Florer Family Donation  

The Karla Florer, the Florer family and relatives generously donated $6,500 in remembrance of Jarrod Florer, Dale Florer, Kathy Thompson, Karl V. Karlin and Mary Ann Garcia to be spent on books for the Gateway/Crockett Library.

All were avid readers, and their legacy will live on through the pages of 2,302 books that have been purchased through their donations which began 14 years ago. This year not only will many additional library books be purchased, but the Florer Family has also graciously agreed to fund next year’s Battle of the Books program!

Borger ISD is very appreciative of the Florer Family and their continued support of our Bulldog Readers! We know these books have and will continue to inspire many students.

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Posted by rebecca.calder On 15 October, 2021 at 11:02 AM