School Re-Entry Survey Parents and staff, please check your email for a link to the school re-entry survey. Surveys will remain open thru July 12th.
Summer School - July Read full story to hear full audio of the phone call including information about Summer School.
Free Meals for Kids in June Pick-up will be available every Wednesday in June between 9am-11am at Camdenton High School only. No delivery will be available. Click to view details.
Returning Chromebooks June 1st and 2nd from 9 AM - 6 PMRead full story for specific locations and procedures.
Attention Camdenton R-III Empolyees The annual employee health fair has been cancelled this year, however we will still have a blood draw date for those wanting lab work.
Item Pick Up & Reopening of Playgrounds Read full story to hear full audio of the phone call including specific dates and times for picking up students personal items.
PLTW Distinguished Schools Camdenton R-III School District schools recognized as Distinguished PLTW Schools ....Click on the headline to read further details.
Chromebook Repair Process If you are having issues with a school issued chromebook, please contact the teacher. Teacher emails and details are available by clicking on the link above.