PTO Executive Council (Outdated)


The purpose of the PTO Executive Council is to facilitate the planning and presentation of district-wide programs by the parent groups: initiate and coordinate service to the community and promote effective communication among teachers, parents, students, administrators, and community members.


Membership on the Executive Council will consist of the PTO presidents and vice-presidents of Center Elementary School, Huckleberry Hill Elementary School, Whisconier Middle School, the president and vice-president of the Brookfield High School Parents Advisory Committee, the principals of Center Elementary School, Huckleberry Hill Elementary School, Whisconier Middle School, and Brookfield High School, the Superintendent, the Director of Curriculum, and one teacher representative from each school. In all cases, a designee may be appointed to represent a member.


Meeting of the PTO Executive Council will be conducted by co-chairpersons: one to be an administrator appointed by the Superintendent and the second to be a PTO vice-president elected by the PTO Council membership from the four schools. The co-chairpersons will be designated at the June meeting.

District Presentations

The Council will facilitate the planning and presentation of district-wide programs during the school year. After the entire Council has approved the theme and purposes of each presentation, representatives from each building PTO, teachers, and administrators will cooperatively plan and implement the presentation. The Superintendent will assist in the coordination of the planning.


The PTO Executive Council will meet three times per year. Sub-committees may meet more often. Meeting dates will be in September, January, and June at 7:30 pm in the TSO Curriculum Room to plan the agenda topic of upcoming programs.


The co-chairpersons will meet prior to each meeting to set the agenda. Members may suggest topics to either co-chairperson. Topics of interest may be added to the agenda at the time of the meeting. Every effort will be made to send the agenda to each member prior to the meeting.

Final Approval

The Superintendent is to have final approval of all district-wide PTO presentations.

School PTO

Brookfield Public Schools have independent PTO organizations which function to support the individual school and their school improvement efforts. These organizations are independent and work within a particular school setting.
