Welcome to the Borger Independent School District.
The goal of our school district is to provide our students with a
world-class education. Classroom expectations are consistently
increasing, and our students are challenged to achieve a deep,
long-term understanding of the concepts and ideas in our excellent
state curriculum. Our teachers use best instructional practices, and
we strive to ensure that students are taught to the depth and
complexity of the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS).
We look forward to working with students,
teachers, administrators, parents, and community stakeholders as we
work to enrich the educational environment for all our students. We
encourage all students to take advantage of the many opportunities
available to them inside and outside the classroom. We have a strong
partnership with Frank Phillips College and local businesses. The
number of dual-credit classes our high school students have taken
increased by over 400%, which has been significantly funded by
community resources. We have a cohort of students working to receive
both a high school diploma and an associate degree. We also have an
ever expanding community mentor program and thriving parent/teacher
organizations and booster clubs.
Our website provides information about the many
organizations of our school district as well as highlights the many
activities throughout the year. As stated in the Borger ISD Belief
Statements, the core business of our school district is classroom
instruction and curriculum. We strive to promote intellectual
curiosity and academic rigor as we work to achieve a world-class school
Thank you for visiting our website and please feel free to contact us if we can be of further service.