434-946-2898 ext. 30232
Classes Taught:
9th grade Health and PE
Dear Parents or Guardians,
Hello, I would like to introduce myself. I am Mrs. Chandler and I am your student’s Health and Physical Education teacher. This is my 19th year of teaching at Amherst County High School. I moved here from North Eastern PA right after college to start my teaching career. I met my husband here and we have been married for 11 years and have 1 son Drew and our 2 black cats Bella and Beau. We love to be outside and our favorite place to be is Pigeon Forge TN in the mountains.
We will be using Google classroom for class and we will use it during PE and Health. If your child is absent from class, please make sure the student logs into the classroom page to get the material for the class that day. I will also have assignments posted for any student that is out for a prolonged period of time due to injury or illness. Arrangements will be made for students that do not have access to the internet at home. Please contact me if you have any questions.
The students will be dressing out for class as well as safely participating in physical activities in class. Due to the physical demands of this class I do ask that if your student has a medical condition that may affect their abilities to participate or a condition that I should be aware of please let me know as soon as possible. I will work closely with your student to make sure that they are safe while in my class as well as provide any accommodations that may be needed to help them be successful. I have forms for the use of medication during the school day. These forms need to be filled out and submitted to the nurse, this includes the use of an inhaler, EpiPen, OTC pain medicine etc. If your child uses an inhaler or Epi-pen please make sure to fill out the medical form to allow the student to carry them on their person during the day. Our classes go outside and I want to make sure your student has access to their medication if needed.
I am excited about the new school year and seeing all the new faces. I am looking forward to getting to know your student as well as getting to know you. I hope to show all of my students how enjoyable physical activity can be and to give them the knowledge and skills to be active throughout life. I ask you as the parent/guardian to please encourage your student to be prepared for class every day and to participate fully during class. You may email me which I respond to faster or call me at any time if you have any questions or concerns. Thank you and have a wonderful day!
Mrs. Chandler
Health and Physical Education
434-946-2898 ext. 30232
The state of VA requires all incoming 9th grade students to learn Family and Friends CPR, First Aid and AED use. This is NOT a certifying course at the end of the unit I can not and will not be issuing the students a CPR certification card. The state requires them to take and pass a CPR/First Aid test as well as a Hands on Test demonstrating proper CPR technique and use of an AED. This will appear on their transcripts before graduation to show that they completed the unit.
Below is the dress code for all of my students.
Classes are Coed All students will follow School dress code:
- Shorts/Sweatpants/Sports Leggings
- T-Shirt with sleeves and must come past waist band of bottoms. School appropriate logos only
- Tennis shoes
- Please bring extras of each to keep in your gym locker in case you forget your clothes or if the class goes outside.
PE class is a participation based class if a student is absent they are unable to participate. They will have the option to complete an at home workout or a 1-page Absentee Essay. The workouts and the essays will be located in the Absent work topic on the Google Classroom page. The student will choose which assignment to complete and once finished will submit it to the classroom page. This assignment is due the day after they return to class. This assignment will earn them their credit for class that day. The Absentee workouts and essays are ONLY needed for when they are absent from PE.
Resources for PE
_Personal Fitness Plan Log Sheet 2022.pdf
VA Health SOLs 9th grade