Bay Backpack - Chesapeake Bay watershed-related lesson plans and activities, field studies, and professional development opportunities
Chesapeake Bay Program - Chesapeake Bay-related information and activities
Chesapeake Bay Foundation - SOL-aligned curricula and professional development
Department of Game and Inland Fisheries (DGIF) - wildlife and fisheries resources for students and teachers
Virginia's Water Resources: A Tool for Teachers (K-8) - A guide containing information and activities supporting interdisciplinary and problem-based teaching about watersheds, water quality, stewardship and management issues
Science Museum of Virginia - educational programs for students and professional development for teachers in grades K-12
Science Museum of Western Virginia - educational programs for students and professional development for teachers in grades K-12
Virginia Department of Forestry - conservation education information for students
Virginia Living Museum - information on resources and activities available at the museum
Virginia Museum of Natural History - information on professional development opportunities for teachers and resources for students including Virginia Science Standards Institute and Virginia Science Institute for STEM Education information and materials
Virginia Naturally School Recognition Program - information on the commonwealth's official environmental education school recognition program
Virginia Foundation for Agriculture in the Classroom - educational program to increase agricultural literacy in grades K-8
NASA - space-related educational resources for teachers and students
Presidential Awards for Excellence in Mathematics and Science Teaching - information on the highest recognition that a K-12 mathematics or science teacher may receive
Virginia Junior Academy of Science - information for programs and competitions for the advancement of science in grades 7-12
Experimenting with Enzymes - laboratory manual with enzyme experiments correlating with several biology and chemistry SOL
Reusing Plastic Bottles Science Projects and Crafts -
Plastic bottles are a simple and inexpensive material to use for science projects, too. Many families can gather a number of these bottles in just a short time, making it possible to begin exploring science with them.
Professional Organizations
Virginia Association of Science Teachers (VAST)
Virginia Science Education Leadership Association (VSELA)
National Science Teachers Association (NSTA)