Borger Intermediate School holds Pep Rally to Recognize Good Citizens 
Borger Intermediate recently held a pep rally to recognize the Cool Kids and spirit ticket winners for the 1st 6 Weeks of school.  

Spirit Ticket Winners 1st Six Weeks


5th grade – Zoe Jennings, Gabby Fitzgerald, Brynleigh Hays,

6th grade – Zane Wicker, Zoey Lopez, Khristian Phillips (not pictured)

Cool Kids for the 1st Six-Weeks

5th GRADE 

Kacin Bass

Amrie Lopez

Blake Rodriguez

Carlos Pimental

CJ Marquez

Jorge Escobar

Kelsie Felder

Morgan Lucero

Nadia Porras

Stormy Shopteese

Ulises Castaneda

Irvin Ramos


6th Grade


Aiden Powell

Alysen Amorella

Carley Martinez

Carlos Cardenas

Dezmin Canales

Korbyn Gibson

Madison Chambers

Maria Hensley

Rhyder Allen

Zoey Lopez









Six-grade spirit ticket winners                      5th-grade spirit ticket winners

 Sixth-Grade Cool Kids 

5th-grade Cook Kids

Posted by rebecca.calder On 16 October, 2018 at 3:20 PM