Mr. Hunter Berkey

434-946-2898 ext 30156

Voice Contact ~ 30899

Classes Taught:

1st Period: US/VA History

2nd Period:  US/VA History

3rd Period: APUSH

4th Period: Planning

5th Period: Duty

6th Period: US/VA History

7th Period: APUSH

Digital Platform: 

For all classes, we will be using Google Classroom as our digital platform. The code to join the classroom page is given in class. 

Course Syllabus: Berkey 24-25 Syllabus

  • All students will be given classroom guidelines and norms during the first week of school. Refer to the guidelines, student handbook, and school board policy for behavioral and grading expectations.
  • US/VA SOL/Curriculum Framework can be found on the VDOE website. link

Parents & Guardians:

If you would like to check on your student’s progress, please ensure you can access PowerSchool. Grades are updated regularly; late stages will be updated after all recent updates. 

I encourage you to contact me if you have any questions or concerns.

I look forward to working with you this year.