K-12 Literacy and English Language Arts

It is our goal to motivate, inspire, and educate every child, every day by providing appropriate and comprehensive literacy instruction.

Our K-12 English Program includes communication and multimodal literacy, reading, writing and research standards that align with the English Standards of Learning.

ACPS uses a thematic approach to reading instruction. During each grading period, teachers have access to a variety of texts to support the development of skills outlined in the ACPS English Pacing Guides. These pacing guides provide guidance on how to incorporate skills from all four strands of the VDOE English Curriculum Framework.

During each thematic unit, students will read both fiction and nonfiction texts and have opportunities to respond to their reading through writing. ACPS uses the Harcourt Journeys basal series in grades K-5 and Holt Elements of Literature in grades 6-12.

  • VDOE English Instructional Page

    Visit the VDOE English page for updates and resources specific to the Virginia English Standards of Learning.
  • ACPS Curriculum and Pacing

    For information about our curriculum and pacing, visit our curriculum and pacing page.
  • ACPS Literacy Support Plan

    The ACPS Literacy Support Plan outlines literacy instruction in ACPS. This document includes an overview and schedule of the reading assessments given in ACPS, writing rubrics, and general guidance on best practices.
  • Specialized Literacy Personnel

    This page describes the roles and responsibilities of ACPS reading specialists and dyslexia advisors. A list of current reading specialists and their contact information is provided.
  • Title I Reading Program

    Title I is a federally funded remedial reading program designed to provide extra support to students who are six months or more behind their grade level in their reading. Title I is a service provided in each of our elementary schools.
  • Virginia Language and Literacy Screening System

    Click here to learn more about the VALLS assessment for grades Pk-3.
  • Advanced Placement Courses

    High school students seeking more challenging content can elect to take Honors and/or Advanced Placement Courses (AP). These courses include English Literature and Composition and English Language and Composition. More information about course offerings can be found in the Program of Studies.
  • Literacy Progress Monitoring

    Students are given literacy assessments to determine progress and growth three times per year. This includes VALLS and other local assessments. Teachers administer progress monitoring assessments to help inform their instruction between assessment periods. More information about literacy assessments can be found in the ACPS Literacy Support Plan.
  • Writing Instruction

    ACPS utilizes process writing, as well as responding to reading through writing. Students are given a writing prompt during each grading period. More information about writing, including the ACPS Writing Rubrics, can be found in the ACPS Literacy Plan.
  • Parent and Family Literacy Links

    Looking for ways to support your child's literacy development at home? Visit our Parent and Family Literacy Links page for ideas, resources, and links to support your child.
  • ACPS English Dashboard

    ACPS Staff, want to view and access resources at a glance? Click here for the ACPS English Dashboard where various resources are linked by topic.  This resource is regularly updated, so be sure to check back often.
  • ACPS Literacy Instructional Resources

    ACPS team, visit our Google Drive folder to access resources to help support your instruction.
  • Virginia Kindergarten Readiness Program

    The Virginia Kindergarten Readiness Program (VKRP) gives schools, teachers and families a complete picture of school readiness in 4 key areas: Mathematics, Literacy, Self-Regulation, and Social Skills.
  • VDOE Growth Assessments

    Beginning during 2021-2022 school year, students in Virginia public schools complete growth assessments in grades 3-8 reading and mathematics. Visit the VDOE Growth Assessment page for more information.
  • ACPS Division Literacy Plan

    As a component of the Virginia Literacy Act, ACPS has established a Division Literacy Plan to assist in communicating implementation expectations across all schools. The literacy plan is designed to improve early literacy outcomes for students in pre-kindergarten through grade eight and addresses how the local school board will align evidence-based literacy instruction practices and science-based reading research.