Innovation and Learning

Supervisor of Innovation


Dr. Marvin McGinnis

Supervisor of Innovation, Learning, History and Elementary School Improvement

946-9386 x9563




Dr. McGinnis attended the University of Virginia where he earned a Bachelor’s degree in education as well as a Master’s of Arts in teaching with a minor in communications and government and foreign affairs. He then went on to earn his Doctorate in Educational Leadership from Virginia Tech. Dr. McGinnis has 30 years of experience in public education that began in 1991. He has six years of classroom experience teaching history, world studies, and modern English and he has 24 years of experience as an administrator. Dr. McGinnis served as an Assistant Principal at Bedford Elementary, as Principal at Benjamin Franklin Middle and as Principal at Body Camp Elementary before joining ACPS. Dr. McGinnis joined the Amherst County Public Schools team in the 2014-2015 school year as Principal of Madison Heights Elementary School and continued to serve in that leadership role until June, 2021.

The Supervisor of Innovation and Learning oversees the integration of new learning and assessment opportunities incorporating the 5Cs (communication, critical thinking, collaboration, creativity and citizenship) with problem based learning for better student outcome.  

In compliance with the Virginia Department of Education's innovation plan of action, Amherst County Public School will take the initiative to:

  • employ nontraditional approaches to curriculum, instruction, assessment, graduation, and/or school operations,

  • to provide students with new and innovative opportunities for learning, personal growth, intellectual and physical engagement, and achievement outside traditional delivery models that aligned to the Virginia Profile of a Graduate and may include;

  • competency-based learning, including the identification or development of alternate, valid, and reliable methods for meeting standards and division curriculum objectives and for objectively measuring, aggregating, and reporting mastery of learning;

  • innovative learning environments such as including students in the design of learning such as significant content delivery using technology, virtual, and blended learning approaches;

  • integrated curriculum and courses designed to provide students with authentic, relevant learning experiences;

  • demonstrated competencies tied to Virginia’s 5 C’s: critical thinking, creative thinking, collaboration, communication, and citizenship;

  • programming outside the regular school day that may include extended-day or extended-year initiatives, before- and after-school programs, weekend, and summer programs, work internship opportunities, and other nontraditional strategies.