
The overarching objective of all science instruction in Amherst County Public Schools is to create and lead an environment where every child is questioning, exploring, and discovering new things every day. The Science and Engineering Practices reflected in the 2018 Science Standards of Learning describe behaviors that scientists engage in as they investigate the natural world and the practices that engineers use as they design and build models and systems.

Science utilizes observation and experimentation along with existing scientific knowledge, mathematics, and engineering technologies to answer questions about the natural world.  The scientific method, which includes systematic observation, measurement, and experimentation as well as the formulation, testing, and modification of hypotheses, is used as scientists investigate the natural world. Engineering employs existing scientific knowledge, mathematics, and technology to create, design, and develop new devices, objects, or technology to meet the needs of society. Engineers apply science and mathematics as they engage in the Engineering Design Process.

  • ACPS Science Leads

    Here is a list of our current Science Leads:
    ACHS - Rebekah Pekar
    AEC - Katherine Bowen
    AMS - Lisa Laub
    MMS - Kristy Tyree 
    AMEL - Jessica Burks
    AES -Deana Shiverdecker
    CES - Kori Tyree
    EES - Patti Givens
    MHES - Josh Adams
    TES - Carla Stinnett
  • VDOE Science Instructional Page

    Visit the VDOE Science page for updates and resources specific to the Virginia Science Standards of Learning.
  • ACPS Curriculum and Pacing

    For information about our curriculum and pacing, visit our curriculum and pacing page.
  • ACPS Science Dashboard

    ACPS Staff, want to view and access resources at a glance? Click here for the ACPS Science Dashboard where various resources are linked by topic.  This resource is regularly updated, so be sure to check back often.
  • ACPS Science Instructional Resources

    ACPS team, visit our Google Drive folder to access resources to help support your instruction.
  • Family Science Links

    Looking for ways to support your child's science development at home? Visit our Family Science Links page for ideas, resources, and links to support your child.