Marching Band Camp Checklist

Everyone must eat a good breakfast/lunch before camp starts. Rehearsal begins promptly at 1:30 PM so you should have time to pack in lots of carbohydrates (i.e. toast/bagel with jam, oatmeal with fruit/raisins/nuts) to have energy for the rehearsal day. Try to avoid lots of heavy dairy products, especially during the second week when we will be outside as much as possible as it tends to not mix so well with the heat!

Appropriate Attire:
Please come to rehearsals dressed with the correct attire for lots of movement. Ideally, this would include a lightweight t-shirt (DryFit material is great for wicking sweat), athletic shorts, a good pair of socks, and athletic shoes such as running or cross-training shoes - no sandals/flip-flops are allowed. For safety reasons, please make sure that your feet are in closed-toed shoes at all times. All rehearsal clothing must be within the school dress code - dress for Marching Band Rehearsal as you would for sports practice.

Sleep, Hydration, and Nutrition:
We will talk about this more at camp, but make sure that you are preparing for camp by getting back onto a normal sleep schedule (if you have been sleeping in this summer) and drinking lots of water. Avoid drinking soda or high-sugar drinks, as well as junk food or sweets that will slow your body down. You will feel much better throughout camp (and in life!) by taking care of yourself.

Dinner or Money for Dinner:
There will be a dinner break from 4:30-5:30 PM each day of camp. All students are required to either bring their own dinner or bring money to get dinner. Everyone MUST eat dinner as you will need plenty of energy to power you through the rest of the rehearsal evening.

1/2 Gallon Water Jug: All students will be required to have a 1/2 gallon water jug with them that they can use to stay hydrated throughout camp. Requiring AT LEAST the 1/2 gallon size will make sure that students will not have to leave rehearsals to fill up water bottles in order to maximize our efficiency. Here is an example of a cooler that you should have. Please make sure to write your name in a bold marker/Sharpie on the cooler. (Coleman makes an excellent product!)
Picture of Coleman Water Jug
Students who do not bring a water cooler to rehearsal will be held out of practice until an appropriate cooler is present.

In a backpack, similar to what you would bring to school, please have the following materials:
All Band Members
- Sun Gear: Sunscreen, hat, chapstick, sunglasses. Everyone in the marching band SHOULD have some form of head covering when we are outside in the sun. Winds (especially Brass), I recommend a hat to keep the sun off of your faces. Visual Ensemble, if you would like to wear a bandana or a visor, that is fine.
- Bug Spray and appropriate layers for the evening rehearsal block.
Optional, in case you like to be OVER prepared!
- Healthy, non-perishable snacks (peanuts, granola) for short breaks in your backpack.
Winds and Percussion ONLY
- 1" BLACK 3-Ring Binder with Side Pockets and Clear Sheet Protectors for Music - Pencil(s) and Highlighter to Mark Music
- Instrument Accessories (i.e. Brass - Valve Oil, Slide Grease; WW - Extra reeds, cork grease)