Information for Athletes and Parents

1. Athletes who have made a team have made a commitment to be at all practice sessions, contests and team meetings. Any team member who must be late, or miss a practice or game for any reason must confer with the team Head coach. The absence from practices or games jeopardizes retaining a position on a team, standing on that team, and any team or individual awards that may be conferred.

2. Mandatory practices are held daily for approximately two hours, or as appropriate to the sport. Some practices are held on Saturdays and Sundays. No practices may be held without a Burlington High School coaching staff member present. More detailed information on areas included in this pamphlet and other student requirements are distributed to student athletes each season.

3. Parents are encouraged to join/ support the Burlington High School Athletic Boosters Club. The Boosters support the athletic department in many ways. They provide funding for awards nights, athletic scholarships, and other athletic needs.

For information please check out the website: