Clear Lake – Bethel School District Tue, 09 Aug 2022 20:12:10 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Clear Lake – Bethel School District 32 32 181851002 Project Hope Back-to-School Giveaway Tue, 09 Aug 2022 20:12:10 +0000 We are thrilled to announce that Project Hope will be taking place again this year.

Mark your calendar for Willamette High School, Sunday, August 28 from 1-4:30 pm. 

  • Each student will receive shoes, socks, backpacks, games.
  • Please call your child’s school to sign up for a time to attend. If you have students in more than one school, you can sign up all of your children by calling one school. You do not need to call the school for each of your students.
  • You will have a time assigned, so please arrive at that time, not before. We have carefully assigned times to honor state safety guidelines.

Help us keep Project Hope safe (COVID-19 Procedures): Face coverings are not required but be prepared to keep 6ft distance from others. Please do not attend if you are ill, or have been around someone who is ill.

Sorteo de regreso a la escuela de Proyecto Esperanza 

Estamos encantados de anunciar que Proyecto Esperanza se llevará a cabo nuevamente este año.

Marque su calendario para el Domingo, 28 de agosto de 1 a 4:30 pm en la Preparatoria de Willamette.

  • Cada estudiante recibirá zapatos, calcetines, una mochila y juegos.
  • Por favor llame a la escuela de su hijo/a para inscribirse y obtener un horario para asistir. Si tiene estudiantes en más de una escuela, puede inscribir a todos sus hijos llamando a una escuela. No es necesario que llame a la escuela por cada uno de sus estudiantes.
  • Se le asignará una hora, así que llegue a esa hora, no antes. Hemos asignado tiempos cuidadosamente para cumplir con las pautas de seguridad estatales.

Ayúdenos a mantener seguro el Proyecto Esperanza (Procedimientos COVID-19): No se requieren cubrebocas, pero prepárese para mantener una distancia de 6 pies de los demás. Por favor, no asista si está enfermo o ha estado cerca de alguien que está enfermo.

Free High-Quality Preschool Has Openings Fri, 15 Jul 2022 16:37:22 +0000 The Early Education Program in partnership with Bethel School District has openings for immediate enrollment at its two Bethel sites at Irving and Danebo elementary schools. Preschool Promise is absolutely free for income eligible families throughout Bethel and includes free meals and free transportation. Click here for the details about this tremendous opportunity.
El Programa de Educación Temprana en asociación con el Distrito Escolar de Bethel tiene vacantes para la inscripción inmediata en sus dos sitios de Bethel en las escuelas primarias de Irving y Danebo. Preschool Promise es absolutamente gratis para las familias elegibles por ingresos en Bethel e incluye comidas y transporte gratis. Haga clic aquí para conocer los detalles sobre esta tremenda oportunidad.

Clear Lake News, 5th Grade Promotion, End of Year Mon, 30 May 2022 16:31:14 +0000 Last Day of School

The last day of school for Clear Lake students will be Friday, June 17. This will be a half-day and students will be dismissed at 12:00 PM. First Student and Bethel Transportation will run bus routes beginning at that time.

On the last day, we will be hosting a Clear-Lake-a-Thon event and students will sign up for one of the following activities:

  • Jog-a-Thon at the track
  • Hoop-a-Thon in the Gym/Outside Basketball Courts
  • Art-a-Thon in the Cafeteria
  • Read-a-Thon in the Library

Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, we have postponed fundraisers and PTO and this is intended to be a fun event for students rather than a fundraiser. However, if you would like to donate to Clear Lake at any time you may do so by clicking this link.

5th Grade Promotion on June 16


Jenn DeBlois selected to become Principal at Clear Lake Elementary Mon, 23 May 2022 15:45:14 +0000 Dear Clear Lake Families,

We have some exciting news to share with you! Jennifer DeBlois has been selected as the next principal of Clear Lake Elementary School beginning next school year.

Principal DeBlois will officially take over at Clear Lake beginning later this summer when current principal Evan Rindy heads over to Shasta Middle School to serve as the assistant principal there.

Mrs. DeBlois is the current K-8 principal for Bethel Online Academy (BOA), has worked tirelessly this school year to lead BOA students and staff through the challenges of a pandemic. Her experience in Bethel – both as a principal this school year and an elementary teacher at Prairie Mountain for 16 years before that – will bring an invaluable skillset to the Clear Lake community.

“Being a K-8 principal at BOA has provided me with opportunities to connect with the Bethel community and has expanded relationships with families and students and staff across the district,” she said. “I am incredibly excited for the opportunity to continue to work with Bethel families in this way, and get to hear from, connect and collaborate with everyone in the Clear Lake community. I know that when we work together, we can accomplish a lot to provide the best possible learning supports for students.”

Mrs. DeBlois will be available to connect with Clear Lake students, staff and families as they make their way into school between 8:30 a.m. and 9 a.m., Tuesday, May 26. Be sure to say hello if you are able!

Congratulations to Jenn DeBlois and the Clear Lake community!


Kraig Sproles, Bethel Superintendent

Estimadas familias de Clear Lake,

¡Tenemos algunas noticias emocionantes para compartir con ustedes! Jennifer DeBlois ha sido seleccionada como la próxima directora de la Escuela Primaria de Clear Lake a partir del próximo año escolar.

La directora DeBlois asumirá oficialmente el cargo en Clear Lake a partir de finales de este verano cuando el actual director Evan Rindy se dirija a la Escuela Secundaria de Shasta para servir como subdirector allí.

La Sra. DeBlois es la actual directora de K-8 para la Academia en línea de Bethel (BOA), ha trabajado incansablemente este año escolar para guiar a los estudiantes y al personal de BOA a través de los desafíos de una pandemia. Su experiencia en Bethel, tanto como directora este año escolar como maestra de primaria en Prairie Mountain durante 16 años antes de eso, traerá un conjunto de habilidades invaluables a la comunidad de Clear Lake.

“Ser directora de K-8 en BOA me ha brindado oportunidades para conectarme con la comunidad de Bethel y ha ampliado las relaciones con las familias, los estudiantes y el personal de todo el distrito”, dijo. “Estoy increíblemente emocionada por la oportunidad de continuar trabajando con las familias de Bethel de esta manera, y poder escuchar, conectar y colaborar con todos en la comunidad de Clear Lake. Sé que cuando trabajamos juntos, podemos lograr mucho para proporcionar el mejor apoyo de aprendizaje para los estudiantes.”

La Sra. DeBlois estará disponible para conectarse con los estudiantes, el personal y las familias de Clear Lake mientras ingresan a la escuela entre las 8 a.m. y las 9 a.m. el martes 26 de mayo. ¡Asegúrate de saludarla si puedes!

¡Felicitaciones a Jenn DeBlois y a la comunidad de Clear Lake!


Kraig Sproles, Superintendente de Bethel

Clear Lake News: Youth Events in the Area, Coco Visits Outdoor School Thu, 05 May 2022 23:35:25 +0000 Free Youth Activity at Hayward Field- Prefontaine Classic

With the World Track & Field Championships coming to the Eugene/Springfield area this summer, it is the perfect time to get local youth engaged in the sport of track & field. The Prefontaine Classic Youth Meet is the perfect opportunity for young athletes to compete in the same venue as the top athletes in the world and then enjoy the professional track & field meet that follows as a spectator for FREE!

Click here for more information

Free Classical Tickets for Youth Program

Italian Baroque from Cima to Vivaldi
Sunday, May 8 and Monday, May 9

This concert is eligible for The Shedd’s FREE CLASSICAL TICKETS FOR YOUTH PROGRAM, which provides students in high school and younger the opportunity to attend select concerts for free.  Contact The Shedd Ticket Office at 541-434-7000 for information and tickets.

Click Here for more information

Coco the Bear Visits Outdoor School

Last week, our 5th-grade students attended Outdoor School. We had two fun-filled and educational days at Camp Wiliani. Of course, Coco came along.


Clear Lake News, New Drop-Off Plan, Breakfast In The Cafeteria Tue, 26 Apr 2022 18:36:07 +0000 New Morning Drop-Off Plan

Beginning on May 2, we return to a more typical Clear Lake morning drop-off routine. All students will now enter through the front doors and breakfast will be served in the Cafeteria. Our afternoon pick-up routine will remain the same, with K-1 students exiting through the side doors. 

At this point, we do not have the ability to change our bus schedules or extend morning staffing so morning supervision will still begin at 8:40 AM. Please do not have students arrive before this time.

Click here to learn more and to view a drop off map.

