3Dslash video tutorial 50states.com
ABCya ABCya Christmas math Air Typer - keyboarding Animal Research: PBSkids Wild Kratts Animal Research: Pebble Go Animal Research: National Geographic Kids Animal Research: San Diego Zoo Kids
Bees and Honey
Bess Beetles
Brainerd Public Library Brain Pop
Butterflies-from pupa to butterfly Butterfly life cycle game Butterfly Migration Butterfly Migration2
Clocks from ABCya Code.org for 1Czeck Code.org for 1Kunesh Code.org for 1Miller
Constitution for kids Crossword Solver Countries of the World
Cyberbullying video from BrainPop
Dance Mat Typing
David LaRochelle Pumpkins Destiny Library Book Search
Dewey: ABC Authors - ordering
Dewey: Order Me Around
Dewey: Number game
Digraph Practice
Dot's Story Factory (PBS kids) Duolingo
Eagle Camera (live!)
Elibrary Minnesota (previously ELM)
Elementary Resource Page ISD181
Epic online books Evaluating websites for elementary students Evaluating Websites (Kathy Schrock's 5 tips)
First Thanksgiving (Scholastic) Freckle G Google Safe Internet Search
Hour of Code
Iditarod Race Inferring (Into the Book)
JacksonPollock art Jan Brett
Jetski Addition Junior Library Guild - free ebooks to read!
Khan Academy
Light and Shadows
Lightning Type
Lowell Happy staff video
Mancala Math at Khan Academy 3rd Grade Math at Khan Academy 4th Grade Math games at Adapted Mind
Math games/softschool Math playground
MCA Item Samplers Measurement
Mega Math
Moon Phases video
Moon Phases - images
Moon Phases site
Multiplication.com Music Lab by Chrome
Native American Research
Native Americans: Scholastic's the First Thanksgiving
Native Americans: Plimoth Plantation
Native Americans: video of Wampanoag home site O Olympics Ozoblockly
Pearson Access Next (MCA practice)
Pebble Go Research Picassohead
Picture Match (beginning letter sounds, short & long vowel words)
Plant Life Cycle1
Plant Life Cycle 2
Plant Life Cycle video 3 from PBS
Planting seeds Germinator video 4 Plants: Botany Games & Resources from Serenataflowers
Postcard maker Prodigy Math
Reading - How to help your child at home with reading
Renaissance Learning/Star
Scholastic Story Starters
Singing Practice for Lowell
Slime Kids
Smithsonian for kids
Solids, Liquids & Gases activity Solids, Liquids & Gases video1 Solids, Liquids & Gases video2 Solids, Liquids & Gases video 3 Songmaker by Chrome Sora app
South African Lions
Spelling City Starfall
Stop the Clock 1 (30 min. & on the hour)
Stop the Clock 2 (15 & 30 min)
Stop the Clock 3 (5, 10, 20 & 30 min.)
Storybird Storyjumper
Storyline on-line
Tangrams - ABCya Third grade Veteran's day program practice Trading Cards Typing.Com
US 50 States
Veteran's Day Program, Lowell 3rd Grade 2019 Veteran's Day
Veteran's Day video History
Veteran's Day Thank You Soldiers video
Washington, George
Weather Weatherbase - average temperatures
Weather for kids
Weather evaporation video
Weather-wind video Bill Nye
Weather: check out the weather song