BECC Drop-off and Pick-up Procedures
Only buses will be allowed to park in the fire lane in front of the Big Playground. All buses will be unloaded first, then children in cars will be unloaded. This area is labeled “B” on the map.
8:10 AM programs
The drop-off process will not start until 8:00 AM, so please plan your arrival accordingly (staff will unload buses first). Car drop off area is the fire lane in front of the Small Playground and is labeled C on the map. Please make sure that you display the placard with your child’s name on your dashboard.
A line will start with the first car pulling up to the crosswalk. We will allow approximately 10 cars at a time to unload. Look for the signs to signify the active drop-off area. Do not get out of your car unless you are in this designated area. Please turn off your engine, exit your car, and move to the sidewalk to remove your child from the car. FOR SAFETY REASONS, CHILDREN CAN ONLY BE REMOVED FROM THEIR CAR ON THE SIDEWALK. A staff member will take your child to their classroom line. Once a staff member takes your child, you may get back in your car and wait to be directed to exit the drop off area. Once the initial cars are unloaded, we will have more cars pull up. We will repeat this process until all children have been dropped-off. PLEASE DO NOT WALK YOUR CHILD TO THEIR TEACHER - A STAFF MEMBER WILL COME TO YOUR CAR AND TAKE YOUR CHILD TO THEIR TEACHER.
12:10 programs
The process will not start until 12:00 PM, so please plan your arrival accordingly (staff will unload buses first). The 12:10 PM drop-off will follow the same procedure as the 8:10 AM procedure.
11:10 AM pick-up
For pick-up, this process will start at 11:10 AM. Similar to morning drop-off, we will have cars line-up in area C in front of the small playground. Parents will line up in their cars starting in front of the crosswalk and in the area designated by the sign. Please make sure that you display the placard with your child’s name on your dashboard.
Starting with the first 10 cars, parents will turn off their engines and come to the sidewalk. Your child will be brought to you and you will put your child in the car. CHILDREN MUST ENTER THE CAR ON THE SIDEWALK SIDE OF THE CAR. Once you and your child are in the car, you will be directed to exit the drop off area. Once the initial cars are unloaded, we will have the next group of cars move up. We will repeat this process until all children have been picked-up.
12:10 PM pick-up
Please refer to the paragraph above for the procedure. If you are picking your child up at 12:10 PM, PLEASE DO NOT GET IN THE CAR LINE UNTIL 12:10 PM.
2:10 PM pick-up
Please refer to the 11:10 paragraph above. The process will begin at 2:10 PM.
All children must be seated in an appropriate child safety seat according to age, weight, height and in accordance with Massachusetts State Law.
For the safety of you and your child as well as staff, cell phone use is prohibited while dropping-off and picking-up your child.
Children must remain at their cars at all times while waiting for a staff member to take them into the building. There is no running on the grass outside of the building.
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