My name is Jessica Witt, and I am a Title I Reading Specialist at AES. I went to elementary school at AES when I was growing up, and I am excited to teach here! I have previously taught Kindergarten and Second Grade. I am looking forward to working with students to build their literacy skills. Go Panthers!
Contact information: 434.946.9704 ext. 26132
Title I Reading Teacher/Reading Specialist
The Amherst County Public Schools’ vision statement states that ACPS will cultivate excellence in every child, every day. The ACPS Title I Program seeks to reinforce this vision by providing effective educational supports through a school-wide program that collaborates with parents and school staff so that every child is provided the opportunity to become a successful reader. We are deeply committed to equipping every child with the ability to read -- and read well! Learning to read is an essential skill for not only academic success, but for students to become life-ready. The ACPS Title I Program believes strongly that well-equipped, well-supported, and well-informed teachers are our best assurance in providing students with the critical reading and writing skills needed to be productive, literate citizens.
At AES we have a wonderful Parent Resource Center available to you! There are many fun games and manipulatives you can check out to help reinforce literacy skills your child is learning or needs extra help with. Please see the link below.
Link to Parent Resource Center List
Check out the Back to School edition of the APCS Literacy Links, Math Moments and Language Lens Newsletters! In this edition, we are spotlighting strategies to support learning at home and the Virginia Literacy Act. Are you looking for more resources for helping your child at home? These newsletters, as well as other resources to support your child's literacy development, are available on our ACPS webpage under "Parent and Family Literacy Links."
Literacy Links newsletter