Parent Involvement Compact Letter

Staff/Parent/Student Compact Mission

  • Title I Schoolwide Projects:

    • Michael Anderson
    • Eliseo C Feliz
    • Lattie Coor
    • Centerra Mirage
    • Desert Star
    • Desert Thunder
    • Wildflower
    • Copper Trails

    Part of our government grant for Title 1 requirements (due to our school’s high percentage of free/reduced lunches) is to have a staff/student/parent contract.  This contract ensures we work as a team to improve our students’ success at school.  Thank you for all you do to support us in making our schools a safe place for all children to learn and grow.

    In our commitment to put kids first, we will:

    As a teacher,

    • Have the responsibility to provide high quality curriculum and instruction in a supportive and effective learning environment that enables students to meet the standards
    • Believe that all students can achieve success
    • Be accessible and communicate with parents through, individual parent/teacher conferences (twice a year), report cards (quarterly), progress report (four times a year), classroom newsletter (quarterly), open communication by phone calls (respond within 24 hours or same day depending on situation), email, web-site, walk-in opportunities (volunteers, visits and observations)
    • Provide a safe school and classroom environment
    • Support student learning compassionately and enthusiastically
    • Respect the cultural differences of others      

    As parents/guardians, we want our children to have the best possible education and realize that strong school systems are essential and will join with school staff in supporting our children’s success by:

    • Making every attempt to get our child to school on time everyday
    • Reading and signing our child’s agenda each day
    • Reinforcing school rules and policies as they help our child learn, remain safe and gain self-control
    • Providing a minimum of one uninterrupted hour a day which will be devoted to a learning activity, homework or studying.
    • Reading and signing our child’s homework/agenda each day

    As a Student,

    • Work hard and do my best in class
    • Attend school regularly
    • Help keep my school safe
    • Ask for help when I need it
    • Respect and cooperate with other students and adults