
Mr Tomlin

434-528-6499 ext: 20852
Classes Taught:
Band 6, 7, 8

Upcoming Band Events:

Spring Concert: Tuesday, May 16th, 2017 @ 7:00pm in the MMS Gym. This performance is manditory for all 6th, 7th, and 8th grade band students.

King's Dominoin Festival of Music Band Competition: Saturday, May 6th, 2017 @ King's Dominion. This trip is for all 7th & 8th grade band students who have been doing what is expected of them in band class. Student's who have not consistantly meet classroom expectations, or who have not been practicing their intrument and show no improvement to the music being prepared for this competition, will not be allowed to go. This is an actual competition in which the MMS Advanced Band will be competing against other bands for 1st, 2nd, or 3rd place, as well as for a "Grand Champion" trophy. Schedule for the day is TBA


*Please remember that all band students are expected to practice at home for 60 mintues per week, or roughly 10-20 minutes per day. Students should be filling out "Practice Logs" every week which must be signed by parents before they turn them in for that week of practice. Practice Logs and practicing of instruments at home is graded as "homework" for band. Students who play tuba or baritone and cannot take their instrument home due to size, may come into the band room during homeroom in the mornings and practice their instrument.

*Parents, if you own or are renting your childs instrument for band, please keep in mind that every summer you should take the instrument to the music shop and have them service it. It's a good idea to have an instrument serveced once a year during the summer before school starts up.

Tips For Practicing at Home

Here are some great links to help students practice their instrument and music at home. Just click on the title to view the link.

Practicing Smart <----Great video onhow to get the most out of practice time.

How Important Is Practice? <----This video is an interview with NBA legend Michale Jordan. Even though it is a basketball video, what Jordan has to say about the importantce of practicing applies to everything we do in music and preparing for concerts.

Benifits of Playing an Instrument and Practicing <----Awesome video on how listening AND playing an instrument benifits the human brain.

File Uploads:
Click here to download and print blank copies of the Weekly Practice Logs.
Click here for a copy of the "Cheat Sheet" we use for the Major Scales we learn in 7th & 8th grade band.