Vacation (Lake Career & Technical Center) URL: DTSTAMP:20240405T225042Z END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SEQUENCE:0 LAST-MODIFIED:20191126T145035Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20191223 DURATION:P1D EXDATE;VALUE=DATE:20191228 EXDATE;VALUE=DATE:20191229 RRULE:FREQ=DAILY;COUNT=12;WKST=SU SUMMARY:No School - Christmas Vacation (Lake Career & Technical Center) URL: DTSTAMP:20240405T225042Z END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SEQUENCE:0 LAST-MODIFIED:20180412T143745Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20190418 DURATION:P1D EXDATE;VALUE=DATE:20190420 EXDATE;VALUE=DATE:20190421 EXDATE;VALUE=DATE:20190423 EXDATE;VALUE=DATE:20190418 RRULE:FREQ=DAILY;COUNT=6;WKST=SU SUMMARY:No School - Spring Break (Lake Career & Technical Center) URL: DTSTAMP:20240405T225042Z END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SEQUENCE:0 LAST-MODIFIED:20180412T143745Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20181121 DURATION:P1D EXDATE;VALUE=DATE:20181121 RRULE:FREQ=DAILY;COUNT=3;WKST=SU SUMMARY:No School - Thanksgiving (Lake Career & Technical Center) URL: DTSTAMP:20240405T225042Z END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SEQUENCE:0 LAST-MODIFIED:20201110T145224Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20201126 DURATION:P1D EXDATE;VALUE=DATE:20201127 EXDATE;VALUE=DATE:20201126 RRULE:FREQ=DAILY;WKST=SU;COUNT=2;WKST=SU SUMMARY:No School - Thanksgiving Break (Lake Career & Technical Center) URL: DTSTAMP:20240405T225042Z END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SEQUENCE:0 LAST-MODIFIED:20191126T144841Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20191127 DURATION:P1D RRULE:FREQ=DAILY;COUNT=3;WKST=SU SUMMARY:No School - Thanksgiving Vacation (Lake Career & Technical Center) URL: DTSTAMP:20240405T225042Z END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SEQUENCE:0 LAST-MODIFIED:20171127T201755Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20180328 DURATION:P1D EXDATE;VALUE=DATE:20180328 RRULE:FREQ=DAILY;COUNT=3;WKST=SU SUMMARY:Spring Break - No School (Lake Career & Technical Center) URL: DTSTAMP:20240405T225042Z END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SEQUENCE:0 LAST-MODIFIED:20180711T130245Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20180814 DURATION:P1D EXDATE;VALUE=DATE:20180818 EXDATE;VALUE=DATE:20180819 RRULE:FREQ=DAILY;COUNT=6;WKST=SU SUMMARY:Teacher Work Day (Lake Career & Technical Center) DESCRIPTION:Complete Schedule Attached\nRead more URL: DTSTAMP:20240405T225042Z END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SEQUENCE:0 LAST-MODIFIED:20230214T170612Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20240522 DURATION:P1D SUMMARY:Teacher Work Day - Half Day (Lake Career & Technical Center) URL: DTSTAMP:20240405T225042Z END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SEQUENCE:0 LAST-MODIFIED:20171117T203353Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20171122 DURATION:P1D RRULE:FREQ=DAILY;COUNT=3;WKST=SU SUMMARY:Thanksgiving Vacation (Lake Career & Technical Center) URL: DTSTAMP:20240405T225042Z END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SEQUENCE:0 LAST-MODIFIED:20171017T194308Z DTSTART;TZID=US/Central:20171028T080000 DTEND;TZID=US/Central:20171028T170000 RRULE:FREQ=DAILY;UNTIL=20171029T130000Z;WKST=SU SUMMARY:Basic Rider Course (Lake Career & Technical Center) LOCATION:Lake Career Technical Center\, Room 138 DESCRIPTION:The Basic Rider Course is aimed at the beginner or re-entry rid er. The course provides fundamentals of safe\, responsible motorcycle ridi ng and will include classroom instruction and practical riding in a contro lled\, off-street environment. The course concludes with a knowledge test and skill evalu\nRead more URL: DTSTAMP:20240405T225042Z END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SEQUENCE:0 LAST-MODIFIED:20171101T182324Z DTSTART;TZID=US/Central:20180428T080000 DTEND;TZID=US/Central:20180428T170000 RRULE:FREQ=DAILY;COUNT=2;WKST=SU SUMMARY:Basic Rider Course (Lake Career & Technical Center) LOCATION:Lake Career Technical Center\, Room 138 DESCRIPTION:The Basic Rider Course is aimed at the beginner or re-entry rid er. The course provides fundamentals of safe\, responsible motorcycle ridi ng and will include classroom instruction and practical riding in a contro lled\, off-street environment. The course concludes with a knowledge test and skill evalu\nRead more URL: DTSTAMP:20240405T225042Z END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SEQUENCE:0 LAST-MODIFIED:20171101T185630Z DTSTART;TZID=US/Central:20180519T080000 DTEND;TZID=US/Central:20180519T170000 RRULE:FREQ=DAILY;COUNT=2;WKST=SU SUMMARY:Basic Rider Course (Lake Career & Technical Center) LOCATION:Lake Career Technical Center\, Room 138 DESCRIPTION:The Basic Rider Course is aimed at the beginner or re-entry rid er. The course provides fundamentals of safe\, responsible motorcycle ridi ng and will include classroom instruction and practical riding in a contro lled\, off-street environment. The course concludes with a knowledge test and skill evalu\nRead more URL: DTSTAMP:20240405T225042Z END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SEQUENCE:0 LAST-MODIFIED:20171102T182411Z DTSTART;TZID=US/Central:20180602T080000 DTEND;TZID=US/Central:20180602T170000 RRULE:FREQ=DAILY;COUNT=2;WKST=SU SUMMARY:Basic Rider Course (Lake Career & Technical Center) LOCATION:Lake Career Technical Center\, Room 138 DESCRIPTION:The Basic Rider Course is aimed at the beginner or re-entry rid er. The course provides fundamentals of safe\, responsible motorcycle ridi ng and will include classroom instruction and practical riding in a contro lled\, off-street environment. The course concludes with a knowledge test and skill evalu\nRead more URL: DTSTAMP:20240405T225042Z END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SEQUENCE:0 LAST-MODIFIED:20171102T182426Z DTSTART;TZID=US/Central:20180609T080000 DTEND;TZID=US/Central:20180609T170000 RRULE:FREQ=DAILY;COUNT=2;WKST=SU SUMMARY:Basic Rider Course (Lake Career & Technical Center) LOCATION:Lake Career Technical Center\, Room 138 DESCRIPTION:The Basic Rider Course is aimed at the beginner or re-entry rid er. The course provides fundamentals of safe\, responsible motorcycle ridi ng and will include classroom instruction and practical riding in a contro lled\, off-street environment. The course concludes with a knowledge test and skill evalu\nRead more URL: DTSTAMP:20240405T225042Z END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SEQUENCE:0 LAST-MODIFIED:20171102T190111Z DTSTART;TZID=US/Central:20181027T080000 DTEND;TZID=US/Central:20181027T170000 RRULE:FREQ=DAILY;COUNT=2;WKST=SU SUMMARY:Basic Rider Course (Lake Career & Technical Center) LOCATION:Lake Career Technical Center\, Room 138 DESCRIPTION:The Basic Rider Course is aimed at the beginner or re-entry rid er. The course provides fundamentals of safe\, responsible motorcycle ridi ng and will include classroom instruction and practical riding in a contro lled\, off-street environment. The course concludes with a knowledge test and skill evalu\nRead more URL: DTSTAMP:20240405T225042Z END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SEQUENCE:0 LAST-MODIFIED:20171102T185317Z DTSTART;TZID=US/Central:20180414T080000 DTEND;TZID=US/Central:20180414T170000 RRULE:FREQ=DAILY;COUNT=2;WKST=SU SUMMARY:Basic Rider Course (Lake Career & Technical Center) LOCATION:Lake Career Technical Center\, Room 138 DESCRIPTION:The Basic Rider Course is aimed at the beginner or re-entry rid er. The course provides fundamentals of safe\, responsible motorcycle ridi ng and will include classroom instruction and practical riding in a contro lled\, off-street environment. The course concludes with a knowledge test and skill evalu\nRead more URL: DTSTAMP:20240405T225042Z END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SEQUENCE:0 LAST-MODIFIED:20171107T180059Z DTSTART;TZID=US/Central:20180825T080000 DTEND;TZID=US/Central:20180825T170000 RRULE:FREQ=DAILY;COUNT=2;WKST=SU SUMMARY:Basic Rider Course (Lake Career & Technical Center) LOCATION:Lake Career Technical Center\, Room 138 DESCRIPTION:The Basic Rider Course is aimed at the beginner or re-entry rid er. The course provides fundamentals of safe\, responsible motorcycle ridi ng and will include classroom instruction and practical riding in a contro lled\, off-street environment. The course concludes with a knowledge test and skill evalu\nRead more URL: DTSTAMP:20240405T225042Z END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SEQUENCE:0 LAST-MODIFIED:20171127T184646Z DTSTART;TZID=US/Central:20180908T080000 DTEND;TZID=US/Central:20180908T170000 EXDATE;TZID=US/Central:20180908T080000 RRULE:FREQ=DAILY;COUNT=2;WKST=SU SUMMARY:Basic Rider Course (Lake Career & Technical Center) LOCATION:Lake Career Technical Center\, Room 138 DESCRIPTION:The Basic Rider Course is aimed at the beginner or re-entry rid er. The course provides fundamentals of safe\, responsible motorcycle ridi ng and will include classroom instruction and practical riding in a contro lled\, off-street environment. The course concludes with a knowledge test and skill evalu\nRead more URL: DTSTAMP:20240405T225042Z END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SEQUENCE:0 LAST-MODIFIED:20171127T184818Z DTSTART;TZID=US/Central:20181013T080000 DTEND;TZID=US/Central:20181013T170000 RRULE:FREQ=DAILY;COUNT=2;WKST=SU SUMMARY:Basic Rider Course (Lake Career & Technical Center) LOCATION:Lake Career Technical Center\, Room 138 DESCRIPTION:The Basic Rider Course is aimed at the beginner or re-entry rid er. The course provides fundamentals of safe\, responsible motorcycle ridi ng and will include classroom instruction and practical riding in a contro lled\, off-street environment. The course concludes with a knowledge test and skill evalu\nRead more URL: DTSTAMP:20240405T225042Z END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SEQUENCE:0 LAST-MODIFIED:20190212T155645Z DTSTART;TZID=US/Central:20190504T080000 DTEND;TZID=US/Central:20190504T170000 RRULE:FREQ=DAILY;WKST=SU;COUNT=2;WKST=SU SUMMARY:Basic Rider Course (Lake Career & Technical Center) DESCRIPTION:Registration $245.00
Register /ClassDetail.aspx?pk=1321713

The Basic Rider Course is aimed at the beginner or re-entry rider. The course provides fundamentals of safe\ , responsible motorcycle riding and will include classroom instruction and practical ridi\nRead more URL: DTSTAMP:20240405T225042Z END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SEQUENCE:0 LAST-MODIFIED:20190212T160957Z DTSTART;TZID=US/Central:20190518T080000 DTEND;TZID=US/Central:20190518T170000 RRULE:FREQ=DAILY;WKST=SU;COUNT=2;WKST=SU SUMMARY:Basic Rider Course (Lake Career & Technical Center) DESCRIPTION:Registration $245.00
Register /ClassDetail.aspx?pk=1321714

The Basic Rider Course is aimed at the beginner or re-entry rider. The course provides fundamentals of safe\ , responsible motorcycle riding and will include classroom instruction and practical ridi\nRead more URL: DTSTAMP:20240405T225042Z END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SEQUENCE:0 LAST-MODIFIED:20190212T161028Z DTSTART;TZID=US/Central:20190601T080000 DTEND;TZID=US/Central:20190601T170000 RRULE:FREQ=DAILY;WKST=SU;COUNT=2;WKST=SU SUMMARY:Basic Rider Course (Lake Career & Technical Center) DESCRIPTION:Registration $245.00
Register /ClassDetail.aspx?pk=1321715

The Basic Rider Course is aimed at the beginner or re-entry rider. The course provides fundamentals of safe\ , responsible motorcycle riding and will include classroom instruction and practical ridi\nRead more URL: DTSTAMP:20240405T225042Z END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SEQUENCE:0 LAST-MODIFIED:20190212T161915Z DTSTART;TZID=US/Central:20190608T080000 DTEND;TZID=US/Central:20190608T170000 RRULE:FREQ=DAILY;WKST=SU;COUNT=2;WKST=SU SUMMARY:Basic Rider Course (Lake Career & Technical Center) DESCRIPTION:Registration $245.00
Register /ClassDetail.aspx?pk=1321716

The Basic Rider Course is aimed at the beginner or re-entry rider. The course provides fundamentals of safe\ , responsible motorcycle riding and will include classroom instruction and practical ridi\nRead more URL: DTSTAMP:20240405T225042Z END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SEQUENCE:0 LAST-MODIFIED:20190212T161948Z DTSTART;TZID=US/Central:20190810T080000 DTEND;TZID=US/Central:20190810T170000 RRULE:FREQ=DAILY;WKST=SU;COUNT=2;WKST=SU SUMMARY:Basic Rider Course (Lake Career & Technical Center) DESCRIPTION:Registration $245.00
Register /ClassDetail.aspx?pk=1321711

The Basic Rider Course is aimed at the beginner or re-entry rider. The course provides fundamentals of safe\ , responsible motorcycle riding and will include classroom instruction and practical ridi\nRead more URL: DTSTAMP:20240405T225042Z END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SEQUENCE:0 LAST-MODIFIED:20190225T190857Z DTSTART;TZID=US/Central:20190907T080000 DTEND;TZID=US/Central:20190907T170000 RRULE:FREQ=DAILY;WKST=SU;COUNT=2;WKST=SU SUMMARY:Basic Rider Course (Lake Career & Technical Center) DESCRIPTION:Registration $245.00 ail.aspx?org=3872&pk=1321926

The Basic Rider Course is aimed at the beginner or re-entry rider. The course provides fundamentals of safe\ , responsible motorcycle riding and will include classroom instruction and practical ridi\nRead more URL: DTSTAMP:20240405T225042Z END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SEQUENCE:0 LAST-MODIFIED:20190225T191554Z DTSTART;TZID=US/Central:20191005T080000 DTEND;TZID=US/Central:20191005T170000 RRULE:FREQ=DAILY;WKST=SU;COUNT=2;WKST=SU SUMMARY:Basic Rider Course (Lake Career & Technical Center) DESCRIPTION:Registration $245.00 ail.aspx?org=3872&pk=1321926

The Basic Rider Course is aimed at the beginner or re-entry rider. The course provides fundamentals of safe\ , responsible motorcycle riding and will include classroom instruction and practical ridi\nRead more URL: DTSTAMP:20240405T225042Z END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SEQUENCE:0 LAST-MODIFIED:20200123T221125Z DTSTART;TZID=US/Central:20200606T080000 DTEND;TZID=US/Central:20200606T170000 RRULE:FREQ=DAILY;COUNT=2;WKST=SU SUMMARY:Basic Rider Course (Lake Career & Technical Center) LOCATION:Room 138\, Lake Career & Technical Center\, 269 Dare Blvd\, Camden ton\, MO 65020\, USA DESCRIPTION:

The Basic Rider Course is aimed at the beginner or re-entry rider. The course provides fundamentals of safe\, re sponsible motorcycle riding and will include classroom instruction and pra ctical riding in a controlled\, off-street environment. The course conclud es with a knowl\nRead more URL: DTSTAMP:20240405T225042Z END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SEQUENCE:0 LAST-MODIFIED:20200123T221136Z DTSTART;TZID=US/Central:20200613T080000 DTEND;TZID=US/Central:20200613T170000 RRULE:FREQ=DAILY;COUNT=2;WKST=SU SUMMARY:Basic Rider Course (Lake Career & Technical Center) LOCATION:Room 138\, Lake Career & Technical Center\, 269 Dare Blvd\, Camden ton\, MO 65020\, USA DESCRIPTION:

The Basic Rider Course is aimed at the beginner or re-entry rider. The course provides fundamentals of safe\, re sponsible motorcycle riding and will include classroom instruction and pra ctical riding in a controlled\, off-street environment. The course conclud es with a knowl\nRead more URL: DTSTAMP:20240405T225042Z END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SEQUENCE:0 LAST-MODIFIED:20200630T224801Z DTSTART;TZID=US/Central:20200808T080000 DTEND;TZID=US/Central:20200808T170000 RRULE:FREQ=DAILY;COUNT=2;WKST=SU SUMMARY:Basic Rider Course (Lake Career & Technical Center) LOCATION:Room 138\, Lake Career & Technical Center\, 269 Dare Blvd\, Camden ton\, MO 65020\, USA\, DESCRIPTION:

The Basic Rider Course is aimed at the beginner or re-entry rider. The course provides fundamentals of safe\, re sponsible motorcycle riding and will include classroom instruction and pra ctical riding in a controlled\, off-street environment. The course conclud es with a knowl\nRead more URL: DTSTAMP:20240405T225042Z END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SEQUENCE:0 LAST-MODIFIED:20170816T022518Z DTSTART;TZID=US/Central:20170930T080000 DTEND;TZID=US/Central:20170930T170000 RRULE:FREQ=DAILY;UNTIL=20171001T130000Z;WKST=SU SUMMARY:Basic Rider Safety Course (Lake Career & Technical Center) LOCATION:Lake Career Technical Center Room 138 DESCRIPTION:The Basic Rider Course is aimed at the beginner or re-entry rid er. The course provides fundamentals of safe\, responsible motorcycle ridi ng and will include classroom instruction and practical riding in a contro lled\, off-street environment. The course concludes with a knowledge test and skill evalu\nRead more URL: DTSTAMP:20240405T225042Z END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SEQUENCE:0 LAST-MODIFIED:20200427T134721Z DTSTART;TZID=US/Central:20200502T080000 DTEND;TZID=US/Central:20200502T170000 RRULE:FREQ=DAILY;COUNT=2;WKST=SU SUMMARY:Canceled-Basic Rider Course (Lake Career & Technical Center) LOCATION:Room 138\, Lake Career & Technical Center\, 269 Dare Blvd\, Camden ton\, MO 65020\, USA DESCRIPTION:

The Basic Rider Course is aimed at the beginner or re-entry rider. The course provides fundamentals of safe\, re sponsible motorcycle riding and will include classroom instruction and pra ctical riding in a controlled\, off-street environment. The course conclud es with a knowl\nRead more URL: DTSTAMP:20240405T225042Z END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SEQUENCE:0 LAST-MODIFIED:20200427T134700Z DTSTART;TZID=US/Central:20200530T080000 DTEND;TZID=US/Central:20200530T170000 RRULE:FREQ=DAILY;COUNT=2;WKST=SU SUMMARY:Cancelled-Basic Rider Course (Lake Career & Technical Center) LOCATION:Room 138\, Lake Career & Technical Center\, 269 Dare Blvd\, Camden ton\, MO 65020\, USA DESCRIPTION:

The Basic Rider Course is aimed at the beginner or re-entry rider. The course provides fundamentals of safe\, re sponsible motorcycle riding and will include classroom instruction and pra ctical riding in a controlled\, off-street environment. The course conclud es with a knowl\nRead more URL: DTSTAMP:20240405T225042Z END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SEQUENCE:0 LAST-MODIFIED:20200123T211144Z DTSTART;TZID=US/Central:20200218T083000 DTEND;TZID=US/Central:20200218T093000 RRULE:FREQ=WEEKLY;WKST=SU;UNTIL=20200327T045959Z;BYDAY=TH,TU;WKST=SU SUMMARY:F.I.T Camp (Lake Career & Technical Center) LOCATION:The Exchange Venue\, 57 Court Circle S.W.\, Camdenton\, MO 65020\, USA DESCRIPTION:

F.I.T. Camp is a complete conditioning experience focused on muscle \; endurance/strength\, cardio\, flexibility\, balance\, core\ , and of course lots of fun!!! Circuit group training workouts that will b urn mega calories\, aid in your weight loss goals\, melt off inches\, and increase
you\nRead more URL: DTSTAMP:20240405T225042Z END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SEQUENCE:0 LAST-MODIFIED:20181115T181012Z DTSTART;TZID=US/Central:20181009T083000 DTEND;TZID=US/Central:20181009T093000 RRULE:FREQ=WEEKLY;UNTIL=20181116T055959Z;BYDAY=TU,TH;WKST=SU SUMMARY:F.I.T. Camp (Lake Career & Technical Center) LOCATION:The Exchange Venue\, 57 Court Circle S.W.\, Camdenton\, MO 65020\, USA DESCRIPTION:F.I.T. Camp (Female Intensity Training)
Dates: 10/9/2018 to 11/15/2018
Schedule: Tu Th 08:30 AM - 09:30 AM
Located in : The Ex change\, Venue
Instructor: Ingrid Davis
Registration: $110.00
F.I.T. Camp is a complete conditioning experience focused on muscle end urance/strength\nRead more URL: DTSTAMP:20240405T225042Z END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SEQUENCE:0 LAST-MODIFIED:20190826T193345Z DTSTART;TZID=US/Central:20190924T083000 DTEND;TZID=US/Central:20190924T093000 RRULE:FREQ=WEEKLY;WKST=SU;UNTIL=20191101T045959Z;BYDAY=TH,TU;WKST=SU SUMMARY:F.I.T. Camp (Lake Career & Technical Center) LOCATION:The Exchange Venue\, 57 Court Circle S.W.\, Camdenton\, MO 65020\, USA DESCRIPTION:Register at 1464751

F.I.T. Camp is a complete conditioning experience f ocused on muscle endurance/strength\, cardio\, flexibility\, balance\, co re\, and of course lots of fun!!! Circuit group training workouts that wil l burn mega cal\nRead more URL: DTSTAMP:20240405T225042Z END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SEQUENCE:0 LAST-MODIFIED:20190123T144605Z DTSTART;TZID=US/Central:20190219T083000 DTEND;TZID=US/Central:20190219T093000 RRULE:FREQ=WEEKLY;UNTIL=20190329T045959Z;BYDAY=TU,TH;WKST=SU SUMMARY:F.I.T. Camp (Female Intensity Training) (Lake Career & Technical Ce nter) LOCATION:The Exchange Venue\, 57 Court Circle S.W.\, Camdenton\, MO 65020\, USA DESCRIPTION:F.I.T. Camp is a complete conditioning experience focused on mu scle endurance/strength\, cardio\, flexibility\, balance\, core\, and of course lots of fun!!! Circuit group training workouts that will burn mega calories\, aid in your weight loss goals\, melt off inches\, and increase< br>your energy \nRead more URL: DTSTAMP:20240405T225042Z END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SEQUENCE:0 LAST-MODIFIED:20180920T032021Z DTSTART;TZID=US/Central:20181008T083000 DTEND;TZID=US/Central:20181008T093000 RRULE:FREQ=WEEKLY;UNTIL=20181113T055959Z;BYDAY=MO;WKST=SU SUMMARY:Total Body Fusion (Lake Career & Technical Center) LOCATION:The Exchange Venue\, 57 Court Circle S.W.\, Camdenton\, MO 65020\, USA DESCRIPTION:Total Body Fusion
Dates: 10/8/2018 to 11/12/2018
Schedul e: Mo 08:30 AM - 09:30 AM
Located in : The Exchange\, Venue

In structor: Ingrid Davis
Registration: $45.00


Total Body Fusion is a fitn ess class that \nRead more URL: DTSTAMP:20240405T225042Z END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SEQUENCE:0 LAST-MODIFIED:20171017T194308Z DTSTART;TZID=US/Central:20180123T083000 DTEND;TZID=US/Central:20180123T163000 RRULE:FREQ=DAILY;UNTIL=20180125T143000Z;WKST=SU SUMMARY:Volvo Penta D4-D6 Engine (Lake Career & Technical Center) DESCRIPTION:Room 136/138\nRead more URL: DTSTAMP:20240405T225042Z END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SEQUENCE:0 LAST-MODIFIED:20171017T194308Z DTSTART;TZID=US/Central:20180206T083000 DTEND;TZID=US/Central:20180206T163000 RRULE:FREQ=DAILY;UNTIL=20180208T143000Z;WKST=SU SUMMARY:Volvo Penta EVC & VODIA (Lake Career & Technical Center) DESCRIPTION:Room 136/138\nRead more URL: DTSTAMP:20240405T225042Z END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SEQUENCE:0 LAST-MODIFIED:20171017T194308Z DTSTART;TZID=US/Central:20180220T083000 DTEND;TZID=US/Central:20180220T163000 RRULE:FREQ=DAILY;UNTIL=20180222T143000Z;WKST=SU SUMMARY:Volvo Penta EVC & VODIA (Lake Career & Technical Center) DESCRIPTION:Room 136/138\nRead more URL: DTSTAMP:20240405T225042Z END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SEQUENCE:0 LAST-MODIFIED:20171017T194308Z DTSTART;TZID=US/Central:20180313T083000 DTEND;TZID=US/Central:20180313T163000 RRULE:FREQ=DAILY;UNTIL=20180315T133000Z;WKST=SU SUMMARY:Volvo Penta Gas Engines (Lake Career & Technical Center) DESCRIPTION:Room 136/138\nRead more URL: DTSTAMP:20240405T225042Z END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SEQUENCE:0 LAST-MODIFIED:20171017T194308Z DTSTART;TZID=US/Central:20180403T083000 DTEND;TZID=US/Central:20180403T163000 RRULE:FREQ=DAILY;UNTIL=20180405T133000Z;WKST=SU SUMMARY:Volvo Penta Gas Engines (Lake Career & Technical Center) DESCRIPTION:Room 136/138\nRead more URL: DTSTAMP:20240405T225042Z END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SEQUENCE:0 LAST-MODIFIED:20171017T194308Z DTSTART;TZID=US/Central:20180320T083000 DTEND;TZID=US/Central:20180320T163000 RRULE:FREQ=DAILY;UNTIL=20180322T133000Z;WKST=SU SUMMARY:Volvo Penta Gas Engines (Lake Career & Technical Center) DESCRIPTION:Room 136/138\nRead more URL: DTSTAMP:20240405T225042Z END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SEQUENCE:0 LAST-MODIFIED:20171130T143528Z DTSTART;TZID=US/Central:20171204T090000 DTEND;TZID=US/Central:20171204T120000 RRULE:FREQ=DAILY;COUNT=2;WKST=SU SUMMARY:Adult Education & Literacy HiSet (GED) Orientation (Lake Career & T echnical Center) DESCRIPTION:Wish you’d finished high school?
Want a second chance? FO R FREE!

The Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Educati on selected a new high school equivalency test that started January 2014 t hat replaced the previous test known as the GED. The new HSE test is calle d the HiSET. Th\nRead more URL: DTSTAMP:20240405T225042Z END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SEQUENCE:0 LAST-MODIFIED:20180530T152343Z DTSTART;TZID=US/Central:20180827T090000 DTEND;TZID=US/Central:20180827T150000 RRULE:FREQ=DAILY;COUNT=2;WKST=SU SUMMARY:Adult Education & Literacy HiSet (GED) Orientation (Lake Career & T echnical Center) LOCATION:Lake Career and Technical Center\, 269 Dare Blvd\, Camdenton\, MO 65020\, USA DESCRIPTION:Wish you�d finished high school?
Want a second chance? FO R FREE!

The Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Educati on selected a new high school equivalency test that started January 2014 t hat replaced the previous test known as the GED. The new HSE test is calle d the HiSET. Th\nRead more URL: DTSTAMP:20240405T225042Z END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SEQUENCE:0 LAST-MODIFIED:20180530T152415Z DTSTART;TZID=US/Central:20180910T090000 DTEND;TZID=US/Central:20180910T150000 RRULE:FREQ=DAILY;COUNT=2;WKST=SU SUMMARY:Adult Education & Literacy HiSet (GED) Orientation (Lake Career & T echnical Center) LOCATION:Lake Career and Technical Center\, 269 Dare Blvd\, Camdenton\, MO 65020\, USA DESCRIPTION:Wish you�d finished high school?
Want a second chance? FO R FREE!

The Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Educati on selected a new high school equivalency test that started January 2014 t hat replaced the previous test known as the GED. The new HSE test is calle d the HiSET. Th\nRead more URL: DTSTAMP:20240405T225042Z END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SEQUENCE:0 LAST-MODIFIED:20180530T152434Z DTSTART;TZID=US/Central:20181001T090000 DTEND;TZID=US/Central:20181001T150000 RRULE:FREQ=DAILY;COUNT=2;WKST=SU SUMMARY:Adult Education & Literacy HiSet (GED) Orientation (Lake Career & T echnical Center) LOCATION:Lake Career and Technical Center\, 269 Dare Blvd\, Camdenton\, MO 65020\, USA DESCRIPTION:Wish you�d finished high school?
Want a second chance? FO R FREE!

The Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Educati on selected a new high school equivalency test that started January 2014 t hat replaced the previous test known as the GED. The new HSE test is calle d the HiSET. Th\nRead more URL: DTSTAMP:20240405T225042Z END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SEQUENCE:0 LAST-MODIFIED:20180530T152450Z DTSTART;TZID=US/Central:20181105T090000 DTEND;TZID=US/Central:20181105T150000 RRULE:FREQ=DAILY;COUNT=2;WKST=SU SUMMARY:Adult Education & Literacy HiSet (GED) Orientation (Lake Career & T echnical Center) LOCATION:Lake Career and Technical Center\, 269 Dare Blvd\, Camdenton\, MO 65020\, USA DESCRIPTION:Wish you�d finished high school?
Want a second chance? FO R FREE!

The Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Educati on selected a new high school equivalency test that started January 2014 t hat replaced the previous test known as the GED. The new HSE test is calle d the HiSET. Th\nRead more URL: DTSTAMP:20240405T225042Z END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SEQUENCE:0 LAST-MODIFIED:20180530T152502Z DTSTART;TZID=US/Central:20181203T090000 DTEND;TZID=US/Central:20181203T150000 RRULE:FREQ=DAILY;COUNT=2;WKST=SU SUMMARY:Adult Education & Literacy HiSet (GED) Orientation (Lake Career & T echnical Center) LOCATION:Lake Career and Technical Center\, 269 Dare Blvd\, Camdenton\, MO 65020\, USA DESCRIPTION:Wish you�d finished high school?
Want a second chance? FO R FREE!

The Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Educati on selected a new high school equivalency test that started January 2014 t hat replaced the previous test known as the GED. The new HSE test is calle d the HiSET. Th\nRead more URL: DTSTAMP:20240405T225042Z END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SEQUENCE:0 LAST-MODIFIED:20180530T152522Z DTSTART;TZID=US/Central:20190107T090000 DTEND;TZID=US/Central:20190107T150000 RRULE:FREQ=DAILY;COUNT=2;WKST=SU SUMMARY:Adult Education & Literacy HiSet (GED) Orientation (Lake Career & T echnical Center) LOCATION:Lake Career and Technical Center\, 269 Dare Blvd\, Camdenton\, MO 65020\, USA DESCRIPTION:Wish you�d finished high school?
Want a second chance? FO R FREE!

The Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Educati on selected a new high school equivalency test that started January 2014 t hat replaced the previous test known as the GED. The new HSE test is calle d the HiSET. Th\nRead more URL: DTSTAMP:20240405T225042Z END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SEQUENCE:0 LAST-MODIFIED:20180530T152542Z DTSTART;TZID=US/Central:20190204T090000 DTEND;TZID=US/Central:20190204T150000 EXDATE;TZID=US/Central:20190204T090000 RRULE:FREQ=DAILY;COUNT=2;WKST=SU SUMMARY:Adult Education & Literacy HiSet (GED) Orientation (Lake Career & T echnical Center) LOCATION:Lake Career and Technical Center\, 269 Dare Blvd\, Camdenton\, MO 65020\, USA DESCRIPTION:Wish you�d finished high school?
Want a second chance? FO R FREE!

The Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Educati on selected a new high school equivalency test that started January 2014 t hat replaced the previous test known as the GED. The new HSE test is calle d the HiSET. Th\nRead more URL: DTSTAMP:20240405T225042Z END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SEQUENCE:0 LAST-MODIFIED:20180530T152601Z DTSTART;TZID=US/Central:20190304T090000 DTEND;TZID=US/Central:20190304T150000 RRULE:FREQ=DAILY;COUNT=2;WKST=SU SUMMARY:Adult Education & Literacy HiSet (GED) Orientation (Lake Career & T echnical Center) LOCATION:Lake Career and Technical Center\, 269 Dare Blvd\, Camdenton\, MO 65020\, USA DESCRIPTION:Wish you�d finished high school?
Want a second chance? FO R FREE!

The Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Educati on selected a new high school equivalency test that started January 2014 t hat replaced the previous test known as the GED. The new HSE test is calle d the HiSET. Th\nRead more URL: DTSTAMP:20240405T225042Z END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SEQUENCE:0 LAST-MODIFIED:20180530T152714Z DTSTART;TZID=US/Central:20190401T090000 DTEND;TZID=US/Central:20190401T150000 RRULE:FREQ=DAILY;COUNT=2;WKST=SU SUMMARY:Adult Education & Literacy HiSet (GED) Orientation (Lake Career & T echnical Center) LOCATION:Lake Career and Technical Center\, 269 Dare Blvd\, Camdenton\, MO 65020\, USA DESCRIPTION:Wish you�d finished high school?
Want a second chance? FO R FREE!

The Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Educati on selected a new high school equivalency test that started January 2014 t hat replaced the previous test known as the GED. The new HSE test is calle d the HiSET. Th\nRead more URL: DTSTAMP:20240405T225042Z END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SEQUENCE:0 LAST-MODIFIED:20180530T152729Z DTSTART;TZID=US/Central:20190506T090000 DTEND;TZID=US/Central:20190506T150000 RRULE:FREQ=DAILY;COUNT=2;WKST=SU SUMMARY:Adult Education & Literacy HiSet (GED) Orientation (Lake Career & T echnical Center) LOCATION:Lake Career and Technical Center\, 269 Dare Blvd\, Camdenton\, MO 65020\, USA DESCRIPTION:Wish you�d finished high school?
Want a second chance? FO R FREE!

The Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Educati on selected a new high school equivalency test that started January 2014 t hat replaced the previous test known as the GED. The new HSE test is calle d the HiSET. Th\nRead more URL: DTSTAMP:20240405T225042Z END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SEQUENCE:0 LAST-MODIFIED:20190816T172415Z DTSTART;TZID=US/Central:20191007T090000 DTEND;TZID=US/Central:20191007T123000 RRULE:FREQ=DAILY;COUNT=2;WKST=SU SUMMARY:Adult Education & Literacy HiSet (GED) Orientation (Lake Career & T echnical Center) LOCATION:Lake Career and Technical Center\, 269 Dare Blvd\, Camdenton\, MO 65020\, USA DESCRIPTION:Wish you�d finished high school?
Want a second chance? FO R FREE!

The Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Educati on selected a new high school equivalency test that started January 2014 t hat replaced the previous test known as the GED. The new HSE test is calle d the HiSET. Th\nRead more URL: DTSTAMP:20240405T225042Z END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SEQUENCE:0 LAST-MODIFIED:20190816T172557Z DTSTART;TZID=US/Central:20191104T090000 DTEND;TZID=US/Central:20191104T123000 RRULE:FREQ=DAILY;COUNT=2;WKST=SU SUMMARY:Adult Education & Literacy HiSet (GED) Orientation (Lake Career & T echnical Center) LOCATION:Lake Career and Technical Center\, 269 Dare Blvd\, Camdenton\, MO 65020\, USA DESCRIPTION:Wish you�d finished high school?
Want a second chance? FO R FREE!

The Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Educati on selected a new high school equivalency test that started January 2014 t hat replaced the previous test known as the GED. The new HSE test is calle d the HiSET. Th\nRead more URL: DTSTAMP:20240405T225042Z END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SEQUENCE:0 LAST-MODIFIED:20190816T182132Z DTSTART;TZID=US/Central:20191202T090000 DTEND;TZID=US/Central:20191202T123000 EXDATE;TZID=US/Central:20191202T090000 EXDATE;TZID=US/Central:20191203T090000 RRULE:FREQ=DAILY;COUNT=2;WKST=SU SUMMARY:Adult Education & Literacy HiSet (GED) Orientation (Lake Career & T echnical Center) LOCATION:Lake Career and Technical Center\, 269 Dare Blvd\, Camdenton\, MO 65020\, USA DESCRIPTION:Wish you�d finished high school?
Want a second chance? FO R FREE!

The Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Educati on selected a new high school equivalency test that started January 2014 t hat replaced the previous test known as the GED. The new HSE test is calle d the HiSET. Th\nRead more URL: DTSTAMP:20240405T225042Z END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SEQUENCE:0 LAST-MODIFIED:20190816T183400Z DTSTART;TZID=US/Central:20200106T090000 DTEND;TZID=US/Central:20200106T123000 EXDATE;TZID=US/Central:20200106T090000 EXDATE;TZID=US/Central:20200107T090000 RRULE:FREQ=DAILY;COUNT=2;WKST=SU SUMMARY:Adult Education & Literacy HiSet (GED) Orientation (Lake Career & T echnical Center) LOCATION:Lake Career and Technical Center\, 269 Dare Blvd\, Camdenton\, MO 65020\, USA DESCRIPTION:Wish you�d finished high school?
Want a second chance? FO R FREE!

The Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Educati on selected a new high school equivalency test that started January 2014 t hat replaced the previous test known as the GED. The new HSE test is calle d the HiSET. Th\nRead more URL: DTSTAMP:20240405T225042Z END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SEQUENCE:0 LAST-MODIFIED:20190816T183718Z DTSTART;TZID=US/Central:20200203T090000 DTEND;TZID=US/Central:20200203T123000 RRULE:FREQ=DAILY;COUNT=2;WKST=SU SUMMARY:Adult Education & Literacy HiSet (GED) Orientation (Lake Career & T echnical Center) LOCATION:Lake Career and Technical Center\, 269 Dare Blvd\, Camdenton\, MO 65020\, USA DESCRIPTION:Wish you�d finished high school?
Want a second chance? FO R FREE!

The Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Educati on selected a new high school equivalency test that started January 2014 t hat replaced the previous test known as the GED. The new HSE test is calle d the HiSET. Th\nRead more URL: DTSTAMP:20240405T225042Z END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SEQUENCE:0 LAST-MODIFIED:20190816T183753Z DTSTART;TZID=US/Central:20200302T090000 DTEND;TZID=US/Central:20200302T123000 RRULE:FREQ=DAILY;COUNT=2;WKST=SU SUMMARY:Adult Education & Literacy HiSet (GED) Orientation (Lake Career & T echnical Center) LOCATION:Lake Career and Technical Center\, 269 Dare Blvd\, Camdenton\, MO 65020\, USA DESCRIPTION:Wish you�d finished high school?
Want a second chance? FO R FREE!

The Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Educati on selected a new high school equivalency test that started January 2014 t hat replaced the previous test known as the GED. The new HSE test is calle d the HiSET. Th\nRead more URL: DTSTAMP:20240405T225042Z END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SEQUENCE:0 LAST-MODIFIED:20190816T183838Z DTSTART;TZID=US/Central:20200406T090000 DTEND;TZID=US/Central:20200406T123000 RRULE:FREQ=DAILY;COUNT=2;WKST=SU SUMMARY:Adult Education & Literacy HiSet (GED) Orientation (Lake Career & T echnical Center) LOCATION:Lake Career and Technical Center\, 269 Dare Blvd\, Camdenton\, MO 65020\, USA DESCRIPTION:Wish you�d finished high school?
Want a second chance? FO R FREE!

The Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Educati on selected a new high school equivalency test that started January 2014 t hat replaced the previous test known as the GED. The new HSE test is calle d the HiSET. Th\nRead more URL: DTSTAMP:20240405T225042Z END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SEQUENCE:0 LAST-MODIFIED:20171012T135118Z DTSTART;TZID=US/Central:20170829T090000 DTEND;TZID=US/Central:20170829T120000 EXDATE;TZID=US/Central:20171123T090000 EXDATE;TZID=US/Central:20171221T090000 EXDATE;TZID=US/Central:20171226T090000 EXDATE;TZID=US/Central:20171228T090000 EXDATE;TZID=US/Central:20180329T090000 RRULE:FREQ=WEEKLY;UNTIL=20171017T045959Z;BYDAY=TU,TH;WKST=SU SUMMARY:English Language Learners Class (Lake Career & Technical Center) LOCATION:Lake Career and Technical Center\, Room 131 DESCRIPTION:INGLÉS COMO SEGUNDA LENGUA
¿Necesita mejorar su inglés?
¿ Quieres más practica?

Llena el registro atado o si necesita mas inf ormacion llame a la Sra. Blanchard: 573-346-9271.

Contact Cathy Bla nchard at 573-346-9271 ext 7407 for more information or to register for th is FREE class. \nRead more URL: DTSTAMP:20240405T225042Z END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SEQUENCE:0 LAST-MODIFIED:20190218T161302Z DTSTART;TZID=US/Central:20180807T090000 DTEND;TZID=US/Central:20180807T130000 EXDATE;TZID=US/Central:20190418T090000 EXDATE;TZID=US/Central:20190228T090000 RRULE:FREQ=WEEKLY;WKST=SU;UNTIL=20190604T045959Z;BYDAY=TU,TH;WKST=SU SUMMARY:English Language Learners Class (Lake Career & Technical Center) URL: DTSTAMP:20240405T225042Z END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SEQUENCE:0 LAST-MODIFIED:20190218T161530Z DTSTART;TZID=US/Central:20190604T090000 DTEND;TZID=US/Central:20190604T130000 RRULE:FREQ=WEEKLY;WKST=SU;UNTIL=20190606T045959Z;BYDAY=TU,TH;WKST=SU SUMMARY:English Language Learners Class (Lake Career & Technical Center) URL: DTSTAMP:20240405T225042Z END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SEQUENCE:0 LAST-MODIFIED:20190218T161530Z DTSTART;TZID=US/Central:20190606T090000 DTEND;TZID=US/Central:20190606T130000 RRULE:FREQ=WEEKLY;WKST=SU;UNTIL=20190612T045959Z;BYDAY=TU,TH;WKST=SU SUMMARY:English Language Learners Class (Lake Career & Technical Center) URL: DTSTAMP:20240405T225042Z END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SEQUENCE:0 LAST-MODIFIED:20180116T044134Z DTSTART;TZID=US/Central:20180109T100000 DTEND;TZID=US/Central:20180109T140000 EXDATE;TZID=US/Central:20180116T100000 EXDATE;TZID=US/Central:20180111T100000 EXDATE;TZID=US/Central:20180109T100000 EXDATE;TZID=US/Central:20180206T100000 EXDATE;TZID=US/Central:20180612T100000 EXDATE;TZID=US/Central:20180613T100000 EXDATE;TZID=US/Central:20180614T100000 RRULE:FREQ=WEEKLY;UNTIL=20180629T045959Z;BYDAY=TU,WE,TH;WKST=SU SUMMARY:Camdenton Learning Lab (Lake Career & Technical Center) LOCATION:Lake Career and Technical Center\, Room 115 DESCRIPTION:YOU are our top priority!

The Camdenton Adult Learning L ab has certified instructors available to help you reach your educational and employment goals. Our professional staff will work with you using a variety of formats and methods to make learning enjoyable and interesting .

O\nRead more URL: DTSTAMP:20240405T225042Z END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SEQUENCE:0 LAST-MODIFIED:20190218T161320Z DTSTART;TZID=US/Central:20180807T100000 DTEND;TZID=US/Central:20180807T140000 EXDATE;TZID=US/Central:20181122T100000 EXDATE;TZID=US/Central:20181226T100000 EXDATE;TZID=US/Central:20181225T100000 EXDATE;TZID=US/Central:20181227T100000 EXDATE;TZID=US/Central:20190101T100000 EXDATE;TZID=US/Central:20190102T100000 EXDATE;TZID=US/Central:20190103T100000 EXDATE;TZID=US/Central:20190418T100000 EXDATE;TZID=US/Central:20190207T100000 EXDATE;TZID=US/Central:20190220T100000 EXDATE;TZID=US/Central:20190228T100000 RRULE:FREQ=WEEKLY;UNTIL=20190604T045959Z;BYDAY=TU,WE,TH;WKST=SU SUMMARY:Camdenton Learning Lab (Lake Career & Technical Center) LOCATION:Lake Career and Technical Center\, Room 115 DESCRIPTION:YOU are our top priority!

The Camdenton Adult Learning L ab has certified instructors available to help you reach your educational and employment goals. Our professional staff will work with you using a variety of formats and methods to make learning enjoyable and interesting .

O\nRead more URL: DTSTAMP:20240405T225042Z END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SEQUENCE:0 LAST-MODIFIED:20190218T161409Z DTSTART;TZID=US/Central:20190604T100000 DTEND;TZID=US/Central:20190604T140000 RRULE:FREQ=WEEKLY;WKST=SU;UNTIL=20190605T045959Z;BYDAY=TU,WE,TH;WKST=SU SUMMARY:Camdenton Learning Lab (Lake Career & Technical Center) LOCATION:Lake Career and Technical Center\, Room 115 DESCRIPTION:YOU are our top priority!

The Camdenton Adult Learning L ab has certified instructors available to help you reach your educational and employment goals. Our professional staff will work with you using a variety of formats and methods to make learning enjoyable and interesting .

O\nRead more URL: DTSTAMP:20240405T225042Z END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SEQUENCE:0 LAST-MODIFIED:20190218T161556Z DTSTART;TZID=US/Central:20190605T100000 DTEND;TZID=US/Central:20190605T140000 RRULE:FREQ=WEEKLY;WKST=SU;UNTIL=20190606T045959Z;BYDAY=TU,WE,TH;WKST=SU SUMMARY:Camdenton Learning Lab (Lake Career & Technical Center) LOCATION:Lake Career and Technical Center\, Room 115 DESCRIPTION:YOU are our top priority!

The Camdenton Adult Learning L ab has certified instructors available to help you reach your educational and employment goals. Our professional staff will work with you using a variety of formats and methods to make learning enjoyable and interesting .

O\nRead more URL: DTSTAMP:20240405T225042Z END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SEQUENCE:0 LAST-MODIFIED:20190218T161556Z DTSTART;TZID=US/Central:20190606T100000 DTEND;TZID=US/Central:20190606T140000 RRULE:FREQ=WEEKLY;WKST=SU;UNTIL=20190614T045959Z;BYDAY=TU,WE,TH;WKST=SU SUMMARY:Camdenton Learning Lab (Lake Career & Technical Center) LOCATION:Lake Career and Technical Center\, Room 115 DESCRIPTION:YOU are our top priority!

The Camdenton Adult Learning L ab has certified instructors available to help you reach your educational and employment goals. Our professional staff will work with you using a variety of formats and methods to make learning enjoyable and interesting .

O\nRead more URL: DTSTAMP:20240405T225042Z END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SEQUENCE:0 LAST-MODIFIED:20180515T202200Z DTSTART;TZID=US/Central:20171017T100000 DTEND;TZID=US/Central:20171017T130000 EXDATE;TZID=US/Central:20171123T100000 EXDATE;TZID=US/Central:20171219T100000 EXDATE;TZID=US/Central:20171226T100000 EXDATE;TZID=US/Central:20171228T100000 EXDATE;TZID=US/Central:20171221T100000 EXDATE;TZID=US/Central:20180102T100000 EXDATE;TZID=US/Central:20180329T100000 EXDATE;TZID=US/Central:20180111T100000 EXDATE;TZID=US/Central:20180116T100000 RRULE:FREQ=WEEKLY;UNTIL=20180109T055959Z;BYDAY=TU,TH;WKST=SU SUMMARY:English Language Learners Class (Lake Career & Technical Center) LOCATION:Lake Career and Technical Center\, Room 131 DESCRIPTION:INGLÉS COMO SEGUNDA LENGUA
¿Necesita mejorar su inglés?¿Quieres más practica?

Llena el registro atado o si necesita ma s informacion llame a la Sra. Blanchard: 573-346-9271.

Contact Cath y Blanchard at 573-346-9271 ext 7131 for more information or to register f or this FREE cl\nRead more URL: DTSTAMP:20240405T225042Z END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SEQUENCE:0 LAST-MODIFIED:20200425T123240Z DTSTART;TZID=US/Central:20200426T110000 DTEND;TZID=US/Central:20200426T140000 RRULE:FREQ=WEEKLY;WKST=SU;UNTIL=20200504T045959Z;BYDAY=SU;WKST=SU SUMMARY:Postponed-WOW-Women on the Water (Lake Career & Technical Center) DESCRIPTION:Calling all ladies! Have you ever thought\, "I could never dri ve that boat!" or "I would love to go out on the water with my friends\, b ut I'm scared to!"? This is for you!

You will learn proper start ing procedures\, re-fueling safety\, basic navigation on the water\, and t he super scare \nRead more URL: DTSTAMP:20240405T225042Z END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SEQUENCE:0 LAST-MODIFIED:20190212T155348Z DTSTART;TZID=US/Central:20190428T110000 DTEND;TZID=US/Central:20190428T140000 RRULE:FREQ=WEEKLY;WKST=SU;COUNT=2;WKST=SU SUMMARY:WOW Women on the Water (Lake Career & Technical Center) LOCATION:Advantage Marine Loto LLC\, Beachwood Dr\, Sunrise Beach\, MO 6507 9\, USA DESCRIPTION:Calling all ladies! Have you ever thought\, "I could never dri ve that boat!" or "I would love to go out on the water with my friends\, b ut I'm scared to!"? This is for you!

You will learn proper start ing procedures\, re-fueling safety\, basic navigation on the water\, and t he super scare \nRead more URL: DTSTAMP:20240405T225042Z END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SEQUENCE:0 LAST-MODIFIED:20190212T161140Z DTSTART;TZID=US/Central:20190512T110000 DTEND;TZID=US/Central:20190512T140000 RRULE:FREQ=WEEKLY;WKST=SU;COUNT=2;WKST=SU SUMMARY:WOW Women on the Water (Lake Career & Technical Center) LOCATION:Advantage Marine Loto LLC\, Beachwood Dr\, Sunrise Beach\, MO 6507 9\, USA DESCRIPTION:Calling all ladies! Have you ever thought\, "I could never dri ve that boat!" or "I would love to go out on the water with my friends\, b ut I'm scared to!"? This is for you!

You will learn proper start ing procedures\, re-fueling safety\, basic navigation on the water\, and t he super scare \nRead more URL: DTSTAMP:20240405T225042Z END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SEQUENCE:0 LAST-MODIFIED:20190826T175752Z DTSTART;TZID=US/Central:20190908T110000 DTEND;TZID=US/Central:20190908T140000 RRULE:FREQ=WEEKLY;WKST=SU;UNTIL=20190916T045959Z;BYDAY=SU;WKST=SU SUMMARY:WOW-Women on the Water (Lake Career & Technical Center) DESCRIPTION:Calling all ladies! Have you ever thought\, "I could never dri ve that boat!" or "I would love to go out on the water with my friends\, b ut I'm scared to!"? This is for you!

You will learn proper start ing procedures\, re-fueling safety\, basic navigation on the water\, and t he super scare \nRead more URL: DTSTAMP:20240405T225042Z END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SEQUENCE:0 LAST-MODIFIED:20191002T183753Z DTSTART;TZID=US/Central:20200510T110000 DTEND;TZID=US/Central:20200510T140000 RRULE:FREQ=WEEKLY;WKST=SU;UNTIL=20200518T045959Z;BYDAY=SU;WKST=SU SUMMARY:WOW-Women on the Water (Lake Career & Technical Center) DESCRIPTION:Calling all ladies! Have you ever thought\, "I could never dri ve that boat!" or "I would love to go out on the water with my friends\, b ut I'm scared to!"? This is for you!

You will learn proper start ing procedures\, re-fueling safety\, basic navigation on the water\, and t he super scare \nRead more URL: DTSTAMP:20240405T225042Z END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SEQUENCE:0 LAST-MODIFIED:20180905T140323Z DTSTART;TZID=US/Central:20180909T130000 DTEND;TZID=US/Central:20180909T160000 RRULE:FREQ=WEEKLY;UNTIL=20180917T045959Z;BYDAY=SU;WKST=SU SUMMARY:WOW-Women On the Water (Lake Career & Technical Center) LOCATION:Advantage Marine Loto LLC\, Beachwood Dr\, Sunrise Beach\, MO 6507 9\, USA DESCRIPTION:Calling all ladies! Have you ever thought\, "I could never dri ve that boat!" or "I would love to go out on the water with my friends\, b ut I'm scared to!"? This is for you!

You will learn proper start ing procedures\, re-fueling safety\, basic navigation on the water\, and t he super scare \nRead more URL: DTSTAMP:20240405T225042Z END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SEQUENCE:0 LAST-MODIFIED:20180404T174550Z DTSTART;TZID=US/Central:20180513T130000 DTEND;TZID=US/Central:20180513T160000 RRULE:FREQ=WEEKLY;COUNT=2;BYDAY=SU;WKST=SU SUMMARY:WOW-Women on the Water (Lake Career & Technical Center) LOCATION:Advantage Marine Loto LLC\, Beachwood Dr\, Sunrise Beach\, MO 6507 9\, USA DESCRIPTION:WOW-Women on the Water

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Calling all ladies! Have you ever thought\, "I could never drive that boat!" or "I wo uld love to go out on the water with my friends\, but I'm scared to!"? Th is is for you!

You will learn proper starting procedures\, re-fue ling safety\, b\nRead more URL: DTSTAMP:20240405T225042Z END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SEQUENCE:0 LAST-MODIFIED:20171110T212551Z DTSTART;TZID=US/Central:20180429T130000 DTEND;TZID=US/Central:20180429T160000 RRULE:FREQ=WEEKLY;COUNT=2;BYDAY=SU;WKST=SU SUMMARY:WOW-Women on the Water (Lake Career & Technical Center) LOCATION:Advantage Marine Loto LLC\, Beachwood Dr\, Sunrise Beach\, MO 6507 9\, USA DESCRIPTION:WOW-Women on the Water

Hide Description
Calling all ladies! Have you ever thought\, "I could never drive that boat!" or "I wo uld love to go out on the water with my friends\, but I'm scared to!"? Th is is for you!

You will learn proper starting procedures\, re-fue ling safety\, b\nRead more URL: DTSTAMP:20240405T225042Z END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SEQUENCE:0 LAST-MODIFIED:20180911T212758Z DTSTART;TZID=US/Central:20180907T140000 DTEND;TZID=US/Central:20180907T140000 EXDATE;TZID=US/Central:20181102T140000 EXDATE;TZID=US/Central:20181109T140000 EXDATE;TZID=US/Central:20181123T140000 EXDATE;TZID=US/Central:20181221T140000 EXDATE;TZID=US/Central:20181228T140000 EXDATE;TZID=US/Central:20190104T140000 EXDATE;TZID=US/Central:20190315T140000 EXDATE;TZID=US/Central:20190419T140000 EXDATE;TZID=US/Central:20190524T140000 EXDATE;TZID=US/Central:20181019T140000 EXDATE;TZID=US/Central:20190111T140000 EXDATE;TZID=US/Central:20190215T140000 RRULE:FREQ=WEEKLY;UNTIL=20190531T045959Z;BYDAY=FR;WKST=SU SUMMARY:Early Release (Lake Career & Technical Center) URL: DTSTAMP:20240405T225042Z END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SEQUENCE:0 LAST-MODIFIED:20180911T212758Z DTSTART;TZID=US/Central:20180824T140000 DTEND;TZID=US/Central:20180824T140000 EXDATE;TZID=US/Central:20180831T140000 EXDATE;TZID=US/Central:20181019T140000 EXDATE;TZID=US/Central:20181102T140000 EXDATE;TZID=US/Central:20181123T140000 EXDATE;TZID=US/Central:20181221T140000 EXDATE;TZID=US/Central:20181228T140000 EXDATE;TZID=US/Central:20190104T140000 EXDATE;TZID=US/Central:20190315T140000 EXDATE;TZID=US/Central:20190419T140000 EXDATE;TZID=US/Central:20181109T140000 EXDATE;TZID=US/Central:20190524T140000 RRULE:FREQ=WEEKLY;UNTIL=20180907T045959Z;BYDAY=FR;WKST=SU SUMMARY:Early Release/Collaboration (Lake Career & Technical Center) URL: DTSTAMP:20240405T225042Z END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SEQUENCE:0 LAST-MODIFIED:20190218T161353Z DTSTART;TZID=US/Central:20180807T140000 DTEND;TZID=US/Central:20180807T180000 EXDATE;TZID=US/Central:20190418T140000 EXDATE;TZID=US/Central:20190214T140000 EXDATE;TZID=US/Central:20190219T140000 EXDATE;TZID=US/Central:20190228T140000 RRULE:FREQ=WEEKLY;WKST=SU;UNTIL=20190604T045959Z;BYDAY=TU,TH;WKST=SU SUMMARY:English Language Learners Class (Lake Career & Technical Center) URL: DTSTAMP:20240405T225042Z END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SEQUENCE:0 LAST-MODIFIED:20190218T161353Z DTSTART;TZID=US/Central:20190604T140000 DTEND;TZID=US/Central:20190604T180000 RRULE:FREQ=WEEKLY;WKST=SU;UNTIL=20190612T045959Z;BYDAY=TU,TH;WKST=SU SUMMARY:English Language Learners Class (Lake Career & Technical Center) URL: DTSTAMP:20240405T225042Z END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SEQUENCE:0 LAST-MODIFIED:20180412T141805Z DTSTART;TZID=US/Central:20170825T143000 DTEND;TZID=US/Central:20170825T143000 EXDATE;TZID=US/Central:20171020T143000 EXDATE;TZID=US/Central:20171027T143000 EXDATE;TZID=US/Central:20171103T143000 EXDATE;TZID=US/Central:20171124T143000 EXDATE;TZID=US/Central:20171222T143000 EXDATE;TZID=US/Central:20171229T143000 EXDATE;TZID=US/Central:20180309T143000 EXDATE;TZID=US/Central:20180330T143000 EXDATE;TZID=US/Central:20180518T143000 EXDATE;TZID=US/Central:20180511T143000 EXDATE;TZID=US/Central:20180504T143000 EXDATE;TZID=US/Central:20180427T143000 EXDATE;TZID=US/Central:20180420T143000 EXDATE;TZID=US/Central:20180413T143000 EXDATE;TZID=US/Central:20180406T143000 EXDATE;TZID=US/Central:20180323T143000 RRULE:FREQ=WEEKLY;UNTIL=20180519T045959Z;BYDAY=FR;WKST=SU SUMMARY:Early Release/Collaboration (Lake Career & Technical Center) URL: DTSTAMP:20240405T225042Z END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SEQUENCE:0 LAST-MODIFIED:20171012T135142Z DTSTART;TZID=US/Central:20170829T150000 DTEND;TZID=US/Central:20170829T180000 EXDATE;TZID=US/Central:20171221T150000 EXDATE;TZID=US/Central:20171123T150000 EXDATE;TZID=US/Central:20171226T150000 EXDATE;TZID=US/Central:20171228T150000 EXDATE;TZID=US/Central:20180329T150000 EXDATE;TZID=US/Central:20170831T150000 RRULE:FREQ=WEEKLY;UNTIL=20171017T045959Z;BYDAY=TU,TH;WKST=SU SUMMARY:English Language Learners Class (Lake Career & Technical Center) LOCATION:Lake Career and Technical Center\, Room 131 DESCRIPTION:INGLÉS COMO SEGUNDA LENGUA
¿Necesita mejorar su inglés?
¿ Quieres más practica?

Llena el registro atado o si necesita mas inf ormacion llame a la Sra. Blanchard: 573-346-9271.

Contact Cathy Bla nchard at 573-346-9271 ext 7407 for more information or to register for th is FREE class. \nRead more URL: DTSTAMP:20240405T225042Z END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SEQUENCE:0 LAST-MODIFIED:20171012T135142Z DTSTART;TZID=US/Central:20171017T150000 DTEND;TZID=US/Central:20171017T180000 EXDATE;TZID=US/Central:20171123T150000 EXDATE;TZID=US/Central:20171221T150000 EXDATE;TZID=US/Central:20171226T150000 EXDATE;TZID=US/Central:20171228T150000 EXDATE;TZID=US/Central:20180329T150000 RRULE:FREQ=WEEKLY;UNTIL=20180517T200000Z;BYDAY=TU,TH;WKST=SU SUMMARY:English Language Learners Class (Lake Career & Technical Center) LOCATION:Lake Career and Technical Center\, Room 131 DESCRIPTION:INGLÉS COMO SEGUNDA LENGUA
¿Necesita mejorar su inglés?
¿ Quieres más practica?

Llena el registro atado o si necesita mas inf ormacion llame a la Sra. Blanchard: 573-346-9271.

Contact Cathy Bla nchard at 573-346-9271 ext 7131 for more information or to register for th is FREE class. \nRead more URL: DTSTAMP:20240405T225042Z END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SEQUENCE:0 LAST-MODIFIED:20171211T195131Z DTSTART;TZID=US/Central:20180503T160000 DTEND;TZID=US/Central:20180503T180000 RRULE:FREQ=WEEKLY;COUNT=2;BYDAY=TH;WKST=SU SUMMARY:Beginning Crochet (Lake Career & Technical Center) LOCATION:Fleeces to Pieces\, 138 US-54\, Camdenton\, MO 65020\, USA DESCRIPTION:This class is designed for the beginning crocheter. It will c over several common crochet stitches. It is a 2 part class\, so you will have plenty of time to practice! Each Student will receive yarn\, a croch et hook\, a pattern\, and instruction materials. During the first class t he students wil\nRead more URL: DTSTAMP:20240405T225042Z END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SEQUENCE:0 LAST-MODIFIED:20190123T160338Z DTSTART;TZID=US/Central:20190220T160000 DTEND;TZID=US/Central:20190220T190000 RRULE:FREQ=WEEKLY;UNTIL=20190228T055959Z;BYDAY=WE;WKST=SU SUMMARY:Beginning Crochet (Lake Career & Technical Center) LOCATION:Fleeces to Pieces\, 138 US-54\, Camdenton\, MO 65020\, USA DESCRIPTION:This class is designed for the beginning crocheter. It will c over several common crochet stitches. Each student will receive yarn\, a crochet hook\, a pattern\, and instruction materials. (2 sessions)

Registration $55.00
Register at tail.aspx?pk=13\nRead more URL: DTSTAMP:20240405T225042Z END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SEQUENCE:0 LAST-MODIFIED:20190211T213719Z DTSTART;TZID=US/Central:20190320T160000 DTEND;TZID=US/Central:20190320T190000 RRULE:FREQ=WEEKLY;WKST=SU;COUNT=2;BYDAY=WE;WKST=SU SUMMARY:Beginning Spinning (Lake Career & Technical Center) LOCATION:Fleeces to Pieces\, 138 US-54\, Camdenton\, MO 65020\, USA DESCRIPTION:Registration: $55.00
Register at https://lctc.asapconnected. com/ClassDetail.aspx?pk=1338145

If you are ready to indulge in the fiber arts\, learning to spin natural fibers into yarn is a must! Thi s class will introduce you to the history of the art\, terminology\, parts of the spinnin\nRead more URL: DTSTAMP:20240405T225042Z END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SEQUENCE:0 LAST-MODIFIED:20180116T045449Z DTSTART;TZID=US/Central:20170801T160000 DTEND;TZID=US/Central:20170801T200000 EXDATE;TZID=US/Central:20180116T160000 EXDATE;TZID=US/Central:20180102T160000 EXDATE;TZID=US/Central:20180111T160000 EXDATE;TZID=US/Central:20180109T160000 EXDATE;TZID=US/Central:20180329T160000 EXDATE;TZID=US/Central:20180328T160000 EXDATE;TZID=US/Central:20180206T160000 EXDATE;TZID=US/Central:20180220T160000 EXDATE;TZID=US/Central:20180221T160000 EXDATE;TZID=US/Central:20180612T160000 EXDATE;TZID=US/Central:20180613T160000 EXDATE;TZID=US/Central:20180614T160000 RRULE:FREQ=WEEKLY;UNTIL=20180629T045959Z;BYDAY=TU,WE,TH;WKST=SU SUMMARY:Camdenton Learning Lab (Lake Career & Technical Center) LOCATION:Lake Career and Technical Center\, Room 115 DESCRIPTION:YOU are our top priority!

The Camdenton Adult Learning L ab has certified instructors available to help you reach your educational and employment goals. Our professional staff will work with you using a variety of formats and methods to make learning enjoyable and interesting .

O\nRead more URL: DTSTAMP:20240405T225042Z END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SEQUENCE:0 LAST-MODIFIED:20190218T161624Z DTSTART;TZID=US/Central:20190605T160000 DTEND;TZID=US/Central:20190605T200000 RRULE:FREQ=WEEKLY;WKST=SU;UNTIL=20190606T045959Z;BYDAY=WE,TH;WKST=SU SUMMARY:Camdenton Learning Lab (Lake Career & Technical Center) LOCATION:Lake Career and Technical Center\, Room 115 DESCRIPTION:YOU are our top priority!

The Camdenton Adult Learning L ab has certified instructors available to help you reach your educational and employment goals. Our professional staff will work with you using a variety of formats and methods to make learning enjoyable and interesting .

O\nRead more URL: DTSTAMP:20240405T225042Z END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SEQUENCE:0 LAST-MODIFIED:20190218T161624Z DTSTART;TZID=US/Central:20190606T160000 DTEND;TZID=US/Central:20190606T200000 RRULE:FREQ=WEEKLY;WKST=SU;UNTIL=20190614T045959Z;BYDAY=WE,TH;WKST=SU SUMMARY:Camdenton Learning Lab (Lake Career & Technical Center) LOCATION:Lake Career and Technical Center\, Room 115 DESCRIPTION:YOU are our top priority!

The Camdenton Adult Learning L ab has certified instructors available to help you reach your educational and employment goals. Our professional staff will work with you using a variety of formats and methods to make learning enjoyable and interesting .

O\nRead more URL: DTSTAMP:20240405T225042Z END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SEQUENCE:0 LAST-MODIFIED:20190318T185820Z DTSTART;TZID=US/Central:20180807T160000 DTEND;TZID=US/Central:20180807T200000 RRULE:FREQ=WEEKLY;UNTIL=20190605T045959Z;BYDAY=TU,WE,TH;WKST=SU SUMMARY:Camdenton Learning Lab (Lake Career & Technical Center) LOCATION:Lake Career and Technical Center\, Room 115 DESCRIPTION:YOU are our top priority!

The Camdenton Adult Learning L ab has certified instructors available to help you reach your educational and employment goals. Our professional staff will work with you using a variety of formats and methods to make learning enjoyable and interesting .

O\nRead more URL: DTSTAMP:20240405T225042Z END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SEQUENCE:0 LAST-MODIFIED:20171211T195316Z DTSTART;TZID=US/Central:20180207T160000 DTEND;TZID=US/Central:20180207T180000 RRULE:FREQ=WEEKLY;COUNT=3;BYDAY=WE;WKST=SU SUMMARY:Knitting Basics (Lake Career & Technical Center) LOCATION:Fleeces to Pieces\, 138 US-54\, Camdenton\, MO 65020\, USA DESCRIPTION:This class is designed for the beginning knitter. It will cove r popular methods for 6 basic techniques (cast on\, bind off\, knit\, purl \, increase\, and decrease). It is a 3 part class\, so you will have plen ty of time to practice! Each student will receive yarn\, needles\, a patt ern\, and other\nRead more URL: DTSTAMP:20240405T225042Z END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SEQUENCE:0 LAST-MODIFIED:20171211T192239Z DTSTART;TZID=US/Central:20180314T160000 DTEND;TZID=US/Central:20180314T180000 RRULE:FREQ=WEEKLY;COUNT=2;BYDAY=WE;WKST=SU SUMMARY:Rigid Heddle Weaving (Lake Career & Technical Center) LOCATION:Fleeces to Pieces\, 138 US-54\, Camdenton\, MO 65020\, USA DESCRIPTION:Have you always wanted to try your hand at weaving\, but had no idea where to start? Here is the place. We will go over a rigid heddle loom\, naming the parts & pieces including weaving terminology. You will learn the easy\, quick warping using a peg\, and then weave. Basic weave on the rigid he\nRead more URL: DTSTAMP:20240405T225042Z END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SEQUENCE:0 LAST-MODIFIED:20180919T172800Z DTSTART;TZID=US/Central:20180927T160000 DTEND;TZID=US/Central:20180927T170000 RRULE:FREQ=WEEKLY;UNTIL=20181102T045959Z;BYDAY=TH;WKST=SU SUMMARY:Yoga (Lake Career & Technical Center) LOCATION:Room 157\, Lake Career and Technical Center\, 269 Dare Blvd\, Camd enton\, MO 65020\, USA DESCRIPTION:Yoga
Dates: 9/27/2018 to 11/1/2018
Schedule: Th 04:00 PM - 05:00 PM
Located in : LCTC\, 157

Instructor: Karen Cleary
Registration: $30.00

Explore basic poses to strengthen and ba lance the body\, therapeutic poses to restore the body\, guided deep relax ation technique\nRead more URL: DTSTAMP:20240405T225042Z END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SEQUENCE:0 LAST-MODIFIED:20180919T172426Z DTSTART;TZID=US/Central:20180911T160000 DTEND;TZID=US/Central:20180911T170000 RRULE:FREQ=WEEKLY;UNTIL=20181031T045959Z;BYDAY=TU;WKST=SU SUMMARY:Yoga (Lake Career & Technical Center) LOCATION:Room 157\, Lake Career and Technical Center\, 269 Dare Blvd\, Camd enton\, MO 65020\, USA DESCRIPTION:Yoga
Dates: 9/11/2018 to 10/30/2018
Schedule: Th 04:00 P M - 05:00 PM
Located in : LCTC\, 157

Instructor: Karen Cleary< br>
Registration: $40.00

Explore basic poses to strengthen and b alance the body\, therapeutic poses to restore the body\, guided deep rela xation techniqu\nRead more URL: DTSTAMP:20240405T225042Z END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SEQUENCE:0 LAST-MODIFIED:20190220T052315Z DTSTART;TZID=US/Central:20190409T160000 DTEND;TZID=US/Central:20190409T164500 RRULE:FREQ=WEEKLY;WKST=SU;UNTIL=20190417T045959Z;BYDAY=TU;WKST=SU SUMMARY:Yoga (Lake Career & Technical Center) LOCATION:Room 157\, Lake Career & Technical Center DESCRIPTION:Explore basic poses to strengthen and balance the body\, therap eutic poses to restore the body\, guided deep relaxation techniques to cal m and relieve stress in the body. Modifications of
poses are taught for any students with specific physical challenges. (8 sessions)

Brin g a Yoga sticky\nRead more URL: DTSTAMP:20240405T225042Z END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SEQUENCE:0 LAST-MODIFIED:20190228T120903Z DTSTART;TZID=US/Central:20190307T160000 DTEND;TZID=US/Central:20190307T164500 RRULE:FREQ=WEEKLY;WKST=SU;UNTIL=20190419T045959Z;BYDAY=TH;WKST=SU SUMMARY:Yoga (Lake Career & Technical Center) LOCATION:Room 157\, Lake Career & Technical Center DESCRIPTION:Explore basic poses to strengthen and balance the body\, therap eutic poses to restore the body\, guided deep relaxation techniques to cal m and relieve stress in the body. Modifications of
poses are taught for any students with specific physical challenges. (8 sessions)

Brin g a Yoga sticky\nRead more URL: DTSTAMP:20240405T225042Z END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SEQUENCE:0 LAST-MODIFIED:20191007T194237Z DTSTART;TZID=US/Central:20190903T160000 DTEND;TZID=US/Central:20190903T164500 EXDATE;TZID=US/Central:20191015T160000 RRULE:FREQ=WEEKLY;WKST=SU;UNTIL=20191022T045959Z;BYDAY=TU;WKST=SU SUMMARY:Yoga (Lake Career & Technical Center) DESCRIPTION:This is a workout that combines the best of Yoga and Pilates. We will target core muscles and work on maintaining strength and balance. Come prepared to work hard and have fun!

Register at https://lct\nRead more URL: DTSTAMP:20240405T225042Z END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SEQUENCE:0 LAST-MODIFIED:20191007T194237Z DTSTART;TZID=US/Central:20191022T160000 DTEND;TZID=US/Central:20191022T164500 RRULE:FREQ=WEEKLY;WKST=SU;UNTIL=20191029;BYDAY=TU;WKST=SU SUMMARY:Yoga (Lake Career & Technical Center) DESCRIPTION:This is a workout that combines the best of Yoga and Pilates. We will target core muscles and work on maintaining strength and balance. Come prepared to work hard and have fun!

Register at https://lct\nRead more URL: DTSTAMP:20240405T225042Z END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SEQUENCE:0 LAST-MODIFIED:20171026T144130Z DTSTART;TZID=US/Central:20170912T161500 DTEND;TZID=US/Central:20170912T171500 EXDATE;TZID=US/Central:20171024T161500 RRULE:FREQ=WEEKLY;UNTIL=20171031T045959Z;BYDAY=TU;WKST=SU SUMMARY:Yoga Class 1-Community Education Class (Lake Career & Technical Cen ter) LOCATION:Dogwood Elementary School\, 158 Minor St\, Camdenton\, MO 65020\, USA DESCRIPTION:Explore basic poses to strengthen and balance the body\, therap eutic poses to restore the body\, guided deep relaxation techniques to cal m and relieve stress in the body. Modifications of poses are taught for an y students with specific physical challenges. Bring a Yoga sticky mat and a pillow or bla\nRead more URL: DTSTAMP:20240405T225042Z END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SEQUENCE:0 LAST-MODIFIED:20171026T144130Z DTSTART;TZID=US/Central:20171031T161500 DTEND;TZID=US/Central:20171031T171500 RRULE:FREQ=WEEKLY;UNTIL=20171107T221500Z;BYDAY=TU;WKST=SU SUMMARY:Yoga Class 1-Community Education Class (Lake Career & Technical Cen ter) LOCATION:Room 106\, Camdenton Middle School\, Laker Drive\, Camdenton\, MO\ , United States DESCRIPTION:Explore basic poses to strengthen and balance the body\, therap eutic poses to restore the body\, guided deep relaxation techniques to cal m and relieve stress in the body. Modifications of poses are taught for an y students with specific physical challenges. Bring a Yoga sticky mat and a pillow or bla\nRead more URL: DTSTAMP:20240405T225042Z END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SEQUENCE:0 LAST-MODIFIED:20171026T144009Z DTSTART;TZID=US/Central:20170914T161500 DTEND;TZID=US/Central:20170914T171500 RRULE:FREQ=WEEKLY;UNTIL=20171026T045959Z;BYDAY=TH;WKST=SU SUMMARY:Yoga Class 3-Community Education Class (Lake Career & Technical Cen ter) LOCATION:Dogwood Elementary School\, 158 Minor St\, Camdenton\, MO 65020\, USA DESCRIPTION:Explore basic poses to strengthen and balance the body\, therap eutic poses to restore the body\, guided deep relaxation techniques to cal m and relieve stress in the body. Modifications of poses are taught for an y students with specific physical challenges. Bring a Yoga sticky mat and a pillow or bla\nRead more URL: DTSTAMP:20240405T225042Z END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SEQUENCE:0 LAST-MODIFIED:20171026T144009Z DTSTART;TZID=US/Central:20171026T161500 DTEND;TZID=US/Central:20171026T171500 EXDATE;TZID=US/Central:20171026T161500 RRULE:FREQ=WEEKLY;UNTIL=20171102T211500Z;BYDAY=TH;WKST=SU SUMMARY:Yoga Class 3-Community Education Class (Lake Career & Technical Cen ter) LOCATION:Room 106\, Camdenton Middle School\, Laker Drive\, Camdenton\, MO\ , United States DESCRIPTION:Explore basic poses to strengthen and balance the body\, therap eutic poses to restore the body\, guided deep relaxation techniques to cal m and relieve stress in the body. Modifications of poses are taught for an y students with specific physical challenges. Bring a Yoga sticky mat and a pillow or bla\nRead more URL: DTSTAMP:20240405T225042Z END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SEQUENCE:0 LAST-MODIFIED:20171205T174235Z DTSTART;TZID=US/Central:20180215T161500 DTEND;TZID=US/Central:20180215T171500 EXDATE;TZID=US/Central:20180329T161500 RRULE:FREQ=WEEKLY;UNTIL=20180427T045959Z;BYDAY=TH;WKST=SU SUMMARY:Yoga Class-Community Education Class (Lake Career & Technical Cente r) LOCATION:Room 106\, Camdenton Middle School\, Laker Drive\, Camdenton\, MO\ , United States DESCRIPTION:Explore basic poses to strengthen and balance the body\, therap eutic poses to restore the body\, guided deep relaxation techniques to cal m and relieve stress in the body. Modifications of poses are taught for an y students with specific physical challenges. Bring a Yoga sticky mat and a pillow or bla\nRead more URL: DTSTAMP:20240405T225042Z END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SEQUENCE:0 LAST-MODIFIED:20180920T030159Z DTSTART;TZID=US/Central:20181002T163000 DTEND;TZID=US/Central:20181002T173000 RRULE:FREQ=WEEKLY;UNTIL=20181102T045959Z;BYDAY=TU,TH;WKST=SU SUMMARY:Water Aerobics (Lake Career & Technical Center) DESCRIPTION:Water Aerobics
Dates: 10/2/2018 to 11/1/2018
Schedule: T u Th 04:30 PM - 05:30 PM
There will be no class held on 10/23\, 10/ 25\, 10/30 due to Parent/Teacher Conferences.
Located in : Sleep In n &\; Suites\, Pool Area \;

Instructor: Karen Osborn
Regi stration: $45.0\nRead more URL: DTSTAMP:20240405T225042Z END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SEQUENCE:0 LAST-MODIFIED:20190125T210812Z DTSTART;TZID=US/Central:20190305T163000 DTEND;TZID=US/Central:20190305T173000 RRULE:FREQ=WEEKLY;UNTIL=20190405T045959Z;BYDAY=TU,TH;WKST=SU SUMMARY:Water Aerobics (Lake Career & Technical Center) LOCATION:Sleep Inn \, Camdenton\, MO DESCRIPTION:Enjoy a fun\, invigorating workout at the pool. Water aerobics is wonderful therapy for arthritis\, sore joints\, and fibromyalgia. No swimming skills required (chest deep water)\; water shoes recommended. (1 0 sessions)

Register at aspx?pk=1321728\nRead more URL: DTSTAMP:20240405T225042Z END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SEQUENCE:0 LAST-MODIFIED:20191002T174427Z DTSTART;TZID=US/Central:20190917T163000 DTEND;TZID=US/Central:20190917T173000 RRULE:FREQ=WEEKLY;WKST=SU;UNTIL=20191018T045959Z;BYDAY=TH,TU;WKST=SU SUMMARY:Water Aerobics (Lake Career & Technical Center) LOCATION:Sleep Inn & Suites Lake of the Ozarks\, 1390 East\, US-54\, Camden ton\, MO 65020\, USA DESCRIPTION:Enjoy a fun\, invigorating workout at the pool. Water aerobics is wonderful therapy for arthritis\, sore joints\, and fibromyalgia. No swimming skills required (chest deep water)\; water shoes recommended. (1 0 sessions)

Register at aspx?pk=1437584\nRead more URL: DTSTAMP:20240405T225042Z END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SEQUENCE:0 LAST-MODIFIED:20200123T214717Z DTSTART;TZID=US/Central:20200303T163000 DTEND;TZID=US/Central:20200303T173000 RRULE:FREQ=WEEKLY;WKST=SU;UNTIL=20200403T045959Z;BYDAY=TH,TU;WKST=SU SUMMARY:Water Aerobics (Lake Career & Technical Center) LOCATION:Sleep Inn & Suites Lake Of The Ozarks\, 1390 East\, US-54\, Camden ton\, MO 65020\, USA DESCRIPTION:Enjoy a fun\, invigorating workout at the pool. \; Water ae robics is wonderful therapy for arthritis\, sore joints\, and fibromyalgia . \; No swimming skills required (chest deep water)\; water shoes reco mmended. \; (10 sessions) \;
Register at \;Read more URL: DTSTAMP:20240405T225042Z END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SEQUENCE:0 LAST-MODIFIED:20190122T205555Z DTSTART;TZID=US/Central:20190218T173000 DTEND;TZID=US/Central:20190218T183000 RRULE:FREQ=WEEKLY;UNTIL=20190328T045959Z;BYDAY=MO,WE;WKST=SU SUMMARY:Total Body Fusion 2 (Lake Career & Technical Center) LOCATION:The Exchange Venue\, 57 Court Circle S.W.\, Camdenton\, MO 65020\, USA DESCRIPTION:
Registration: $70.00

Total Body Fusion is a fitness class that fuses together 20 minutes each of Zumba® cardio dance\, Pilates strength\, and Yoga stretch for a total body workout.

Zumba® and t he Zumba logos are trademarks of Zumba Fitness\, LLC. Used under license. Ingrid Davis i\nRead more URL: DTSTAMP:20240405T225042Z END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SEQUENCE:0 LAST-MODIFIED:20171017T194308Z DTSTART;TZID=US/Central:20170921T173000 DTEND;TZID=US/Central:20170921T203000 EXDATE;TZID=US/Central:20171026T173000 RRULE:FREQ=WEEKLY;UNTIL=20171116T233000Z;BYDAY=TH;WKST=SU SUMMARY:Welding/Machine Tool-Community Education Class (Lake Career & Techn ical Center) LOCATION:Lake Career and Technical Center\, Room 141 DESCRIPTION:This course offers the basics of either welding or machine shop (your choice). Welders receive training using gas metal arc welding\, gas tungsten arc welding\, shielded metal arc welding\, manual/automated plas ma arc cutting and oxy-fuel cutting. Machinists receive training on engine lathes\, verti\nRead more URL: DTSTAMP:20240405T225042Z END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SEQUENCE:0 LAST-MODIFIED:20180919T172704Z DTSTART;TZID=US/Central:20180911T173000 DTEND;TZID=US/Central:20180911T183000 RRULE:FREQ=WEEKLY;UNTIL=20181031T045959Z;BYDAY=TU;WKST=SU SUMMARY:Yoga (Lake Career & Technical Center) LOCATION:Room 157\, Lake Career and Technical Center\, 269 Dare Blvd\, Camd enton\, MO 65020\, USA DESCRIPTION:Yoga
Dates: 9/11/2018 to 10/30/2018
Schedule: Th 05:00 P M - 06:30 PM
Located in : LCTC\, 157

Instructor: Karen Cleary< br>
Registration: $40.00

Explore basic poses to strengthen and b alance the body\, therapeutic poses to restore the body\, guided deep rela xation techniqu\nRead more URL: DTSTAMP:20240405T225042Z END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SEQUENCE:0 LAST-MODIFIED:20171026T144138Z DTSTART;TZID=US/Central:20170912T173000 DTEND;TZID=US/Central:20170912T183000 EXDATE;TZID=US/Central:20171024T173000 RRULE:FREQ=WEEKLY;UNTIL=20171031T045959Z;BYDAY=TU;WKST=SU SUMMARY:Yoga Class 2-Community Education Class (Lake Career & Technical Cen ter) LOCATION:Dogwood Elementary School\, 158 Minor St\, Camdenton\, MO 65020\, USA DESCRIPTION:Explore basic poses to strengthen and balance the body\, therap eutic poses to restore the body\, guided deep relaxation techniques to cal m and relieve stress in the body. Modifications of poses are taught for an y students with specific physical challenges. Bring a Yoga sticky mat and a pillow or bl\nRead more URL: DTSTAMP:20240405T225042Z END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SEQUENCE:0 LAST-MODIFIED:20171026T144138Z DTSTART;TZID=US/Central:20171031T173000 DTEND;TZID=US/Central:20171031T183000 RRULE:FREQ=WEEKLY;UNTIL=20171107T233000Z;BYDAY=TU;WKST=SU SUMMARY:Yoga Class 2-Community Education Class (Lake Career & Technical Cen ter) LOCATION:Room 106\, Camdenton Middle School\, Laker Drive\, Camdenton\, MO\ , United States DESCRIPTION:Explore basic poses to strengthen and balance the body\, therap eutic poses to restore the body\, guided deep relaxation techniques to cal m and relieve stress in the body. Modifications of poses are taught for an y students with specific physical challenges. Bring a Yoga sticky mat and a pillow or bl\nRead more URL: DTSTAMP:20240405T225042Z END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SEQUENCE:0 LAST-MODIFIED:20180919T172830Z DTSTART;TZID=US/Central:20180927T173000 DTEND;TZID=US/Central:20180927T183000 RRULE:FREQ=WEEKLY;UNTIL=20181102T045959Z;BYDAY=TH;WKST=SU SUMMARY:Yogilates (Lake Career & Technical Center) LOCATION:Room 157\, Lake Career and Technical Center\, 269 Dare Blvd\, Camd enton\, MO 65020\, USA DESCRIPTION:Yoga
Dates: 9/27/2018 to 11/1/2018
Schedule: Th 05:30 PM - 06:30 PM
Located in : LCTC\, 157

Instructor: Karen Cleary
Registration: $30.00

Explore basic poses to strengthen and ba lance the body\, therapeutic poses to restore the body\, guided deep relax ation technique\nRead more URL: DTSTAMP:20240405T225042Z END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SEQUENCE:0 LAST-MODIFIED:20171026T144048Z DTSTART;TZID=US/Central:20170914T173000 DTEND;TZID=US/Central:20170914T183000 RRULE:FREQ=WEEKLY;UNTIL=20171026T045959Z;BYDAY=TH;WKST=SU SUMMARY:Yogilates-Community Education Class (Lake Career & Technical Center ) LOCATION:Dogwood Elementary School\, 158 Minor St\, Camdenton\, MO 65020\, USA DESCRIPTION:This is a workout that combines the best of Yoga and Pilates. We will target core muscles and work on maintaining strength and balance. Come prepared to work hard and have fun!
You will need a Yoga/Pilate s mat and a small pillow or blanket.

Cost: $40
Register at http s://lctc.asapco\nRead more URL: DTSTAMP:20240405T225042Z END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SEQUENCE:0 LAST-MODIFIED:20171026T144048Z DTSTART;TZID=US/Central:20171026T173000 DTEND;TZID=US/Central:20171026T183000 EXDATE;TZID=US/Central:20171026T173000 RRULE:FREQ=WEEKLY;UNTIL=20171102T223000Z;BYDAY=TH;WKST=SU SUMMARY:Yogilates-Community Education Class (Lake Career & Technical Center ) LOCATION:Room 106\, Camdenton Middle School\, Laker Drive\, Camdenton\, MO\ , United States DESCRIPTION:This is a workout that combines the best of Yoga and Pilates. We will target core muscles and work on maintaining strength and balance. Come prepared to work hard and have fun!
You will need a Yoga/Pilate s mat and a small pillow or blanket.

Cost: $40
Register at http s://lctc.asapco\nRead more URL: DTSTAMP:20240405T225042Z END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SEQUENCE:0 LAST-MODIFIED:20171205T174326Z DTSTART;TZID=US/Central:20180215T173000 DTEND;TZID=US/Central:20180215T181500 EXDATE;TZID=US/Central:20180329T173000 RRULE:FREQ=WEEKLY;UNTIL=20180427T045959Z;BYDAY=TH;WKST=SU SUMMARY:Yogilates-Community Education Class (Lake Career & Technical Center ) LOCATION:Room 106\, Camdenton Middle School\, Laker Drive\, Camdenton\, MO\ , United States DESCRIPTION:This is a workout that combines the best of Yoga and Pilates. We will target core muscles and work on maintaining strength and balance. Come prepared to work hard and have fun!
You will need a Yoga/Pilate s mat and a small pillow or blanket.

*Please note the location is r oom 106 at Camd\nRead more URL: DTSTAMP:20240405T225042Z END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SEQUENCE:0 LAST-MODIFIED:20200316T205658Z DTSTART;TZID=US/Central:20200317T180000 DTEND;TZID=US/Central:20200317T213000 RRULE:FREQ=WEEKLY;WKST=SU;UNTIL=20200401T045959Z;BYDAY=TU;WKST=SU SUMMARY:Cancelled-Women's Recreational Volleyball (Lake Career & Technical Center) LOCATION:Gym\, Hawthorn Elementary School\, 296 Minor\, Camdenton\, MO 6502 0\, USA DESCRIPTION:The Recreational League is for players who want to stay active and have fun. Each team will play 8 games. (dates subject to change)

Enrollment is limited to 8 teams. Roster of players due the first ni ght of play.

Team rosters due the first night of play.

Registration D\nRead more URL: DTSTAMP:20240405T225042Z END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SEQUENCE:0 LAST-MODIFIED:20180920T034708Z DTSTART;TZID=US/Central:20181105T180000 DTEND;TZID=US/Central:20181105T210000 EXDATE;TZID=US/Central:20181112T180000 RRULE:FREQ=WEEKLY;COUNT=2;BYDAY=MO;WKST=SU SUMMARY:Continuous Weave on the Tri-Loom (Lake Career & Technical Center) LOCATION:Room 111\, Lake Career and Technical Center\, 269 Dare Blvd\, Camd enton\, MO 65020\, USA DESCRIPTION:Continuous Weave on the Tri-Loom
Dates: 11/5/2018 to 11/12/2 018
Schedule: Mo 06:00 PM - 08:30 PM
Located in : LCTC\, 111
< br>Instructor: DeAnna Amos
Registration: $30.00

Learn to weave without the hassle and \nRead more URL: DTSTAMP:20240405T225042Z END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SEQUENCE:0 LAST-MODIFIED:20171017T194308Z DTSTART;TZID=US/Central:20171113T180000 DTEND;TZID=US/Central:20171113T203000 RRULE:FREQ=WEEKLY;COUNT=2;BYDAY=MO;WKST=SU SUMMARY:Continuous Weave on the Tri-Loom (Com Ed Class) (Lake Career & Tech nical Center) LOCATION:Lake Career & Technical Center\, Room 112 DESCRIPTION:Learn to weave without the hassle and headache of measuring yar n\, and warping the loom. Continuous strand weaving is easy to do using ce nter-pull balls of yarn. This method greatly reduces the time needed for p reparation\, as there is no need to wind shuttles\, allowing you to jump r ight into the w\nRead more URL: DTSTAMP:20240405T225042Z END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SEQUENCE:0 LAST-MODIFIED:20190919T181321Z DTSTART;TZID=US/Central:20190903T180000 DTEND;TZID=US/Central:20190903T213000 RRULE:FREQ=WEEKLY;WKST=SU;UNTIL=20190917T045959Z;INTERVAL=1;BYDAY=TU,TH;WKS T=SU SUMMARY:EMT Flipped Classroom (Lake Career & Technical Center) DESCRIPTION:The Flipped Classroom is a different way of learning. All cours ework is done in the online classroom. Then when you come to class you wil l do interactive and supplemental work to the online classroom. Clinicals can be completed at a facility near you or you may choose to do clinicals with one of our\nRead more URL: DTSTAMP:20240405T225042Z END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SEQUENCE:0 LAST-MODIFIED:20190919T181321Z DTSTART;TZID=US/Central:20190917T180000 DTEND;TZID=US/Central:20190917T213000 RRULE:FREQ=WEEKLY;WKST=SU;UNTIL=20191220T000000Z;INTERVAL=1;BYDAY=TU,TH;WKS T=SU SUMMARY:EMT Flipped Classroom (Lake Career & Technical Center) LOCATION:Camden Ambulance District\, 675 MO-5\, Camdenton\, MO 65020\, USA DESCRIPTION:The Flipped Classroom is a different way of learning. All cours ework is done in the online classroom. Then when you come to class you wil l do interactive and supplemental work to the online classroom. Clinicals can be completed at a facility near you or you may choose to do clinicals with one of our\nRead more URL: DTSTAMP:20240405T225042Z END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SEQUENCE:0 LAST-MODIFIED:20171017T194308Z DTSTART;TZID=US/Central:20170925T180000 DTEND;TZID=US/Central:20170925T200000 RRULE:FREQ=WEEKLY;UNTIL=20171116T000000Z;BYDAY=MO,WE;WKST=SU SUMMARY:Integrated Photography-Community Education Class (Lake Career & Tec hnical Center) LOCATION:Lake Career and Technical Center\, Room 130 DESCRIPTION:This eight-week course is for those who want to learn how to ta ke pictures like a professional. The understanding of basic concepts of ph otography and how to use those concepts to enhance everyday photos. Learni ng about the settings of a DLSR camera\, which will help you understand th e settings in a\nRead more URL: DTSTAMP:20240405T225042Z END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SEQUENCE:0 LAST-MODIFIED:20190228T124152Z DTSTART;TZID=US/Central:20190228T180000 DTEND;TZID=US/Central:20190228T213000 EXDATE;TZID=US/Central:20190228T180000 RRULE:FREQ=WEEKLY;WKST=SU;UNTIL=20190419T045959Z;BYDAY=TH;WKST=SU SUMMARY:Women's Recreational Volleyball (Lake Career & Technical Center) LOCATION:Dogwood Elementary School\, 158 Minor St\, Camdenton\, MO 65020\, USA DESCRIPTION:
Registration $135.00/team

The Recreational League is for p layers who want to stay active and have fun. Each team will play 8 games. (dates subject to change)  \; Enrollment is limited to 8 teams.  \;  \;Roste\nRead more URL: DTSTAMP:20240405T225042Z END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SEQUENCE:0 LAST-MODIFIED:20190826T185126Z DTSTART;TZID=US/Central:20190910T180000 DTEND;TZID=US/Central:20190910T213000 EXDATE;TZID=US/Central:20191112T180000 RRULE:FREQ=WEEKLY;WKST=SU;UNTIL=20191113T055959Z;BYDAY=TU;WKST=SU SUMMARY:Women's Recreational Volleyball (Lake Career & Technical Center) LOCATION:Gym\, Hawthorn Elementary School\, 296 Minor\, Camdenton\, MO 6502 0\, USA DESCRIPTION:The Recreational League is for players who want to stay active and have fun. Each team will play 8 games. (dates subject to change)

Enrollment is limited to 8 teams. Roster of players due the first ni ght of play.

Team rosters due the first night of play.

Registration D\nRead more URL: DTSTAMP:20240405T225042Z END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SEQUENCE:0 LAST-MODIFIED:20200316T205658Z DTSTART;TZID=US/Central:20200211T180000 DTEND;TZID=US/Central:20200211T213000 RRULE:FREQ=WEEKLY;WKST=SU;UNTIL=20200317T045959Z;BYDAY=TU;WKST=SU SUMMARY:Women's Recreational Volleyball (Lake Career & Technical Center) LOCATION:Gym\, Hawthorn Elementary School\, 296 Minor\, Camdenton\, MO 6502 0\, USA DESCRIPTION:The Recreational League is for players who want to stay active and have fun. Each team will play 8 games. (dates subject to change)

Enrollment is limited to 8 teams. Roster of players due the first ni ght of play.

Team rosters due the first night of play.

Registration D\nRead more URL: DTSTAMP:20240405T225042Z END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SEQUENCE:0 LAST-MODIFIED:20180327T170605Z DTSTART;TZID=US/Central:20180213T180000 DTEND;TZID=US/Central:20180213T213000 EXDATE;TZID=US/Central:20180220T180000 EXDATE;TZID=US/Central:20180403T180000 RRULE:FREQ=WEEKLY;UNTIL=20180418T045959Z;BYDAY=TU;WKST=SU SUMMARY:Women's Volleyball League (Lake Career & Technical Center) LOCATION:Gym Hawthorn Elementary School\, Camdenton\, MO\, United States DESCRIPTION:Looking for a great way to stay active? Sign up for one of our women’s volleyball leagues! This semester we will offer TWO women’s volley ball leagues for players of all ability levels. The Competitive League is for experienced players who are looking for a higher level of play. The Re creational Leag\nRead more URL: DTSTAMP:20240405T225042Z END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SEQUENCE:0 LAST-MODIFIED:20171017T194308Z DTSTART;TZID=US/Central:20170919T180000 DTEND;TZID=US/Central:20170919T213000 EXDATE;TZID=US/Central:20171024T180000 EXDATE;TZID=US/Central:20171031T180000 EXDATE;TZID=US/Central:20171010T180000 EXDATE;TZID=US/Central:20170926T180000 EXDATE;TZID=US/Central:20171128T180000 EXDATE;TZID=US/Central:20171121T180000 RRULE:FREQ=WEEKLY;UNTIL=20171129T000000Z;BYDAY=TU;WKST=SU SUMMARY:Women's Volleyball-Community Education (Lake Career & Technical Cen ter) LOCATION:Camdenton Middle School Gym DESCRIPTION:Looking for a great way to stay active? Sign up for one of our women’s volleyball leagues! This Fall we will offer TWO women’s volley ball leagues for players of all ability levels. The Competitive League is for experienced players who are looking for a higher level of play. The Re creational Leag\nRead more URL: DTSTAMP:20240405T225042Z END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SEQUENCE:0 LAST-MODIFIED:20190507T200154Z DTSTART;TZID=US/Central:20190515T183000 DTEND;TZID=US/Central:20190515T210000 EXDATE;TZID=US/Central:20190522T183000 RRULE:FREQ=WEEKLY;WKST=SU;UNTIL=20190523T045959Z;BYDAY=WE;WKST=SU SUMMARY:Astronomy for Dummies (Lake Career & Technical Center) LOCATION:Room 109A\, Lake Career and Technical Center\, 269 Dare Blvd\, Cam denton\, MO 65020\, USA DESCRIPTION:Registration $35.00
Register at https://lctc.asapconnected.c om/ClassDetail.aspx?pk=1322270

You're not a dummy\, but you wou ld like to tell neighbors\, kids and grandkids more about the beautiful ni ght skies at the Lake. Find the planets and constellations. Know what is rising and set\nRead more URL: DTSTAMP:20240405T225042Z END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SEQUENCE:0 LAST-MODIFIED:20171017T194308Z DTSTART;TZID=US/Central:20170914T183000 DTEND;TZID=US/Central:20170914T213000 RRULE:FREQ=WEEKLY;UNTIL=20171019T233000Z;BYDAY=TH;WKST=SU SUMMARY:Beginners Woodcarving-Community Education Class (Lake Career & Tech nical Center) LOCATION:Lake Career and Technical Center Room 138 DESCRIPTION:Carvers from the Lake of the Ozarks Woodcarving Club are anxiou s to teach another carving class with the school\, no matter what your ski ll level. This class will offer beginners the opportunity to carve a shor ebird with instructor Bud Murray. Wood and tools will be provided. Cost of materials wi\nRead more URL: DTSTAMP:20240405T225042Z END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SEQUENCE:0 LAST-MODIFIED:20171109T191340Z DTSTART;TZID=US/Central:20180208T183000 DTEND;TZID=US/Central:20180208T213000 RRULE:FREQ=WEEKLY;COUNT=6;BYDAY=TH;WKST=SU SUMMARY:Beginners Woodcarving-Community Education Class (Lake Career & Tech nical Center) LOCATION:Lake Career and Technical Center Room 138 DESCRIPTION:Carvers from the Lake of the Ozarks Woodcarving Club are anxiou s to teach another carving class with the school\, no matter what your ski ll level. This class will offer beginners the opportunity to carve a shor ebird with instructor Bud Murray. Wood and tools will be provided. Cost of materials wi\nRead more URL: DTSTAMP:20240405T225042Z END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SEQUENCE:0 LAST-MODIFIED:20200316T205731Z DTSTART;TZID=US/Central:20200319T183000 DTEND;TZID=US/Central:20200319T210000 RRULE:FREQ=WEEKLY;WKST=SU;UNTIL=20200327T045959Z;BYDAY=TH;WKST=SU SUMMARY:Cancelled-Woodcarving-Beginner & Intermediate (Lake Career & Techni cal Center) DESCRIPTION:

The Lake of the Ozarks Wood Carving club will once again be offering a beginner’s class and an intermediate carving class. \; Our aim of these two classes is the you have fun and lean some carving techniq ues. \; \;Please join us. \; Cost of materials included in the class fee.&nbs\nRead more URL: DTSTAMP:20240405T225042Z END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SEQUENCE:0 LAST-MODIFIED:20200121T193340Z DTSTART;TZID=US/Central:20200217T183000 DTEND;TZID=US/Central:20200217T213000 RRULE:FREQ=WEEKLY;WKST=SU;UNTIL=20200611T045959Z;BYDAY=MO,WE;WKST=SU SUMMARY:EMT (Lake Career & Technical Center) DESCRIPTION:

This course highlights the basic knowledge and skills necess ary for individuals who wish to obtain state or national certification as an Emergency Medical Technician and adheres to the National EMS Education Standards which are based on the National EMS Core Content and the Nationa l EMS Scope of \nRead more URL: DTSTAMP:20240405T225042Z END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SEQUENCE:0 LAST-MODIFIED:20171017T194308Z DTSTART;TZID=US/Central:20170914T183000 DTEND;TZID=US/Central:20170914T213000 RRULE:FREQ=WEEKLY;UNTIL=20171019T233000Z;BYDAY=TH;WKST=SU SUMMARY:Intermediate Woodcarving-Community Education Class (Lake Career & T echnical Center) LOCATION:Lake Career and Technical Center Room 137 DESCRIPTION:Carvers from the Lake of the Ozarks Woodcarving Club are anxiou s to teach another carving class with the school\, no matter what your ski ll level. This class will offer returning carvers the opportunity to car ve an architectural relief of a barn and silo with instructor Loren Woodar d. Wood and to\nRead more URL: DTSTAMP:20240405T225042Z END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SEQUENCE:0 LAST-MODIFIED:20171109T191415Z DTSTART;TZID=US/Central:20180208T183000 DTEND;TZID=US/Central:20180208T213000 RRULE:FREQ=WEEKLY;COUNT=6;BYDAY=TH;WKST=SU SUMMARY:Intermediate Woodcarving-Community Education Class (Lake Career & T echnical Center) LOCATION:Lake Career and Technical Center Room 137 DESCRIPTION:Carvers from the Lake of the Ozarks Woodcarving Club are anxiou s to teach another carving class with the school\, no matter what your ski ll level. This class will offer returning carvers the opportunity to car ve an architectural relief of a barn and silo with instructor Loren Woodar d. Wood and to\nRead more URL: DTSTAMP:20240405T225042Z END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SEQUENCE:0 LAST-MODIFIED:20190221T210033Z DTSTART;TZID=US/Central:20180911T183000 DTEND;TZID=US/Central:20180911T213000 RRULE:FREQ=MONTHLY;UNTIL=20190515T045959Z;BYDAY=2TU;WKST=SU SUMMARY:Lake Area Woodworkers Guild (Lake Career & Technical Center) DESCRIPTION:Contact LAWG representative Andrew Castle at 573-280-2464 or by emailing to

The Lake Area Woodworkers Guild (LAWG) was established in 2007 to provide a forum for area woodworkers to meet and exchange ideas and information about working with wood and to pr omote the craft\nRead more URL: DTSTAMP:20240405T225042Z END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SEQUENCE:0 LAST-MODIFIED:20171228T071038Z DTSTART;TZID=US/Central:20180103T183000 DTEND;TZID=US/Central:20180103T203000 EXDATE;TZID=US/Central:20180328T183000 EXDATE;TZID=US/Central:20180221T183000 RRULE:FREQ=WEEKLY;UNTIL=20180517T045959Z;BYDAY=WE;WKST=SU SUMMARY:Men's Basketball (Lake Career & Technical Center) LOCATION:Hawthorn Elementary Gym DESCRIPTION:Bring your game and get a terrific workout! Wednesday evenings at Hawthorn Elementary a group of guys (various ages) get together to pla y basketball. Why don’t you join them for a fun night of exercise and cam araderie! (20 sessions)

No class on 3/28/18.
Cost $20
Reg ister at https:\nRead more URL: DTSTAMP:20240405T225042Z END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SEQUENCE:0 LAST-MODIFIED:20171017T194308Z DTSTART;TZID=US/Central:20170830T183000 DTEND;TZID=US/Central:20170830T203000 EXDATE;TZID=US/Central:20171122T183000 RRULE:FREQ=WEEKLY;UNTIL=20171214T003000Z;BYDAY=WE;WKST=SU SUMMARY:Men's Basketball-Community Education Class (Lake Career & Technical Center) LOCATION:Hawthorn Elementary School Gym\, Camdenton\, MO\, United States DESCRIPTION:Bring your game and get a terrific workout! Wednesday evenings at Hawthorn Elementary a group of guys (various ages) get together to pla y basketball. Why don’t you join them for a fun night of exercise and c amaraderie! (16 sessions)

Cost: $20
Register at www.lctc.asapco\nRead more URL: DTSTAMP:20240405T225042Z END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SEQUENCE:0 LAST-MODIFIED:20190228T124559Z DTSTART;TZID=US/Central:20190228T183000 DTEND;TZID=US/Central:20190228T210000 EXDATE;TZID=US/Central:20190228T183000 RRULE:FREQ=WEEKLY;WKST=SU;UNTIL=20190412T045959Z;WKST=SU SUMMARY:Woodcarvers-Beginners (Lake Career & Technical Center) LOCATION:Room 120\, Lake Career & Technical Center DESCRIPTION:
CANCELLED 2/28/19-MAKE UP 4/11/19
The Lake of the Ozarks Wood Carving club will once again be offering a beginner’s class a nd an intermediate carving class. The beginner’s class will be carving a Dogwood Flower\, complete with two leaves and a small stem. This will be a relief carvin\nRead more URL: DTSTAMP:20240405T225042Z END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SEQUENCE:0 LAST-MODIFIED:20190228T125034Z DTSTART;TZID=US/Central:20190221T183000 DTEND;TZID=US/Central:20190221T210000 EXDATE;TZID=US/Central:20190321T183000 EXDATE;TZID=US/Central:20190228T183000 RRULE:FREQ=WEEKLY;WKST=SU;UNTIL=20190307T055959Z;WKST=SU SUMMARY:Woodcarvers-Intermediate (Lake Career & Technical Center) LOCATION:Room 137\, Lake Career & Technical Center DESCRIPTION:The Lake of the Ozarks Wood Carving club will once again be off ering a beginner’s class and an intermediate carving class. The beginner’ s class will be carving a Dogwood Flower\, complete with two leaves and a small stem. This will be a relief carving on a 6” X 6”\, basswood\, board . If time permi\nRead more URL: DTSTAMP:20240405T225042Z END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SEQUENCE:0 LAST-MODIFIED:20190228T125034Z DTSTART;TZID=US/Central:20190221T183000 DTEND;TZID=US/Central:20190221T210000 EXDATE;TZID=US/Central:20190228T183000 RRULE:FREQ=WEEKLY;WKST=SU;UNTIL=20190412T045959Z;WKST=SU SUMMARY:Woodcarvers-Intermediate (Lake Career & Technical Center) LOCATION:Room 137\, Lake Career & Technical Center DESCRIPTION:
CANCELLED 2/28/19-MAKE UP DATE 4/11/19
The Lake o f the Ozarks Wood Carving club will once again be offering a beginner’s cl ass and an intermediate carving class. The beginner’s class will be carvi ng a Dogwood Flower\, complete with two leaves and a small stem. This wil l be a relief c\nRead more URL: DTSTAMP:20240405T225042Z END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SEQUENCE:0 LAST-MODIFIED:20180905T134202Z DTSTART;TZID=US/Central:20180906T183000 DTEND;TZID=US/Central:20180906T213000 RRULE:FREQ=WEEKLY;UNTIL=20181012T045959Z;BYDAY=TH;WKST=SU SUMMARY:Woodcarving-Beginner (Lake Career & Technical Center) LOCATION:Lake Career and Technical Center\, 269 Dare Blvd\, Camdenton\, MO 65020\, USA DESCRIPTION:LCTC Room 138

Carvers from the Lake of the Ozarks Woodca rving Club are always willing to teach or help anyone interested in pursui ng this art form. This class offers beginners the opportunity to carve an angel. Wood and tools will be provided. Cost of materials included in t he class fee. \nRead more URL: DTSTAMP:20240405T225042Z END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SEQUENCE:0 LAST-MODIFIED:20200316T205731Z DTSTART;TZID=US/Central:20200220T183000 DTEND;TZID=US/Central:20200220T210000 RRULE:FREQ=WEEKLY;WKST=SU;UNTIL=20200319T045959Z;BYDAY=TH;WKST=SU SUMMARY:Woodcarving-Beginner & Intermediate (Lake Career & Technical Center ) DESCRIPTION:

The Lake of the Ozarks Wood Carving club will once again be offering a beginner’s class and an intermediate carving class. \; Our aim of these two classes is the you have fun and lean some carving techniq ues. \; \;Please join us. \; Cost of materials included in the class fee.&nbs\nRead more URL: DTSTAMP:20240405T225042Z END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SEQUENCE:0 LAST-MODIFIED:20190826T201036Z DTSTART;TZID=US/Central:20191024T183000 DTEND;TZID=US/Central:20191024T210000 RRULE:FREQ=WEEKLY;WKST=SU;UNTIL=20191206T055959Z;BYDAY=TH;WKST=SU SUMMARY:Woodcarving-Beginners (Lake Career & Technical Center) LOCATION:Room 120\, Lake Career & Technical Center DESCRIPTION:Register at 1428483

The Lake of the Ozarks Wood Carving club will once again be offering a beginner’s class and an intermediate carving class. The begin ner’s class will be carving a shorebird.

The intermediate class wil l consist of a \nRead more URL: DTSTAMP:20240405T225042Z END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SEQUENCE:0 LAST-MODIFIED:20180905T133951Z DTSTART;TZID=US/Central:20180906T183000 DTEND;TZID=US/Central:20180906T213000 RRULE:FREQ=WEEKLY;UNTIL=20181012T045959Z;BYDAY=TH;WKST=SU SUMMARY:Woodcarving-Intermediate (Lake Career & Technical Center) LOCATION:Lake Career and Technical Center\, 269 Dare Blvd\, Camdenton\, MO 65020\, USA DESCRIPTION:LCTC Room 137
This class will offer returning carvers the o pportunity to carve an architectural relief of a barn and silo with Lake o f the Ozarks Woodcarvers Club instructors. Wood and tools will be provide d. Cost of materials included in the class fee. (6 Sessions)\nRead more URL: DTSTAMP:20240405T225042Z END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SEQUENCE:0 LAST-MODIFIED:20190826T201114Z DTSTART;TZID=US/Central:20191024T183000 DTEND;TZID=US/Central:20191024T210000 RRULE:FREQ=WEEKLY;WKST=SU;UNTIL=20191207T055959Z;BYDAY=TH;WKST=SU SUMMARY:Woodcarving-Intermediate (Lake Career & Technical Center) LOCATION:Room 137\, Lake Career & Technical Center DESCRIPTION:Register at 1428484

The Lake of the Ozarks Wood Carving club will once again be offering a beginner’s class and an intermediate carving class. The begin ner’s class will be carving a shorebird.

The intermediate class wil l consist of a \nRead more URL: DTSTAMP:20240405T225042Z END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SEQUENCE:0 LAST-MODIFIED:20190507T200135Z DTSTART;TZID=US/Central:20190424T190000 DTEND;TZID=US/Central:20190424T210000 EXDATE;TZID=US/Central:20190508T190000 RRULE:FREQ=WEEKLY;WKST=SU;UNTIL=20190515T045959Z;BYDAY=WE;WKST=SU SUMMARY:Astronomy for Dummies (Lake Career & Technical Center) LOCATION:Room 131\, Lake Career and Technical Center\, 269 Dare Blvd\, Camd enton\, MO 65020\, USA DESCRIPTION:Registration $35.00
Register at https://lctc.asapconnected.c om/ClassDetail.aspx?pk=1322270

You're not a dummy\, but you wou ld like to tell neighbors\, kids and grandkids more about the beautiful ni ght skies at the Lake. Find the planets and constellations. Know what is rising and set\nRead more URL: DTSTAMP:20240405T225042Z END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SEQUENCE:0 LAST-MODIFIED:20180412T143732Z DTSTART;TZID=US/Central:20180413T190000 DTEND;TZID=US/Central:20180413T210000 RRULE:FREQ=DAILY;COUNT=2;WKST=SU SUMMARY:Guys and Dolls Jr. (Lake Career & Technical Center) DESCRIPTION:Click here for event details. \;\nRead more URL: DTSTAMP:20240405T225042Z END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR