Programming for capable learners at the elementary level is structured around a 4 Tier model. Each tier addresses and provides support for the degree of a student's academic need.
TIER 1: Consists of an intense, modified curriculum, and pacing and is delivered in a School-Within-A-School (SWAS) model. A student that qualifies for this level of programming does so through a portfolio review and is invited into the program based on a rubric score that takes into consideration cognitive ability, performance and behaviors. This tier addresses the academic need of the top 3-5% of the population. Brainerd Public Schools SWAS is the AGATE Academy housed at Lowell Elementary.
TIER 2: Consists of enrichment opportunities and competitions that may be offered within the classroom, school or at the district level and may include formal cluster grouping within each elementary school. This tier of programming may require time beyond what the school day provides.
TIER 3: Consists of differentiation within the core curriculum. This tier is available to all learners as a student’s individual needs arise during the school day. These are considered Universal Interventions.